Saga of Westmarch Wiki

Narrator: The delvers are in a sunken grotto, deep in the caverns. The mutant elder spawn children of the cult are reacting poorly to their presence, but the delvers are driving them back. For the delvers, retreat is not an option: Sithis has lost one of her knives in the drink, and will not flee until she has it again!

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Sithis: too much near...
Lobsterman: The martial artist runs, splashing through the water
whispering to Arganyev, Elder thing glands are often valuable as magical components.
whispering to Lenia, Elder thing glands are valuable but unpleasant magical components. Their shells can be used for armor reinforcement.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

** Beltarne pokes Mark. "I think you're playing Thog!" **
Thog: Step back, ready arrow [3d6.skill(17,-1)] => [5,1,6] = 12 vs (16) or less Success! by 4 , shoot at lobsterman4's eye [3d6.skill(17, -6)] => [4,2,4] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
Lobsterman: block [3d6.skill(10,1)] => [4,3,1] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3
Narrator: Thog's mighty bolt is easily deflected.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I'm stand? don't remember...
Sithis: and the Lobster6 what weapon has?
Arganyev: GW: this is the Group Whisper, is it working today?
GM: You're standing on the rock, no penalties, -5 for others to hit you, and he has a sword and medium shield.
Sithis: I jump against los6 and try grab his shield
Sithis: I want he lost his shield
GM: You'll need to drop your knives - you sure you want to do that?
Arganyev: she wants to remove its shield)
Sithis: Why? I have my another knife in the...
Arganyev: a shield-disarm, unstrapping it)
GM: but she'll need her hands free to grab it. at least one of them.
Sithis: a moment, don't remember the word...
Sithis: in the belt of the back
GM: that would take time. if you want to do this now, you'd need to drop the knives. you have spares =)
Sithis: in fact, I have nothing in my hands
GM: no, you had 2 silver knives, dropped 1, and drew a goblin knife.
Sithis: but, where are my knives? I don't know
GM: Group whisper idea: use the MapTools chat for planning.
Beltarne: That is a very good idea!
GM: You have 1 in each hand, plus another 11 strapped all over your body.
Sithis: then, I have 1 knife in my hand... good, then I put it in the eye of lob6!
Lenia: Redefining 'overarmed'...
GM: Well, that works.
GM: make an attack roll at -9.
Sithis: [3d6] => [2,1,1] = (4)
whispering to TonyC-lurking, Do you want to play Thog tonight? tol2k can't make it?
Sithis: hey! success!!
Arganyev: crit
Sithis: guay!
GM: Yes, critically so. [3d6.crit_headblow()] => [2,6,3] = 11 The blow inflicts normal damage. [B556]
GM: You easily slide through his defenses and put your blade in its eye. Roll damage, 1d6-1.
Arganyev: Boo to the eyes!
Sithis: good! I go
Sithis: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
Sithis: 3, then
Arganyev: x4, right?
GM: He seems remarkably unphased for having a dagger plunge in his eye.
GM: Well, normally, but, y'know, Elder Things.
Beltarne: (( Hey there lurker man. ))
Sithis: don't works??
whispering to Lenia, Could you send Thog's sheet to Tony-C?
Arganyev: yes, but how to evaluate the effects in that creature?
GM: Sithis, you don't know. that blow would have knocked any normal person to the floor, but the Elder Spawn mostly ignored it.
GM: Announcement: Tony-C will be taking over Thog for this evening.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Step, and then Dual Deceptive Swing Attacks to torso, -6 to hit/-3 to his defense, to LobsterDude-6!
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [1,4,2] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9
GM: Well.
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-6)] => [6,4,4] = 14 vs (16) or less Success! by 2
Singeon: back torso, i guess
Lobsterman: He'll sidestep, block and dodge. [3d6.skill(12,-2)] => [3,1,1] = 5 vs (10) or less Success! by 5 ; [3d6.skill(8,0)] => [1,5,4] = 10 vs (8) or less Failure! by 2
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Swing): [2d6+2] => [1,5,2] = (8) cut
GM: Sorry, that should have been a parry...
Lenia: Can he both block and parry a flank/rear attack?
GM: He parried and dodged.
Narrator: As Sithis distracts the lobster by cutting out his eye, Singeon steps behind him and slashes. The lobster knight steps back to get some open terrain as best he can, but Singeon's blade gets through.
Lenia: Ah!
Singeon: 8 cut
GM: Got it. They're DR6, remember.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Singeon: OK
Beltarne: Lobsterman4 has an arrow in his head, yes?
GM: no, he blocked.
GM: But he's blocked and dodged this turn.
Beltarne: Aha! OK. Beltarne steps to the lobsterman's side, and drives Grandfathers Sword into the lobster's side.
GM: Axe
Beltarne: Axe.
Beltarne: Sharp thing.
Beltarne: Grandfather's Axe * Primary [3d6.skill(20,0)] => [1,1,4] = 6 vs (20) or less Critical Success! by 14 [B556]
Beltarne: Spending 1 FP on Mighty Blows.
GM: [3d6.crit_hit()] => [4,5,2] = 11 The blow inflicts normal damage. [B556]
Arganyev: oh, the definitive weapon
GM: you do 1d6+7 damage then?
Beltarne: [1d6+2] => [1,2] = (3) cut
Beltarne: ... +5
Beltarne: I fail at typing.
Beltarne: [3+5] => 8
GM: That's really pathetic... His armored shell absorbs the blow, mostly.
Beltarne: I fail at dicing too.
GM: Though not completely.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: change facing and Extra Effort Mighty Blow to the one at my right
Arganyev: [3d6] => [5,6,5] = (16)
Arganyev: my skill is 18)
Lobsterman: block! [3d6.skill(12,1)] => [3,3,6] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
** Arganyev 'you critter!' **
Narrator: Arganyev's holy strength proves no guarantee of success against the Spawn's cthonic skill.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Lenia: Step, and continue casting Frostbite (2 of 3).
GM: Exciting.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [24] lobsterman8)

