Saga of Westmarch Wiki

Narrator: The delvers are heading north to return to Polisberg. They have just defeated a huge mass of some kind of hostile slime.
Narrator: Ahead of them, the road rises into a pass through the mountains.
GM: Currently, Thasos is disabled at -5 HP, the air stinks of burnt slime, and it's around 3PM, I think.
GM: What are people up to?
** Ghazeb cleans his equipment of slime. **
Beltarne: I'm working on patching up folks, one way or another.
** Wolfgang cleans slime off stuff and checks for any damage **
Beltarne: First Aid on Thasos, or did I already do that?
** Marik beats out the last of the sparks on his coat, gives Minnizig a glare, then begins scouting around quietly to make sure there aren't any further threats. **
GM: No visible damage, Wolfgang. Everyone's equipment is readily cleaned off.
GM: Beltarne, I don't think we did ANY of that.
Beltarne: Okay, I'm gonna apply bandages and wiggle my fingers, then
Beltarne: First Aid for Thasos roll!
Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (Humanoid) (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (15) or less Success! by 8 Conditional: +1 from 'First Aid Kit'
Beltarne: [1d6] => [6] = (6)
Beltarne: Great Healing for Thasos, 4 FP!
GM: Thasos is stabilized!
GM: Major healing, dude, major healing.
Beltarne: Sorry, yes, that
Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,6,5] = 16 vs (15) or less Failure! by 1 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
GM: Anyone doing anything else in the half hour or so that Beltarne is mucking with Thasos?
Beltarne: Can we say I was doing the shouty version, or should I try again?
GM: I'll let you to the shouty version for +1, sure.
Wolfgang: did the bridge burn away?
Beltarne: Final Minor Healing to top him off.
Beltarne: Minor Healing (Holy) (16) [3d6.skill(16,1)] => [6,4,6] = 16 vs (17) or less Success! by 1 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
GM: Wolfgang - not quite.
** Ghazeb licks his fur **
GM: That takes some time. What now?
Beltarne: Well, now I'm pondering whether slimes are worth money
Marik: We established last session that they aren't, I think.
Beltarne: Ruminating, as it were
GM: Not in their current heavily cooked state, now.
GM: I mean, no.
Wolfgang: poke around and keep a lookout for the annoying birds
Marik: Can we get more marching in before nightfall?
GM: The eagles are still shadowing you.
GM: Marik: yes.
Marik: Then once everyone is fit to move, I say we get underway.
Beltarne: "Shall we press onward to the cave?"
** Wolfgang makes faces at the eagles **
Wolfgang: "Yah, love to lose the birds first"
Wolfgang: "Be nice to keep our good or bad luck with the cave door from slimer the druid"
Beltarne: "I have a feeling that druid isn't going to be too happy if we show back up later."
Marik: "Unless you want me to start shooting them - in which case I'd lay even odds that rockhead will pop out of the ground -- then we're not really able to do anything about the eagles."
Beltarne: "Aye,that's so. I just hate being spied on."
Wolfgang: "I'm more than happy to play with rocky while you turkey shoot"
** Thasos snorts and points in the direction of the cave. **
Marik: How many eagles are shadowing us?
** Beltarne shrugs his shoulders unhappily, "Aye, to the cave" **
Ghazeb: how far off is the cave?
GM: 3, I think.
GM: The cave is maybe 30-45 minutes' walk up the hill.
Ghazeb: lets forget about the birds, we are here now.
Wolfgang: "Yah, I guess he knows where we're headed"
GM: Sounds like 4 votes for pressing on to the cave, then.
Narrator: Marik quickly leads his fellow delvers to the cave, unerringly retracing his former path.
GM: Everyone roll Vision-7
Minnizig: Vision [3d6.skill(13,-7)] => [3,5,5] = 13 vs (6) or less Failure! by 7
Ghazeb: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-7)] => [5,1,4] = 10 vs (4) or less Failure! by 6
Beltarne: Vision (14) [3d6.skill(14,-7)] => [4,1,1] = 6 vs (7) or less Success! by 1
Marik: Vision: [3d6.skill(14,+2-7)] => [2,6,2] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
Marik: Luck.
Marik: Vision: [3d6.skill(14,+2-7)] => [4,3,5] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3
Marik: Vision: [3d6.skill(14,+2-7)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2
Beltarne: ((Yar!))
Thasos: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-7)] => [4,6,6] = 16 vs (4) or less Critical Failure! by 12 [B556]
Wolfgang: Vision (13) [3d6.skill(13,-7)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (6) or less Failure! by 6
whispering to Beltarne, There are some faint stone carvings on the wall "VD W H" and what looks to be an arrow pointing higher up on the wall.
whispering to Marik, There are some faint stone carvings on the wall "VD W H" and what looks to be an arrow pointing higher up on the wall.
Beltarne: "Are those carvings?"
whispering to Thasos, Marik and Beltarne are clambering over a bunch of natural rock fractures and looking like right fools.
** Thasos is busy looking in a different direction. He squints. **
Marik: "VD W H. Hmh. Mean anything to any of you?"
Beltarne: "Looks like it says, 'VD W H'... and an arrow?"
** Marik shoulders his bow and begins climbing the rock face. **
Beltarne: "What was the name of that alchemist?"
** Thasos goes over to where Marik and Beltarne is. He scratches his head. **
GM: Marik and Beltarne can make Search rolls. Thasos can make one, too.
Thasos: adding ST to move boulders?
Beltarne: Search (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [1,6,2] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
Marik: Search: [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [1,3,4] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
Thasos: ST (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [2,2,3] = 7 vs (13) or less Success! by 6
Thasos: for beltarne
GM: Search is not Strength, dude.
GM: No, it's a Search roll. You're looking for stuff, not moving boulders.
Thasos: fine... what's the default? :P
Marik: Per-5
GM: Yeah, that.
Thasos: Per (11) [3d6.skill(11,-5)] => [1,1,5] = 7 vs (6) or less Failure! by 1
GM: Well, Thasos gets in the way a bit, but you two eventually find a small crevice in which someone has tucked a book.
** Thasos is disappointed at the find. **
GM: The book is completely ruined, with most of the pages waterstained and the ink bled through. A few pages in the middle are more or less legible but Beltarne and Marik can't read them.
GM: There is also a small linen map stuck in the pages, slightly waterstained. See the MapTools map.
Waterstained Linen Map
Beltarne: Can Minnizig read the pages?
Wolfgang: can't read because it's ruined or a different language?
Minnizig: "Sure can't, but thanks for asking." She squints. "I've seen trade documents from beyond Shigrad that have writing like this, though."
GM: Some of the characters are weird and they are combined in ways that don't make any sense - as if someone fell asleep on a keyboard.
Beltarne: "Hmm.. isn't that where Thasos is from, roughly?"
Wolfgang: "Hmm, the map says something about the cave being the way, but the way back being a long walk."
Beltarne: Show the pages to Thasos, otherwise carefully store them for deciphering in town then enter the cave.
Wolfgang: "Maybe that door is a one way thing?"
** Thasos looks at the pages. **
whispering to Thasos, They don't make sense to you, beyond more from the Grad region than the Shi region.
whispering to Thasos, Ghazeb's from around there, you think.
** Marik takes the map and tries to reconcile it with those he already has, in order to figure out where we are in relation to the new map. **
** Thasos shakes his head. After a moment, he looks at Ghazeb and hands them over to him. **
** Ghazeb sits and licks his fur. **
GM: Marik, roll Cartography.
Ghazeb: "No thanks, Ghazeb does not need to go just now."
** Wolfgang peers over shoulders at the map **
Marik: Cartography: [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [3,3,6] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