Lobsterman: Lobsterknight 5 cuts at Arganyev [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [5,2,3] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4 DA-2/-1
Lobsterman: Lobsterknight 6 cuts at Singeon [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [1,6,1] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6 DA-2/-1
** Arganyev 'You dream!' (parries) **
Arganyev: [3d6] => [2,4,1] = (7)
Lobsterman: They both step away or to the side as appropriate.
GM: Arganyev parries easily. Singeon ...?
Singeon: sidestep and parry
Singeon: Defend: Saber L Parry( 17F): [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [3,2,5] = 10 vs (17) or less Success! by 7
GM: No defensive movement while you're in the water.
GM: Not that it mattered...
Singeon: I forgot to add the modifier anyway

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] lobsterman8
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lobsterman: The mage continues to shake from the aftereffects of the lightning bolt, but his tremors are slowing down.
Lobsterman: He Does Nothing.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Lobsterman: lobstermen 1 and 2 flee. so does 4. 3 is dead.
** Singeon yells at LOB6: "You better run as well. Cuz I'm gonna skewer you! **

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Lobsterman: 8 flees also
Lobsterman: jumping over the rocks to stay out of the water.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Beltarne: Spilled soda one minute.
Thog: Mark, is there a clear shot to 5 or 6?
Arganyev: no, that was the blood of our enemies!
Sithis: I think those don't have blood or such
GM: Arganyev is blocking 5 (-4 to hit). The mage is blocking 6 (-2 to hit). Range penalties still apply.
GM: Action?
Thog: ATTACK: may step; may defend, Longbow [3d6.skill(18,-2)] => 3d6.skill(18,-2)
GM: How are you shooting at?
Arganyev: with fury!
GM: and you need to turn on the GURPS dice roller....
** Thog ignores the fleeing lobsterman and tries to get a clear shot at the ones still fighting. **
Beltarne: /dieroller gurps
GM: 1st: which one of the enemies are you shooting?
Thog: ATTACK: may step; may defend, Longbow [3d6.skill(18,-2)] => [2,5,6] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
Thog: I don't know the range penalty. I'll ask in maptools how to calculate that, but with a 3 margin, I should succeed, no?
Thog: At lobsterman 6.
GM: Thank you!
Beltarne: (( don't shoot me!)
Beltarne: (( you need me to heal you later! ))
GM: Range penalty is -5, -2 more for cover, -1 for loading and shooting is -8; +3 for acc gives a net -5. bow skill is 17. You miss.
GM: However, you miss because of cover, so you hit the mage instead.
Arganyev: you are overburdening Thog with complicated thoughts, Beltarne!
Thog: Very well.
Lobsterman: Dodge as best he can [3d6.skill(9,-4)] => [4,4,4] = 12 vs (5) or less Failure! by 7
Arganyev: Im sure that was the intended result
GM: Roll damage.
whispering to Thog, In the future, tell me what you're doing before you roll. There can be hidden penalties or something. Thanks!
Thog: Longbow [2d6+8] => [3,4,8] = (15) imp
GM: You're actually using a Cornucopia of Bodkins, unless you're using one of your 6 Meteoric Iron war arrows.
Thog: I can't see Thog using the rare meteoric iron arrows.
Arganyev: he used one of them earlier (weeks ago)
Narrator: Your choice. The arrow penetrates all the way through the mage, but the blood oozes out instead of spraying.
GM: take a step?
Thog: Yes, one hex forward.
GM: okay.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I go around lob8 just face against lob6
GM: are you going to attack?
Sithis: I want to put my knife in his another eye, yes
GM: roll at -6.
GM: err.. -9.
Sithis: I use Extra Effort (Mighty Blows +2 to damage) for swinging my knife
Sithis: [3d6] => [5,4,2] = (11)
Sithis: I say nothing...
GM: You miss. Sorry...

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Sithis: Im sorry too
Singeon: Someones in my way
Singeon: Can i evaluate from here?
GM: you can make a committed attack which will screw up your defenses (no parries, no retreats, -2 Dodge) to get an extra step. Interested? (it's what Sithis did)
Singeon: No.
Singeon: Can I evaluate from here?
GM: Yes.
GM: doing that?
Singeon: I evaluate (and will do something cool next turn)

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Singeon: Something... offbeat
** Beltarne turns and steps after the fleeing Lobsterman 4. **
** Beltarne drives his axe into the Lobsterman's back with great force, trying to drive it through the carapace with muscle! All-Out-Attack Strong to chinks in torso armor [3d6.skill(20,-8)] => [1,5,2] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4 **
GM: well, you hit him, because you're behind him.
GM: roll damage.
Beltarne: Grandfather's Axe: [1d6+7] => [2,7] = (9) cut!
Beltarne: I hate dice.
whispering to Beltarne, Should have telegraphed it for the +4
Lenia: Knockback is funny. :D
Lenia: Well.
Lenia: Knock-forward?
Narrator: Beltarne whirls behind his foe and drives his axe between some joints. The thing's torso is half severed and it splashes down into the water, face first, oozing orange ichor profusely.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: deceptive attack -4/-2, Mighty blow AoA!
Arganyev: to Lobster5
Arganyev: [3d6] => [2,3,6] = (11)
Lobsterman: Block [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [2,4,5] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Narrator: He gets his shield in the way again.
** Arganyev swings with wild fury his Broadsword, powered by Tyrandor agains the enemy! But he is parried **

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Arganyev: he has -2, by me deceptive attack, right?
Arganyev: his success was by 1
GM: yes, but he has +2 DB for the shield, so that cancels, and he's a good warrior.
Arganyev: clank
whispering to Thog, Sorry!
** Lenia finishes chanting and steps forward, extending her staff towards the twitching Lobsterman spellcaster; a blue chill fills the air between the staff's tip and the hapless target. Frostbite: [3d6.skill(17,-1)] => [5,1,5] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5 for 3 FP. Resist with HT or take 3d damage. **
Lenia: ...That should be 2 FP for 3d damage.
GM: Roll your side of the quick contest.
Lobsterman: Mage defends with a [13] => 13
Lenia: I thought the spellcasting roll was my side of it?
GM: Ah? Fine. You definitely win, then. Roll damage.
Lenia: [3d6] => [6,2,1] = (9)
Lenia: DR doesn't protect.
Narrator: Lenia chants for several seconds, icy energy building around her staff. When she taps the mage, he collapses, looking something an iced lobster ready for cooking.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lobsterman: lobsterknight5 blocks Arganyev with his shield, then cuts down against the knight's knee [3d6.skill(16,2)] => [2,4,2] = 8 vs (18) or less Success! by 10 telegraphed
Lobsterman: damage is [2d6] => [4,2] = (6) DR5
** Arganyev 'How you dare! By Tyrandor!!!' **
Narrator: The cut is vicious, but the knight's heavy armor holds.
Arganyev: of course
Lobsterman: lobsterknight6 slashes at Sithis, but between his missing eye and her eldritch magics, he's having difficulties [3d6.skill(16,-6)] => [4,3,6] = 13 vs (10) or less Failure! by 3
Narrator: It misses.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Lobsterman: The survivors flee as best they can.
Arganyev: Sithis is under Blur (-5), and with some Damage Res casted by Beltarne)
** Singeon yells "Follow to see where they go! **
Sithis: run! run! cowards!