** Ghazeb hands them back **
** Thasos opens his mouth, then quickly closes it and snorts. **
GM: Hard to say. At a rough guess, the blue line is the main road - heading west from Polisberg into the Sylwood Forest and Shelbury Tor (which is on your Sylwood Forest map) and southwest between two mountains toward Shining Lake.
Beltarne: "Aye, it looks like the door may be one way. I wonder if just opening it triggers whatever causes it to be so, or if we can at least check to make sure the key works without harm."
GM: The rest of that stuff you're not too sure about. Roughly guessing, you're near the writing between the blue and brown lines "Storm Pass to Deep Cave"
Ghazeb: ((kids want a snack, brb))
** Thasos stuffs the book in his backpack. **
Minnizig: Start to make a comment, then sighs and goes back to reading about faeries.
** Marik puts the map away with the others, and shrugs. "On to the cave." **
GM: As relevant note, from the harpy nest, Marik could see some woods and beyond then sharp black mountains to the WSW.
Beltarne: "What is it lass?"
Marik: So, Ebon Teeth and Silent Forest. Check.
Minnizig: "Should Thasos have that book? Can he even read it?
Marik: "It's an illegible cipher. I don't expect it's an issue."
Beltarne: "No one here can read it."
** Thasos points emphatically at Ghazeb. **
Minnizig: "Well, alright then."
GM: So now what?
** Thasos sighs and shrugs helplessly. **
Marik: Onward to the cave.
** Ghazeb points at the cave. **
Ghazeb: "Or we could go home. My fur is starting to itch."
Wolfgang: "Finding out what to expect in it might help"
Minnizig: "That's awful. Maybe I can find you an ointment or something to put on for that."
Marik: "What fur?"
** Ghazeb lucks sad **
** Beltarne chokes back a laugh. **
GM: Into the cave, then?
Marik: To the cave!
Beltarne: To the cave!
GM: I mean, you're standing right outside it, should be easy enough.
Wolfgang: again!
GM: Everyone roll Perception based traps at -9.
** Wolfgang remembers last time, goes last **
Marik: Traps: [3d6.skill(15,-9)] => [2,5,5] = 12 vs (6) or less Failure! by 6
Ghazeb: can I just not roll?
Wolfgang: Vision (13) [3d6.skill(13,-14)] => [3,6,4] = 13 vs (-1) or less Critical Failure! by 14 [B556]
GM: Sure!
Marik: Hm, vision doesn't help that.
Beltarne: I can't roll
Thasos: Per (11) [3d6.skill(11,-9)] => [6,1,4] = 11 vs (2) or less Failure! by 9
Wolfgang: yah, I will not roll if allowed since it's hopeless
Minnizig: Traps [3d6.skill(14,-9)] => [5,5,5] = 15 vs (5) or less Critical Failure! by 10 [B556]
Thasos: oh... should i not have rolled then?
Beltarne: Well, wolfgang and Thasos both have skills below 3
Beltarne: right
Thasos: can we assume I'm not poking around with a finger then?
Narrator: The delvers walk into the cave, turning left and then right as they make their way through the forboding rock passages. Suddenly, Ghazeb feels a slight pressure around his ankle and then the passage fills with the sound of clanging pans and bells.
Ghazeb: "Why me?"
GM: You were slightly in the lead.
GM: What are people up to?
Marik: "Pans and bells. I can live with that."
Ghazeb: "Why Ghazeb?"
Beltarne: "Better than last time."
** Marik melts against the wall and hides. **
GM: Roll it, Marik.
** Beltarne readies his axe and looks fierce **
Marik: Stealth: [3d6.skill(19,-5)] => [4,3,4] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
** Thasos tries to get into the shadows as well. **
Marik: Hey, I made a roll against 14!
Thasos: Stealth (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [6,6,1] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
GM: Roll Stealth -5, Thasos...
GM: Okay, you're hidden.
Ghazeb: me too
** Wolfgang readies his shield and a hatchet **
GM: Roll Stealth -5, Ghazeb.
Ghazeb: Stealth (15) [3d6.skill(15,-5)] => [2,4,5] = 11 vs (10) or less Failure! by 1
GM: Various people hide.
GM: Now what?
Beltarne: Advance slowly
Ghazeb: yup.
GM: People who are advancing can move up to 7 hexes.
** Wolfgang will hide if everyone else is **
Wolfgang: DX (14) [3d6.skill(14,-5)] => [1,6,4] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
Ghazeb: "which way?"
Narrator: As the delvers creep up to the fork in the passage, they can see a stack of kegs and barrels blocking the left passage that leads to the locked door.
Ghazeb: "Left it is."
Beltarne: "Hmm... a barricade, or a trap?"
Ghazeb: "One way to find out."
GM: Ghazeb, that's your 7 hexes.
Beltarne: Keeping my shield between me and the barrels as much as possible, I advance.
GM: I'm assuming that people are where they want to be.
Wolfgang: this an attempt at a barricade or total blockage?
** Marik looks around. "Wait about thirty seconds before you do anything rash." **
GM: If that's not correct, you need to move forward up to 7 hexes.
Marik: "Oh, bugrit. Rash action away."
GM: This is a barricade. You could climb over it with a DX check.
GM: ... I mean, you can get over it, failing the DX check would just involve landing heavily on the other side.
Beltarne: "what would giving it 30 seconds earn us?"
** Ghazeb kicks the lead barrel. **
** Thasos tries to stop him. **
GM: Your foot hurts. They're pretty heavy barrels.
** Thasos puts a finger to his lips. **
** Ghazeb shrugs and starts climbing. **
Ghazeb: DX (16) [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [3,1,1] = 5 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 11 [B556]
** Marik whispers, "I was going to cut around and come at them from the other side, but carry on. This is too funny to miss." **
** Thasos rolls his eyes and climbs after him. **
GM: Ghazeb, make a Vision-2 roll as you clamber over the barricade.
** Thasos does a leaping flip over the barrels. **
** Beltarne whispers to the darkness behind him, "There's another way around?" **
Thasos: Acrobatics (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [2,4,1] = 7 vs (15) or less Success! by 8
Ghazeb: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-2)] => [5,5,1] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
GM: Thasos, make a Vision -4 roll.
Thasos: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-4)] => [1,4,5] = 10 vs (7) or less Failure! by 3
GM: Ghazeb, take [1d6-2] => [6,-2] = (4) (2) piercing damage to your foot as you step on a caltrop.
GM: Uhm... that was unclear. DR is halved against this.
Ghazeb: Ouch, watch out guys.
GM: Thasos, take [1d6-2] => [4,-2] = (2) and [1d6-2] => [1,-2] = (-1) and [1d6-2] => [1,-2] = (-1) AD2 piercing damage to your feet as you step on caltrops.
GM: Also, both of you make HT-2 rolls.
Thasos: how much damage is that effectively?
Ghazeb: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,-2)] => [1,4,6] = 11 vs (11) or less Success! by 0
Thasos: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,-2)] => [4,1,1] = 6 vs (11) or less Success! by 5
GM: Actually, Thasos should take [1d6] => [2] = (2) and [1d6] => [3] = (3) and [1d6] => [2] = (2)
Beltarne: ((Backflipping onto caltrops hurts more))
** Thasos leans back against the barrels to pull the caltrops out. **
GM: Thasos takes no damage after DR. Ghazeb takes 3 points after DR. The poison the caltrops are liberally coated in does not effect either of you.
** Thasos glares at Ghazeb. **
Ghazeb: "What?"
** Ghazeb shrugs. **
** Marik isn't laughing, honest. **
** Ghazeb carefully moves on. **
Goblins: Crossbow to Thasos [3d6.skill(15,10-4-6)] => [1,1,2] = 4 vs (15) or less Critical Success! by 11 [B556]
Goblins: [3d6.crit_hit()] => [3,2,1] = 6 The blow inflicts maximum normal damage. [B556]
** Thasos waves over the barrels at the others to come over slowly. **
Thasos: no dodge?
Marik: On a critical success for an attack from stealth?
Narrator: As Thasos waves to the other delvers, a crossbow bolt suddenly penetrates his armpit.
** Thasos takes a bolt as he waves. **
GM: You take 11 impaling, DR protects normally, for end result of 14.
GM: Roll for Berserk. Then consciousness.
Beltarne: ((Heh))
Thasos: Resist Berserk (15-) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [4,4,1] = 9 vs (15) or less Success! by 6
Thasos: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [3,6,2] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
GM: Okay, you're in hefty pain.
GM: Let's get this party started.
** Thasos grimaces. **
** Ghazeb can not believe that was not Ghazeb who got it. **