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [32] lobsterman7
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Lobsterman: the martial artist flees.
Beltarne: (( very fast ))
Lobsterman: He dives into the water and is swallowed up entirely.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Sithis: at least left the lob6 for gaming whit him a time
Arganyev: for playing with him)
** Thog readies takes a step forward and readies an arrow just in case any of the lobstermen change their mind about fleeing. **
GM: roll fast-draw and bow-1.
Thog: ATTACK: may step; may defend, Longbow [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [5,2,1] = 8 vs (18) or less Success! by 10
Thog: Sorry, I hit cancel, but it got sent?
Arganyev: move your step forward please, that can reduce range penalties
GM: yes, you still need the fast-draw roll, though.
GM: oh, you can move while doing this.
Thog: Fast-Draw (Arrow) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-1)] => [5,5,2] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
GM: like, normal move. speed 6
Thog: Okay. Will do. And done.
GM: water hexes cost double.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Beltarne: (( If a hex is half in water and half on land, is it a water hex, or a land hex? ))
Sithis: I run against lob6, sure
GM: generally it's a water hex in case of doubt.
Sithis: still left an eye clear
GM: how are you attacking? okay, -9 to hit.
Thog: Water hexes cost double. Got it.
Sithis: wait, I look a option for amount my possibilities
Sithis: I use furry of blows
Sithis: I want to make two attacks using Extra Effort, can I?
GM: yes, at -3 each with flurry. you'll still be at another -9 if you go for the eyes, though.
Sithis: a -12 then?
GM: yep.
GM: I don't recommend it.
Arganyev: effectively Flurry of Blows, at -12 for each
Sithis: I forgot this, I use 1 attack only
Arganyev: use a normal eye piercing attack
GM: okay.
Sithis: [3d6] => [5,6,3] = (14)
Sithis: ufff! missed again!
GM: you miss, trading ineffectual blows with the knight.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Heroic Charge (1FP), Feint (+2) then Deceptive Attack (+2) (-6/-3 to his defense) to weapon arm -4.
GM: you're at +2 for the evaluate, remember.
Singeon: yep
Arganyev: the moment of skewering
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,2)] => [4,6,6] = 16 vs (24) or less Success! by 8
Singeon: Thats a feint
Lobsterman: feint defense! [3d6.skill(16,-1)] => [2,2,1] = 5 vs (15) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
Lenia: Ooooo.
Thog: Oooo, you've been outfeinted.
Arganyev: Singeon!
GM: I'm ruling he gets a +2 bonus on his defense.
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,0)] => [2,3,6] = 11 vs (22) or less Success! by 11
Arganyev: that wasn't good, that was a sort of *failure*! How is that?
Singeon: Thats wrong (my roll)
Lobsterman: Block! [3d6.skill(11,1)] => [1,5,2] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: Made it by 3
Arganyev: third ooooo
Arganyev: hm!
Singeon: Is that with my deceptive?
Sithis: don't worry, a time more for diversion with him
Lenia: -3 for deceptive, +2 for DB, +2 for critical feint success. Looks right.
Singeon: Too many numbers tonight. Arrrgh!!!!!!!
GM: Yeah, what Lenia said.
Singeon: ###
Arganyev: they are carrying shields, remember
Singeon: I just cant add tonight. Worked today
whispering to Singeon, should have used your movement to get behind him - he wouldn't able to use his shield.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

** Beltarne jumps into the water and splashes onto the fallen corpse of Lobsterman 4. **
** Beltarne shakes his ichor-stained axe at Lobsterman 5 and yells in Dwarvish, "Spalanie Gorm jest spojrzenie na Ciebie!" **
Beltarne: Unskilled intimidation check I suppose.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

GM: hmmm??? Roll it, Beltarne.
Beltarne: Will (15) [3d6.skill(15,-5)] => [2,2,5] = 9 vs (10) or less Success! by 1
Beltarne: Plus any bonuses for having hacked his ally to bits and now posing dramatically on top his corpse.
Lobsterman: resist fear: [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [6,6,3] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3
GM: The lobsterman is stunned for 1 round.
Sithis: hahaha! coward!
** Arganyev steps forward, deceptive -4/-2, AoA for Mighty Blow against Lb5! **
Lobsterman: "Dzje! Thu Thu ia chtor rith dzret!"
GM: roll it.
** Arganyev swings with wild fury his Broadsword, powered by Tyrandor agains the enemy! **
Arganyev: [3d6] => [2,2,5] = (9)
Lobsterman: block! [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [5,5,2] = 12 vs (8) or less Failure! by 4
Arganyev: defend of be hit for 2d+5 swinging damage
GM: You hit him. damage?
Arganyev: [2d6] => [6,6] = (12)
Arganyev: 17
Arganyev: thanks Beltarne, your intimidation was superb!
GM: As the lobsterknight cringes under Beltarne's threats, Arganyev smoothly steps in and launches a mighty horizontal cut. The knight moves to block, and Arganyev shifts it to a vertical cut that rends the creature shoulder to hip. It drops in an orange spurting mass in the water.
Narrator: As the lobsterknight cringes under Beltarne's threats, Arganyev smoothly steps in and launches a mighty horizontal cut. The knight moves to block, and Arganyev shifts it to a vertical cut that rends the creature shoulder to hip. It drops in an orange spurting mass in the water.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Lenia: All-out (strong) staff swing, telegraphed, for the skull of the helpless, badly wounded disgusting abomination against nature at my feet.
GM: Heroic!
Lenia: Some things just need a-killing.
Lenia: Staff: [3d6.skill(14,-3)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
Lenia: Luck!
Lenia: Staff: [3d6.skill(14,-3)] => [6,5,2] = 13 vs (11) or less Failure! by 2
Lenia: Staff: [3d6.skill(14,-3)] => [6,4,3] = 13 vs (11) or less Failure! by 2
Lenia: *cry*
Singeon: WHIFF
GM: you hit his face, instead. (miss by 1) roll damage
Arganyev: or try again , doesn't matter, you furiously hit the ground trying to smash him
Singeon: Called strike three
Singeon: Oh, very good!!
Lenia: [1d6+2] => [2,2] = (4)
GM: uhm, +2 more is 6.
Lenia: +2 more for what? >.>
Singeon: He roll 2 + 2
GM: base damage is 1d6+2, +2 for all-out strong.
Singeon: thats 2,2
GM: so 6. you stun him.
Singeon: Nevermind
Singeon: damn math
Lenia: Oh hey, I do have non-sucky damage. Go figure.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lobsterman: lobsterman6 thinks he can at least place where Singeon is, so he'll swing at him [3d6.skill(16,-1)] => [4,2,2] = 8 vs (15) or less Success! by 7
Singeon: Defend: Saber R Parry (17F): [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,2,2] = 5 vs (17) or less Critical Success! by 12 [B556]
Singeon: boo yeah!
Arganyev: great
Lobsterman: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [3,2,4] = 9 You drop your weapon (& a cheap weapon breaks). [B556]
Beltarne: nice :D
** Singeon yells "I planned that! **
Arganyev: you dont need to say it!
Narrator: The last lobsterknight brings his blade back around and smashes it into Singeon's crossed sabers. Shards of ebony fly everywhere as the blade shatters.
Lenia: Singeon is clever, not honest.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [32] lobsterman7)

Singeon: I dont think, I just do.
Lobsterman: the lobster warrior flees

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

** Thog takes a step forward while quickly readying his bow. **
Thog: ATTACK: may step; may defend, Longbow [3d6.skill(18,-1)] => [1,3,6] = 10 vs (17) or less Success! by 7
Thog: Grrr. That's a ready at -1.
Thog: Not an attack.
Lobsterman: You readied it fully last turn while moving. Heroic archer.
GM: You readied it fully last turn while moving. Heroic archer.
Thog: Cool. Okay, then I take a step forward and shoots at Lobsterman 6. Distance is 8 yards. No cover. Rolling.
GM: go for it.
Thog: Longbow [3d6.skill(18,+3 -4)] => [6,6,3] = 15 vs (17) or less Success! by 2
Arganyev: go go
Lobsterman: Dodge! [3d6.skill(5,2)] => [3,1,6] = 10 vs (7) or less Failure! by 3
Thog: Longbow [2d6+8] => [3,1,8] = (12) imp
Arganyev: that is
Arganyev: that helps
Lobsterman: Thog drives another bolt into a lobsterman, inconveniencing it only slightly.
Lobsterman: "Tik nok! Tik Nok! Ia Ia chton fthu!"