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [29] Ghazeb
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Ghazeb: Can I not see any of them?
GM: You can see what you can see.
** Thasos points between the gap across the way. **
Ghazeb: Impulsiveness (12 or less) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [4,1,2] = 7 vs (12) or less Success! by 5
Ghazeb: Overconfidence (12 or less) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [2,1,1] = 4 vs (12) or less Critical Success! [B556]
GM: You're not even sure where the bolt came from.
** Ghazeb ducks behind a barrel. AoD X2 **
Ghazeb: "Ghazeb cant see them."

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

Ghazeb: ###
** Thasos ducks next to Ghazeb. **
Thasos: AoD dodge
GM: Okay.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Marik
(on deck: [26] Warrior)

** Ghazeb smiles at Thasos. "You OK, that looks like it hurt a we bit." **
Marik: Move.
Marik: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Goblins: Wait, in darkness.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

** Thasos snorts derisively, but grimaces just the same. **
Beltarne: Can I advance along the left (to Beltane) side of the barrels in front of me and use them for cover for anything to the north-west?
Beltarne: moving south between the barrels and the wall
GM: At half speed and DX roll. There's not a lot of space, though there is some.
Beltarne: Are my defenses going to be comprimised from stuff firing from that southern tunnel?
GM: The south tunnel? You might open up your flank.
Beltarne: Alright, I'm gonna advance. DX roll
Beltarne: DX (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [6,4,5] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3
Beltarne: I am rolling awesome tonight.
Beltarne: Does that mean I'm prone, or stuck?
GM: You end up kneeling between the wall and the barrels, effectively.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Minnizig)

Beltarne: Got it.
Wolfgang: crouch at the barricade, waiting for the incoming bolts
GM: Okay.
GM: Remember, you can't fly in these tunnels, only in the main room.
Marik: "Thasos, wait there just *one* second..."

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Minnizig
(on deck: [24] Brute)

** Thasos nods. **
Minnizig: "What should we doing?" Advance, preparing to Dodge.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Brute
(on deck: [23] Minions)

Goblins: Wait in darkness

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] Minions
(on deck: [22] Lizard)

Goblins: Drop crossbow, grab another one.
Goblins: Also, aim at Thasos.
Goblins: Also, aim.
Goblins: Also, do stuff.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Lizard
(on deck: [29] Ghazeb)

Shock Lizard: Aim.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [29] Ghazeb
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

** Ghazeb peaks around his barrel and tries to get a good look. **
Ghazeb: AoD
Ghazeb: ###
Thasos: how small are these barrels? i thought i was crouched behind them, out of site.
GM: There are several goblins crouched or prone behind another pair of barrels on the far side of the chasm.
Marik: They're probably cover.
GM: The barrels are keg sized - about 2 feet around? They're movable, for sure.
GM: Only the stack of 4 is great cover.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

GM: Roll to resist unconsciousness.
Thasos: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [3,5,4] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
Thasos: Resist Overconfidence (12-) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [4,1,3] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4
** Thasos remains behind cover. **
Thasos: ALL-OUT DEFENSE: Increased (+2 to Dodge, Parry OR Block); dodge = move up to 1/2, others = step {B366}
Thasos: dodge

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Marik
(on deck: [26] Warrior)

Marik: ((Did I confuse Ghazeb and Thasos, or did Thasos move? O.o))
Thasos: Ghazeb moved
GM: Ghazeb is orange, Thasos is brownish.
Marik: Fast-Draw (Potion): [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [5,6,5] = 16 vs (14) or less Failure! by 2
Marik: I draw a potion, and curse.
Marik: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Goblins: Darkness!