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

** Thog frowns at their gibberish. **
Sithis: I grab him, I enter in close combat with him, I'm furious!
GM: drop a dagger and roll DX
Sithis: hmm I try grab a leg for he don't flee
GM: DX at -1, then.
** Arganyev shouts 'How do you dare to pronounce "chton" in my presence, you crittter!' **
Sithis: [3d6] => [4,2,1] = (7)
Sithis: success!
Lobsterman: Dodge! [3d6.skill(5,2)] => [2,2,1] = 5 vs (7) or less Success! by 2
GM: He frantically sidesteps.
GM: You miss.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Sithis: I cast a bad word against him!
Arganyev: "pig"?
Singeon: Step and wait. If he runs i let him go, if he attacks I attack!!!!
Sithis: good, pig demon!
GM: okay.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

whispering to Beltarne, Emily?
Sithis: then, no one left here?
** Arganyev shouts 'Lobstermen, we are going for ripping entirely your magical glands!' **
** Beltarne splashes down off the corpse and heads after the fleeing lobstermen. **
Arganyev: (honest)

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: their glands are useful!
Arganyev: I pursue the fleeing ones
Arganyev: Thanks Mark
GM: half move through water.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [24] knights5,6)

Sithis: good, but I don't do those things like cut for a glands, puag!!
** Lenia attempts to smash the thing at her feet. All-out, again, chinks in torso armor. **
Arganyev: you callous, and worried for cutting some glands?
GM: ah.
GM: roll it.
Lenia: Staff: [3d6.skill(14,-4)] => [6,6,6] = 18 vs (10) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Arganyev: oooo
Arganyev: how is that
Lenia: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [2,2,3] = 7 You lose your balance & can do nothing else (not even free actions) until next turn; all defenses -2 until next turn. [B556]
GM: oops.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] knights5,6
(on deck: [23] lobstermen)

Lenia: I should probably stick to wizarding.
Singeon: Let him go Sithis
Lobsterman: the lobster knight retreats as best he can.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [23] lobstermen
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Arganyev: no no, don't surrender to D&D limitations Lenia!
Narrator: The water churns as 4 more lobstermen, armored with crude blades and small shields, surface.
** Singeon mutters, "Ah, hell..." **
Thog: Graah.
Beltarne: OK, time for casting spells.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

whispering to Thog, action?
** Arganyev shouts 'Well, so more of you, critters, are coming to receive a violent and steeled atonement?' **
Thog: I only see two new lobstermen? But nevermind.
** Singeon adds, "And we'll kill you too." **
Arganyev: the steeled atonement is exactly that, Singeon)
** Thog steps forward to dry land (finally) while readying his bow and arrow. **
Beltarne: (( they could just be too far away. ))
Sithis: there are one yellow, is he different the others demons?
Arganyev: they arent demons)
Thog: Fast-Draw (Arrow) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-1)] => [3,2,3] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6
Thog: Bow (17) [3d6.skill(17,-1)] => [5,4,1] = 10 vs (16) or less Success! by 6 Conditional: +1 from 'Weapon Bond (Oversized Longbow)'
Thog: Longbow ready. And done.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: I only see two more, where are the others 2?
GM: yes, only Thog and Sithis can see the 2 more to the right - they're out of everyone else's vision range.
Arganyev: ok
Sithis: anyway, I search my weapons in floor
GM: you kneel and grab a knife.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Sithis: and the another too?
Singeon: Heroic charge thing again
GM: okay.
Singeon: Dual swings -6/-3 decopetiung
GM: you're at -3 for light penalties, by the way.
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-9)] => [4,1,2] = 7 vs (13) or less Success! by 6
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-9)] => [2,3,5] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
Beltarne: (( Nightvision is great stuff. ))
Singeon: Who needs night vision when you make your own rosy glow?
Sithis: yes, yes)
Lobsterman: dodge and sidestep [3d6.skill(5,-3)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (2) or less Critical Failure! by 10 [B556][3d6.skill(5,-3)] => [6,2,1] = 9 vs (2) or less Failure! by 7
Beltarne: very very nice.
Lobsterman: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [5,1,6] = 12 Your weapon turns in your hand; must Ready it before it can be used again. [B556]
** Singeon yells, "Huzzah!" **
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Swing): [2d6+2] => [1,3,2] = (6) cut
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Swing): [2d6+2] => [5,6,2] = (13) cut
Arganyev: again? That is turning into a technique Singeon
GM: He loses control of his shield as he tries to flee. then he's knocked around a bit. and, uhm, killed.
Singeon: 0 and 7
** Singeon yells, "Thats a warning to our new friends!" **
GM: The 4 new lobstermen take heed of the situation and dive back into the water.
GM: combat is over (I assume the 6 of you can kill 1 stunned, crawling, wounded elder spawn).
Singeon: I don't know about that!
GM: I'll take it on faith.
** Arganyev 'Become extinct, creatures of the depths!' **
Sithis: I search my dear another weapon
Arganyev: your lost knife
GM: Sithis finds her knife.
** Singeon moves to the other island and stands guard. **
Sithis: ah! good!
Arganyev: Singeon, please, don't enter in any hole
Lenia: "Beltarne, these creatures have glands that might be valuable. Have you got a surgical kit?"
Sithis: someone wants to cut the corpses? me no
GM: The water looks deep, Singeon.
** Singeon smiles at the jokes he could make. **
** Thog lowers down his longbow and grunts in satisfaction. **
Arganyev: I think we can go in *deeper* danger if we follow their escape route
Singeon: I'm just guarding.
GM: Yes, drowning is dangerous. =)
Sithis: Thog is a ogre, he can to do it
Lenia: Like climbing. >.>
** Arganyev mentions again the glands issue **
Thog: Thog no like water. Water cold.
Singeon: What about warm water?
Arganyev: and drowning is deeper, too ;D
** Beltarne checks his bag, feeling a little absent minded. **
Sithis: the ogres feel this? the water cold? I didn't know, sorry Thog
Arganyev: anyone has notions of Surgery?
whispering to Sithis, Make a search roll, skill is 14
Sithis: me no
Singeon: I did some surgery on that lobster back there
Arganyev: and by default?
Sithis: perhaps Beltarne?
Beltarne: "Nae, I aen't got a kit on mae, but I think a lil' work wit' one oa Sithis' fine knives be thae thing."
Arganyev: we need a more delicate surgery, mate
Singeon: Whee do we go from here?
** Thog looks around for anything that might be usable. **
Beltarne: "Aie be kennin tha cuttin', but on thae men, not on thae beasties."
Singeon: Do you speak common?
Singeon: jk
Narrator: Sithis soaks herself, crawling through the water looking for her silver knife.
Beltarne: (( If I start going "Bork Bork Bork" I'm broken. ))
Arganyev: Surgery is First Aid-12 by default...
** Lenia sits on a dry-ish spot to rest. **
Beltarne: (( Beltarne was trying to say that he's a surgeon, although he knows better men than monsters. ))
Lenia: Beltarne has the skill, Arganyev, but we don't have the tools unless Sithis can spare a knife.
whispering to Beltarne, Surgery rolls at -3 to extract the mana organs. And -4 to get off the carapaces.
** Singeon Kneels to rest. **
Arganyev: aha, ok
Arganyev: this time we are barely wounded, right?
Singeon: Yes
Beltarne: How bad are Thog's injuries?
Arganyev: I start to pile the corpses for easing Beltarne's work, anyone wants to help?
Thog: Thog gets cut a bit. Not hurt though.