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: All out Dodge forward, moving back to standing
Beltarne: Do I get a full 3?
GM: No, just 1 + the stand.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Minnizig)

Beltarne: ((That was my full move, yes?))
GM: Yes.
** Wolfgang carefully puts down his quick release backpack as he doesn't know how fragile the boxes are **
Wolfgang: ###

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Minnizig
(on deck: [24] Brute)

Minnizig: All-Out Dodge and advance.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Brute
(on deck: [23] Minions)

Goblins: Darkness

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] Minions
(on deck: [22] Lizard)

Goblins: aim at Ghazeb, aim at Thasos, wait, stuff.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Lizard
(on deck: [29] Ghazeb)

Shock Lizard: Aim at Ghazeb

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [29] Ghazeb
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Ghazeb: can I get past this pile of barrels and still AoD as I move?
GM: Sure! DX-2 to get over the barrels and you can only move 2 hexes.
Ghazeb: K I do that.
Ghazeb: DX (16) [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [3,2,1] = 6 vs (14) or less Success! by 8
Thasos: me
Ghazeb: ###
Ghazeb: "Come on you big Cow, lets get them."
Goblins: Loose a crossbow at Ghazeb [3d6.skill(15,10-6-3)] => [3,4,4] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5 aiming for the vitals
Ghazeb: Dodge (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [2,1,6] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3
Marik: ((15 +10? O.o))
Ghazeb: Dodge (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [4,5,6] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3
Ghazeb: ((Sorry about the reroll))
Shock Lizard: zap Ghazeb with lightning [3d6.skill(18,10-6-6)] => [5,1,6] = 12 vs (16) or less Success! by 4 predictive -6/-3
GM: We'll take it for the shocker lizard. You just pre-dodged!
Ghazeb: I get 2 yes, AoD
GM: Roll your second defense, then, you're about to be hit.
Marik: No, AoD: Dodge is the only one that allows a move.
Ghazeb: Dodge (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [5,1,6] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
Marik: For +2 on the dodge roll.
GM: Oh, Marik is right.
Ghazeb: K then luck
Ghazeb: Dodge (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [2,4,1] = 7 vs (12) or less Success! by 5
Ghazeb: Dodge (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [4,2,6] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
Ghazeb: "Ha!!"
Narrator: Lightning crackles as Ghazeb advances.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

Ghazeb: "Ghazeb pulled the fire it's safe now Thasos."
** Thasos climbs after him. **
GM: Thasos, roll consciousness.
Thasos: AoD
GM: Oh, and Ghazeb: roll Vision -2.
Thasos: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [6,4,5] = 15 vs (13) or less Failure! by 2
GM: Thasos falls unconscious, landing on [1d6+3] => [6,3] = (9)
** Thasos puts his hands on the barrels to pull himself over, and slumps over. **
** Thasos is now covered head to toe in caltrops. **
Ghazeb: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-2)] => [3,5,2] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
GM: caltrops, for [1d6-2] => [5,-2] = (3)
[1d6-2] => [5,-2] = (3)
[1d6-2] => [4,-2] = (2)
[1d6-2] => [3,-2] = (1)
[1d6-2] => [4,-2] = (2)
[1d6-2] => [5,-2] = (3)
[1d6-2] => [4,-2] = (2)
[1d6-2] => [3,-2] = (1) in the chest for simplicity.

Thasos: none of those penetrate DR
GM: Luckily, he is heavily enough armored that they don't penetrate his chi.
Beltarne: ((Should be less damage, weight is more evenly distributed than stepping on them))
Marik: ((It is, they're not Armor Divisor 2.))
Beltarne: ((Ah))
GM: Unfortunately, 2 of them touch his skin, and they're poisoned. Roll HT twice.
Thasos: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [2,5,5] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
Thasos: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [6,1,2] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
GM: Okay, no extra damage.
GM: Ghazeb steps on a caltrop, for [1d6-2] => [1,-2] = (-1) AD2 damage to the foot.
GM: ... well then.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Marik
(on deck: [26] Warrior)

Beltarne: ((He heals!! Holy caltrops of warm fuzziness!!!))
** Marik hops onto the larger barricade, running across the barrels, getting ready to toss the potion onto Thasos. **
GM: Alright.
GM: Next round, then?
Marik: Has to be, I can't call that two steps.
GM: okay.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Goblins: Darkness

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Moving
GM: That's 1 step.
Beltarne: Concentrate and Major Heal Thasos, +1 shouting, -5 second try today?
Beltarne: -1 range
GM: -3 for 2nd try.
GM: otherwise, you're good.
Beltarne: got it, rolling
Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-1+1-3)] => [5,4,5] = 14 vs (12) or less Failure! by 2 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
Beltarne: ###

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Minnizig)

Wolfgang: can I jump or move then jump to the top of the 2nd set of barrels?
Wolfgang: well, DX to get over them at least
Wolfgang: DX (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [3,4,4] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
GM: Sure, you can move up.
GM: I'd make you roll for the caltrops, but really, why bother.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Minnizig
(on deck: [24] Brute)

Thasos: I've probably got them all stuck to me now, so you should be safe :D
Minnizig: Start concentrating on a spell or something.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Brute
(on deck: [23] Minions)

Goblins: Wait in darkness

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] Minions
(on deck: [22] Lizard)

Goblins: Drop crossbows.
Goblins: Grab crossbows.
Goblins: Wait.
Goblins: Do stuff.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Lizard
(on deck: [29] Ghazeb)

Shock Lizard: Zap Ghazeb [3d6.skill(18,-6)] => [1,6,4] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Ghazeb: Dodge (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [5,1,3] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [29] Ghazeb
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Ghazeb: run as fast as I can, and still get a normal dodge.
Ghazeb: ###
GM: Alright.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Marik
(on deck: [26] Warrior)

Marik: Lean down and smash the potion against the back of Thasos' head.
GM: Telegraphed brawling strike to the head.
Marik: Minor healing, so [1d6+2] => [5,2] = (7) healed HP.
Marik: Brawling: [3d6.skill(14,+4)] => [2,2,5] = 9 vs (18) or less Success! by 9
Marik: That'll hit skull nicely.
GM: Yep.
GM: With a thud, glass breaks against Thasos' thick skull. He heals and wakes up!
Marik: "Don't say I never did anything nice."
Marik: ###
GM: However, he is hurting and annoyed and stuff. Thasos, roll to resist Bad Temper.
Thasos: Resist Bad Temper (15-) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (15) or less Success! by 9 Note: can trigger Berserk

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

** Thasos grunts and looks around. **
Goblins: Darkness!

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Beltarne attempts moar healing, major healing -6 for repeat, -1 range, +2 shouting
Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-6+2-1)] => [6,4,5] = 15 vs (10) or less Failure! by 5 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
Beltarne: ###
GM: I think Tyr is telling you something.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Minnizig)

Beltarne: ((My fricken dice roller today
Wolfgang: hmm, will it be dark over there for them too?
Wolfgang: to the right
GM: Possibly.
Wolfgang: get out and then fly
GM: Goblins can see in the dark.
Wolfgang: yes, maybe the lizards can't though
GM: okay.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Minnizig
(on deck: [24] Brute)

Wolfgang: land at the end
Minnizig: More spellcasting or whatever.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Brute
(on deck: [23] Minions)

Goblins: Wait in darkness.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] Minions
(on deck: [22] Lizard)

Goblins: Shift aim to Ghazeb.
Goblins: Aim at Thasos. Aim at Thasos.
Goblins: Wait.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Lizard
(on deck: [29] Ghazeb)

Shock Lizard: Aim and wait.
Thasos: kick 4646

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [29] Ghazeb
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Ghazeb: run.
Ghazeb: and jump
Ghazeb: try not to hit any caltrops
GM: Ghazeb - roll Jump.
GM: Then roll Vision -4.
Ghazeb: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-4)] => [6,5,6] = 17 vs (7) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Ghazeb: Jumping (16) [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [6,3,6] = 15 vs (16) or less Success! by 1
GM: The jump roll?
GM: AH, thanks.
Ghazeb: sorry kids
Goblins: Aimed point blank shot at Ghazeb [3d6.skill(15,10-3-6)] => [1,2,2] = 5 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 11 [B556] Predictive -6/-3
GM: Ghazeb is out of luck, so...
GM: [3d6.crit_hit()] => [6,5,4] = 15 The blow inflicts maximum normal damage. [B556]
GM: He takes 11 damage, impaling vs DR2, for 18 after DR.
GM: Roll HT for Major Wound.
Ghazeb: 3 rolls?
Ghazeb: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [3,1,1] = 5 vs (13) or less Success! by 8
GM: Oh, and then he lands on a bunch of caltrops, for [1d6] => [3] = (3)
[1d6] => [6] = (6)
[1d6] => [5] = (5)
[1d6] => [5] = (5)
all, piercing and AD2.

GM: After DR, that's 2, 4, 3, and 3 to the feet. Make 4 HT checks against the poison on the caltrops.
** Ghazeb dies knowing he made it just a little longer than Thasos. **
Ghazeb: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [4,6,3] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Ghazeb: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [3,3,3] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
Ghazeb: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [5,4,4] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Ghazeb: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [3,5,2] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
GM: Well, you're fine. You just walk funny for a bit.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

Thasos: can i crawl forward, pushing one of the barrels for movable cover?
GM: Sure! Make a ST-4 check to push the barrel.
Thasos: okay, and AoD still applies?
Thasos: ST (13) [3d6.skill(13,-4)] => [6,5,5] = 16 vs (9) or less Failure! by 7
GM: No, you can't AoD while crawling and pushing a barrrel.
GM: Barrel is heavy.
Thasos: i can't push the barrel either :P

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Marik
(on deck: [26] Warrior)

Marik: Draw and nock an arrow, while leaping from this set of barrels to the next.
GM: Sure.
Marik: Acrobatics?
GM: Sure.
Marik: Acrobatics: [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [3,5,6] = 14 vs (14) or less Success! by 0
Marik: ((Because they don't put the caltrops on TOP of the barricades.))
Ghazeb: ((smart guy))
GM: You can just do the arrow ready.
GM: Okay.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Goblins: Darkness.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Gonna move up to the second pair of barrels and crouch. Can I move slower and avoid the caltrops?
Beltarne: Drag my feet instead of stepping, like?
GM: I'll give you a +1 on the Vision roll to avoid them.
Beltarne: I can't just choose not to lift my feet off the ground?
Thasos: caltrops are pointy all over
GM: I'll give you a +2 for Move, half speed, but that's it.
Marik: ((Moving at half speed avoids caltrops automatically.))
Beltarne: Yes, but they need your weight to do damage
Marik: ((Wait, wrong system. Ignore me!))
GM: Actually, I'm fine with moving at half speed, not AoD, is good enough to avoid caltrops.
Beltarne: What's the total on the vision roll?
Wolfgang: ((well, it should since without your weight they

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Minnizig)

Wolfgang: ((won't get through even DR1))
Wolfgang: land on top of the barricade!
Goblins: Goblin brute steps forward and hits you with an axe [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [3,5,4] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2 DA-2/-1
Wolfgang: Axe parry [3d6.skill(14,-1+3)] => [6,4,1] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Minnizig
(on deck: [24] Brute)

Wolfgang: can I wild swing him?
GM: Uhm, sure.
Wolfgang: Hatchet [3d6.attack(18,-9)] => [1,1,6] = 8 vs (9) or less Success! by 1
Marik: Notably, with a move and attack it means you can't parry with the weapon and have -2 to other defenses.
GM: He could have blocked.
Wolfgang: hmm, so a parry makes it unready?
Marik: No, I mean after he makes the attack.
GM: You can't parry with the weapon on a move and attack.
Marik: He can parry the readied attack on the way in no problem, it's just a worry for the full round he's standing there being a target.
GM: Yep.
GM: Wolfgang - staying with the move and attack?
Wolfgang: I meant since I moved, I can't attack since I parried
GM: I'll let you turn the parry into a block, no skin off my nose.
Wolfgang: nah, I parried first
GM: ALright.
Minnizig: Step onto the barrels [3d6.skill(13)] => [1,1,2] = 4 vs (13) or less Critical Success! by 9 [B556] while concentrating.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Brute
(on deck: [23] Minions)

Goblins: Hit wolfgang again! [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [3,4,3] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4 DA-2/-1
Wolfgang: I thought the no weapon thing was only on slams
Marik: All move and attacks.
GM: No, its for Move and Attack or Committed Attack.
GM: Defend or get hit, this is a big goblin.
Wolfgang: Hatchet parry [3d6.skill(13,-2+3)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Wolfgang: ack -1 but OK

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] Minions
(on deck: [22] Lizard)

Goblins: Shooter 1 drops his crossbow, grabs another.
Goblins: Shooters 2, 3 shift aim to Wolfgang and shoot him [3d6.skill(15,-2)] => [5,2,2] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
[3d6.skill(15,-2)] => [2,1,6] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4

Goblins: Thug 1 steps forward, evaluating Wolfgang.
Wolfgang: Block (12) [3d6.skill(12,0+3)] => [3,1,1] = 5 vs (15) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
Wolfgang: Block (12) [3d6.skill(12,-3+3)] => [1,2,3] = 6 vs (12) or less Success! by 6

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Lizard
(on deck: [29] Ghazeb)

Wolfgang: Block (12) [3d6.skill(12,0+3)] => [6,6,5] = 17 vs (15) or less Critical Failure! by 2 [B556]
Wolfgang: oops
Shock Lizard: Step forward and zap Wolfgang [3d6.skill(18,-2-2)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (14) or less Success! by 8 Predictive -2/-1
Wolfgang: Dodge with Shield (10) [3d6.skill(9,-1+3)] => [4,6,3] = 13 vs (11) or less Failure! by 2
Wolfgang: boo!
Shock Lizard: Damage is [1d6+1] => [3,1] = (4) burning treats metal as DR1
Wolfgang: +3?
GM: What?
Wolfgang: their skill
Wolfgang: nm, wrong thing
GM: You take a point of damage.
GM: Roll HT to ignore the stunning effect.
Wolfgang: yes
Wolfgang: HT (14) [3d6.skill(14,+1)] => [2,6,6] = 14 vs (15) or less Success! by 1

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [29] Ghazeb
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Ghazeb: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [3,4,3] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
GM: Roll consciousness, and death, for that matter.
GM: You're at 1/2 move.
Ghazeb: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [1,3,1] = 5 vs (13) or less Success! by 8
** Ghazeb moves up screaming, sword held high. **
GM: Roll DX to jump on the barricade.
Ghazeb: ###
Ghazeb: DX (16) [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [6,5,2] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

Thasos: Acrobatics (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [2,4,4] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
GM: It's a roll at -6.
** Thasos flips to his feet. **
GM: So you just kneel.
GM: Unless you did it all-out.
GM: That'd be fine.
** Thasos slips and falls to his knees. **

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Marik
(on deck: [26] Warrior)

Marik: I have -5 range and +3 acc for a shot on Brute 1. Any other penalties?
GM: -3 for cover, between Wolfgang and the barrels.
Wolfgang: he's not on top of them?
GM: The brute? Nope.
Marik: Bow: to the weapon arm [3d6.skill(20,+3-3-5-2)] => [4,5,1] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
Goblins: Dodge! [3d6.skill(9,2)] => [4,4,1] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
Marik: Luck.
Goblins: Dodge! [3d6.skill(9,2)] => [1,2,6] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
Goblins: Dodge! [3d6.skill(9,2)] => [6,3,4] = 13 vs (11) or less Failure! by 2
Marik: Damage is [1d6+4] => [6,4] = (10) pi (AD2) to the arm.
GM: Damage?
Marik: Here's hoping that cripples it. >.>
Wolfgang: "Nice shot!"
Goblins: The brute grunts, not particularly impaired just because Marik put a clothyard shaft through his arm.
Marik: That's a bad sign.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

GM: Thasos, make a Perception -5 roll.
Wolfgang: ((depends on the armor))
GM: Beltarne, make a Perception -3 roll.
Beltarne: Per (14) [3d6.skill(14,-3)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (11) or less Success! by 4
Thasos: Per (11) [3d6.skill(11,-5)] => [4,6,5] = 15 vs (6) or less Failure! by 9
GM: Beltarne sees an goblin warrior step into the passageway, behind Minnizig. The is trying to move stealthily.
Beltarne: "Ware the rear!"
Goblins: "Curses!"
** Thasos turns at the sound of Beltarne's warning. **
Goblins: Goblin warrior finishes sneaking up behind the delvers but is spotted!

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Can I step into Minnizig's hex at half speed to avoid caltrops for 2 movement points, then continue at normal speed?
Goblins: Yes.
Beltarne: Rodger, gonna slam him then.
GM: Yes, even.
GM: Roll it.
Beltarne: Shield (Shield) (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [6,5,4] = 15 vs (14) or less Failure! by 1
Beltarne: ((Sigh))
GM: Keep going!
GM: That's good. Thanks!
Beltarne: I think there

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Minnizig)

Beltarne: ###
Wolfgang: throw hatchet at shooter one would be -1 range, -2 crouch?
GM: -4 cover (large goblin in way)
Wolfgang: -5 total?
GM: -7 total?
Wolfgang: bah
Wolfgang: drop hatchet, FD axe, sig attack brute
Wolfgang: Fast-Draw (Axe/Mace) (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [3,1,6] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5 Includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
Goblins: Resist feint! [3d6.skill(16)] => [4,3,5] = 12 vs (16) or less Success! by 4
Wolfgang: Signature Attack feint [3d6.skill(20,0-2)] => [2,1,3] = 6 vs (18) or less Critical Success! by 12 [B556] attack [3d6.attack(20,0-2)] => [4,5,6] = 15 vs (16) or less Success! by 1 (Auto DA for -2/-1)
Goblins: Block and retreat! [3d6.skill(11,2+1-1-8)] => [6,6,2] = 14 vs (5) or less Failure! by 9
Wolfgang: Axe [2d6+8] => [4,5,8] = (17) cut
Wolfgang: "Surrender now and only half of you have to die!"
Narrator: In a spray of red, Wolfgang carves open the goblin brute.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Minnizig
(on deck: [24] Brute)

Minnizig: "Yuck, more vermin! Uhm... You're ugly and you stink, you can't even think!" Casts Mental Stun on the Goblin Warrior that she must have heard subconsciously. [3d6.skill(15,1-2)] => [5,5,4] = 14 vs (14) or less Success! by 0
Goblins: Resist mental stun! [3d6.skill(10)] => [5,2,6] = 13 vs (10) or less Failure! by 3

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Brute
(on deck: [23] Minions)

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] Minions
(on deck: [22] Lizard)

Goblins: Thug 1 steps forward and hits Ghazeb [3d6.skill(15)] => [4,6,3] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
GM: Shield-side flank hit, -2 to defend.
Ghazeb: Parry [3d6.skill(16,2-2)] => [6,1,3] = 10 vs (16) or less Success! by 6
Marik: ((Can't use a weapon parry to the shield-side flank. Try a block instead.))
Goblins: Shooter 1 looses a crossbow at Wolfgang [3d6.skill(15,-1)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Goblins: Steps back, dropping the crossbow.
Ghazeb: Right, blocks instead, 10 still makes it.
Wolfgang: Block (12) [3d6.skill(12,0+3)] => [2,2,3] = 7 vs (15) or less Success! by 8
Goblins: Shooters 2 and 3 drop crossbows. Grab crossbows.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Lizard
(on deck: [29] Ghazeb)

Shock Lizard: Step forward, zap Ghazeb? or Wolfgang [1d2] => [1] = (1)
Shock Lizard: Zap! at Ghazeb! [3d6.skill(18,-2)] => [2,5,6] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3 Predictive -2/-1
Ghazeb: Block! [3d6.skill(12,2-5)] => [2,2,6] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
Wolfgang: shield wall still at -1?
GM: Uhm... predictive doesn't apply to blocks.
Wolfgang: Block (12) [3d6.skill(12,-3+3)] => [1,1,3] = 5 vs (12) or less Success! by 7

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [29] Ghazeb
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Ghazeb: Stay conscious? [3d6.skill(13)] => [6,5,6] = 17 vs (13) or less Critical Failure! by 4 [B556]

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

Thasos: can i acrobat jump to the top of the barrels by Minnizig?
GM: Sure, as a move.
Thasos: Acrobatics (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [6,1,5] = 12 vs (15) or less Success! by 3
** Thasos makes a dazzling leap to the top of the barrels, his meteor hammer ready to break skulls. **

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Marik
(on deck: [26] Warrior)

Marik: Leap down from the barrels and scamper across the caltrop-strewn floor, avoiding them deftly.
Marik: Vision: [3d6.skill(14,+2-2)] => [6,5,2] = 13 vs (14) or less Success! by 1
Marik: Draw and nock an arrow as I go.
Marik: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Goblins: Resist the mental stun that's going to end his life [3d6.skill(10)] => [1,6,4] = 11 vs (10) or less Failure! by 1
Goblins: "Huh?"

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Turn and telegraphic attack to the leg?
Beltarne: +4-3?
GM: No, +4-2.
Beltarne: Rolling
Beltarne: Axe/Mace (18) [3d6.skill(18,+4-2-4)] => [2,2,4] = 8 vs (16) or less Success! by 8 Includes: +1 from 'Pickaxe Penchant', +3 from 'Extra Pickaxe Penchant'
Beltarne: -2/4 DA
Marik: You can't DA and telegraph.
GM: You, by definition, can't telegraphic attack and deceptive attack in the same strike.
Beltarne: Ah yes, sorry
Marik: Besides, +4 to hit and +2 to defenses, used for -4 to hit and -2 to defenses...?
Beltarne: can I telegraph and rapid strike both?
GM: Yes, yes you can.
Beltarne: sush
Beltarne: okay, second roll, -6 rs, -2 legs, +4 Tel
Beltarne: Axe/Mace (18) [3d6.skill(18,-6+4-2)] => [5,2,1] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6 Includes: +1 from 'Pickaxe Penchant', +3 from 'Extra Pickaxe Penchant'
GM: Roll damage.
Beltarne: Axe * Primary [1d6+4] => [4,4] = (8) cut
Beltarne: Axe * Primary [1d6+4] => [4,4] = (8) cut
Beltarne: ((It's not easy being green))
GM: He's wearing scale, so DR4... 4 points for each hit.
GM: You rock him but he's still standing.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Minnizig)

Wolfgang: ))stupid cat
Wolfgang: grr, move
Wolfgang: ###
GM: okay.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Minnizig
(on deck: [23] Minions)

Minnizig: "It's time to take a nap in the dirt, this song is going to hurt!" Steps to the side and casts Sound Jet 2d. [3d6.skill(15)] => [3,1,6] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] Minions
(on deck: [22] Lizard)

Goblins: Thug 1 swings at Wolfgang [3d6.skill(15)] => [6,1,5] = 12 vs (15) or less Success! by 3
Goblins: Shooter 1 draws an axe.
Wolfgang: Axe parry [3d6.skill(14,0+3)] => [4,6,1] = 11 vs (17) or less Success! by 6
Goblins: Shooters shoot at Wolfgang [3d6.skill(15,-2-2)] => [5,1,4] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
Goblins: Shooters shoot at Wolfgang [3d6.skill(15,-2-2)] => [6,5,6] = 17 vs (11) or less Critical Failure! by 6 [B556]
Goblins: Hits the lizard? [3d6.skill(10)] => [3,6,5] = 14 vs (10) or less Failure! by 4
Goblins: Hits the thug? [3d6.skill(10)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (10) or less Critical Failure! by 7 [B556]
Wolfgang: Block (12) [3d6.skill(12,0+3)] => [2,3,6] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Goblins: Passes out from strain? Sure, why not.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Lizard
(on deck: [29] Ghazeb)

Shock Lizard: Zaps Wolfgang [3d6.skill(18,-2)] => [3,6,6] = 15 vs (16) or less Success! by 1 Predictive -2/-1
Wolfgang: Block (12) [3d6.skill(12,-3+3)] => [3,6,6] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3
Shock Lizard: Damage is [1d6+1] => [2,1] = (3)
Shock Lizard: Armor absorbs.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [29] Ghazeb
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

Thasos: I'm going to attack goblin warrior from behind
GM: That's an attack at -5.
Thasos: Meteor Hammer [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [3,5,1] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4 , TELEGRAPHED: attack is +4, defender has +2 defenses
GM: Should have probably been some other penalties but close enough.
Thasos: Meteor Hammer [2d6+3+0] => [6,5,3,0] = (14) cr
Goblins: Warrior blocks! [3d6.skill(13,2-2-4)] => [2,6,2] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
Thasos: he blocks an attack from behind??
Narrator: Thasos' shot wraps over the goblin's head and strikes him in the back. The goblin tries to block, but isn't fast enough and goes sprawling forward as his ribs crack.
Thasos: mark, isn't he facing beltarne?
GM: He's facing you, he knows that kusaris and flails can pull that trick, he's allowed to defend at -2.
GM: No, he's facing you.
Beltarne: I whacked him in the back
Thasos: eh, whatever

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Marik
(on deck: [26] Warrior)

Marik: ((I lost maptools and need to be kicked.))
Marik: Either way: Jump across, avoiding caltrops as I land. Running jump is 7 hexes.
GM: Vision roll at -4 to avoid caltrops.
Marik: Vision: [3d6.skill(14,+2-4)] => [4,6,5] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3
Marik: Luck.
Marik: Just making sure it's up.
GM: Nope, last used 45 minutes ago.
Marik: Alas.
Marik: Landing on barrels anyway!
GM: Actually, if you're landing on the barrels you avoid the caltrops, you're fine.
Marik: Yeah, map only loaded a few seconds after I called the action. :P
Marik: Go go Perfect Balance.
GM: Ah, roll Jump, please.
Marik: ###
Marik: Jumping: [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [1,5,3] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Moving
Beltarne: ###
GM: Roll DX, vision -2.
Beltarne: DX (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
Beltarne: Vision (14) [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [2,5,1] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Minnizig)

Wolfgang: SA on the thug
Wolfgang: Signature Attack feint [3d6.skill(20,0-2)] => [6,2,2] = 10 vs (18) or less Success! by 8 attack [3d6.attack(20,0-2)] => [4,5,4] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3 (Auto DA for -2/-1)
Goblins: Resist feint [3d6.skill(15)] => [2,5,4] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Goblins: Block [3d6.skill(10,2-4-1)] => [5,3,2] = 10 vs (7) or less Failure! by 3
Wolfgang: Axe [2d6+8] => [4,1,8] = (13) cut
Goblins: Dies

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Minnizig
(on deck: [23] Minions)

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] Minions
(on deck: [22] Lizard)

GM: ...
GM: So there's a minion with an axe, a shock lizard, and a cripple.
Beltarne: Wanna call it?
Marik: Wait, are these those same goblins we told to never come back here again?
GM: That was my thought, yes.
Beltarne: Fine by me.
GM: Well, two of the guys on the pallets are. There are other cripples in the room.
Marik: Man, we are so not heroes.
GM: The big guy, the guy with the crossbow, thug #1, and the warrior - you haven't seen these guys before.
GM: They have the same shield blazon, though.
Wolfgang: bah, they're goblins
Beltarne: What are you talking about, they're green. That's green for "okay to slaughter"
Minnizig: "They all look the same to me. Which is to say, ugly and malformed. Fungi shouldn't walk around like that."
** Thasos nods. **
Beltarne: Seriously, yes, we're kinda a-holes
** Wolfgang agrees with beltarne **
Beltarne: Then again, they eat sentients
** Ghazeb gasp and coughs up blood. **
Beltarne: and tried to eat Minnizig, IIRC
Wolfgang: ((yah, pretty much an anti-green racist for this character))
Minnizig: "Which shouldn't be held against them, because they are sentient themselves. Trees with teeth or something."
Beltarne: Are we calling it Mark?
GM: Calling the fight, certainly.
Beltarne: All in favor?
Beltarne: Aye
Marik: Right. We kicked in the door, we'll kill all the monsters, and then we'll loot the place.
GM: If you guys want to do anything else, there's 20 minutes or so.
Beltarne: Well, try the door, I suppose.
Beltarne: And I'm taking one of those crossbows.
Marik: Loot the place, and find out if our shiny new key opens the door.
Wolfgang: murder not quite dead gobbos
GM: Alright.
GM: There are less goblins now.
GM: Much less.
Beltarne: OK, healing Ghazeb
Marik: "Maybe if Ghazeb pulls through this, we can find some more maggot-ridden meat for him to chew on."
Beltarne: First Aid
Wolfgang: any loot? hopefully they got paid up front for this
Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (Humanoid) (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [6,1,6] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2 Conditional: +1 from 'First Aid Kit'
Minnizig: "Yuck!"
Beltarne: [1d6] => [1] = (1)
Wolfgang: "I'd finish him off this time I bet Marik"
Beltarne: Major healing, +2 for shouting and firm gestures
Wolfgang: * it'd
Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) (15) [3d6.skill(15,+2)] => [4,3,6] = 13 vs (17) or less Success! by 4 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
** Thasos makes a disapproving face. Even he wouldn't feed Ghazeb rotten food. Well, maybe a little. **
Beltarne: First Aid on Thasos
GM: The goblins have some loose change on them: 48 copper, 16 silver, 2 gold.
Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (Humanoid) (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [3,4,6] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2 Conditional: +1 from 'First Aid Kit'
Beltarne: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
GM: Thasos is beat up, but otherwise fine. Ghazeb is still disabled.
** Wolfgang approves of loose change and grabs it **
Beltarne: Minor Healing on Thasos, +2 shouting and gestures, -3 for repeated attempt.
Beltarne: Minor Healing (Holy) (16) [3d6.skill(16,-3+2)] => [4,6,2] = 12 vs (15) or less Success! by 3 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
** Thasos points at Wolfgang, and gestures in a circle. **
GM: They have crossbows, leather armor, hand axes, medium shields... the one who attacked from behind has an axe - Wolfgang thinks its orcish made in a dwarven pattern.
** Wolfgang looks at Thasos in confusion **
Wolfgang: "We'll divide it all up in town"
Beltarne: I'm gonna rest up and then do healing slumber on Ghazeb.
Beltarne: We'll stay the night here
Wolfgang: "Bah, what a clumsy attempt"
GM: Well, it has the Dwarven quality.
Wolfgang: "I've got some healing potions if that would help the furless nut"
Thasos: that armor... how much it weigh?
Beltarne: Healing Slumber (Holy) (16) [3d6.skill(16,+2)] => [2,6,2] = 10 vs (18) or less Success! by 8 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
GM: Lots, same as last time.
GM: 'cause its the same stuff.
Wolfgang: "I guess they did an OK job on the axe, I bet someone will buy it"
GM: And they have 1-2 suits of scale armor, some of it slightly dirty as they had to dig it out of wherever you tossed it.
Wolfgang: "Still, orc, bah"
Beltarne: What ST are the x-bows?
GM: Most are ST16.
GM: One is ST18.
Beltarne: Is there a goat's foot? And can I use lifting ST to cock an x-bow?
GM: There are like a dozen goats feet.
GM: And yes, lifting ST to cock a crossbow seems appropriate to me.
GM: Well... with a goat's foot, by hand is Striking ST.
Beltarne: K, grabbing a goat's foot and the ST 18 x-bow.
GM: Fine.
Beltarne: And 20 bolts and a quiver
Wolfgang: how many HP is Ghazeb down?
GM: He's at -9 after Beltarne heals him.
Thasos: shit
Beltarne: He'll be better off after a night's sleep
** Thasos looks at Ghazeb grimly. **
GM: Do you guys want to try to open the door tonight or save it for another night?
Beltarne: I can major heal him again too.
Thasos: we have 10 minutes
Wolfgang: I'll pour an minor healing pot down his gullet
Thasos: let's do it
Marik: You know what? Another night sounds like a good plan.
Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) (15) [3d6.skill(15,+2-3)] => [5,1,1] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
Wolfgang: [1d6+2] => [4,2] = (6)
GM: Now he's just staggered, with 5 HP left.