** Beltarne walks over to beside Sithis, trying to help her find her precious knife. **
GM: Thog took an axe blow that would have ended Lenia's career. To him, it stings.
Arganyev: I know, but other times the result was worse than today
Singeon: You guys were lucky, that's all.
Thog: (( I don't know how much HP I actually lost though.)
whispering to Beltarne, Make an observation check.
whispering to Thog, oops! it was a 9 point hit, and you already had 2 hits.
Sithis: guys! I find my knife and a lot of coins, look!
Lenia: Coins? We like coins. Coins don't require negotiation for value.
Thog: Coins good.
GM: Sithis has collected 600 coins, mostly copper, but there's some silver, too.
Thog: ((In the interest of not killing someone's character, somebody probably should do first-aid on Thog. Please.))
GM: Emily, you have a whisper. Please respond.
whispering to Thog, You're hardly wounded.
whispering to Thog, neither was a major wound, together they aren't a major wound.
Beltarne: Per (14) [3d6.skill(14,-5)] => [5,3,3] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
whispering to Beltarne, You see Sithis picking up coins while she searches for her knife, but she tells everyone about it before you can say anything.
** Thog wades into the water to look for more coins. He shrugs, "Coins good. Get stuff for coins." **
** Beltarne congratulates Sithis. "Good find!" **
GM: Thog, roll Search at +1.
Beltarne: Arganyev and Sithis have disconnected from Maptools.
GM: Or Per-4 if you don't have the skill.
GM: Thanks!
GM: wait 5 minutes for them. Beltarne, some improvised surgery rolls in the meantime?
Beltarne: I think that's just the thing!
Thog: Per (11) [3d6.skill(11,-4)] => [3,2,2] = 7 vs (7) or less Success! by 0
** Beltarne starts by trying to strip the carapaces off the corpses. **
Beltarne: Surgery/TL3 (Human) (12) [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [1,4,2] = 7 vs (8) or less Success! by 1
Thog: ((It's the night of barely made rolls.))
Beltarne: (( better than failing! :D ))
GM: Thog, you find no more coins. You find various smooth rocks, smooth rocks with holes in them, and other trinkets of Ogre value, but nothing that civilized lands care for.
Beltarne: (( welcome back ))
** Thog is pleased at his finds. "Thog finds these. Thog keeps these." **
GM: Beltarne skins off 2 carapaces. Someone roll armory, please.
Arganyev: they are interesting pieces, Thog
GM: Going to try any more, Beltarne?
Thog: ((Anyway, no first aid for Thog, I take it. Ah well, he can take it.))
Sithis: who has armory?
** Lenia guides Beltarne to the right places to cut those glands out. **
Arganyev: I have First Aid for Thog
Arganyev: at 12, I believe)
GM: make skill rolls, people!
Arganyev: First Aid (Thog):
Arganyev: [3d6] => [5,3,6] = (14)
Sithis: [3d6] => [1,6,4] = (11)
Arganyev: failure
GM: [1d6-3] => [4,-3] = (1)
GM: Thog heals 2 hits.
** Beltarne continues hacking, digging in for the precious glands that everyone was so excited about. **
Beltarne: Surgery/TL3 (Human) (12) [3d6.skill(12,-3)] => [4,2,2] = 8 vs (9) or less Success! by 1
Lenia: Armory (Default): [3d6.skill(16,-5)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (11) or less Success! by 4
Sithis: Beltarne, do you do such things? a cleric? puag!
GM: You also get out 2 glands, worth $50 each and weighing 1/4 lbs. The carapaces weigh 20 lbs and are worth $800
Thog: Where do us go now?
Arganyev: Sithis, aren't you callous?
Lenia: "I suggest we get out of here while the getting is good. We've got quite the haul."
Singeon: I don't see another passage.
Singeon: Have we completed what we came for?
Lenia: Yup.
Arganyev: Yes
** Beltarne waves an ichor-coated knife at Sithis. "Thae beasties be given thae value by the Gads thaeself. I not bae one ter shun it." **
Thog: Passage is down. Must be some for lobster people.
Singeon: Lets us go.
Sithis: arrghh!! clear it before!
Lenia: My father always told me, "Quit while you're ahead, it's better than pressing on and getting killed."
GM: You all get the sense that you've explored as much of the caverns as you can without learning how to breath water.
** Beltarne washes his hands and the knife off and returns the knife to Sithis. **
Arganyev: I don't want deeper, drowning deeper so I agree with that
Lenia: He also said something about life being like a box of chocolates, but never really clarified that.
** Beltarne marches over to Thog and gives him some serious medical attention, now that the important business of money is taken care of. **
whispering to Beltarne, there's 4 more corpses if you want to try for more.
Arganyev: no:
Arganyev: I don't want deeper, drowning danger so I agree with that
GM: beltarne, you're at -5 to heal Thog (second casting, magic resistance)
** Singeon yells, "My blades scream for a real bed." **
Lenia: "I keep telling you you should have that checked."
** Beltarne inspects Thog, trying to determine how much healing to apply. **
GM: he's at 7 hits.
GM: sorry, 9.
Thog: Thog says yes. Water cold, and no more coins or nice rocks. No need.
Beltarne: So, lots of it.
Thog: (Thog has lost 9 hp)
Thog: ((Mark was counting the wounds, not the remaining hp)
GM: he gets double healing, though, since his HP is 20+
GM: oh yea, what Thog said.
GM: he's at 14 hp remaining, 9 damage taken.
** Beltarne cracks his knuckles. "Gorm, wypalić z tego ogre rany ciała." (Major Healing to cure 8 HP) **
Sithis: I have damage? don't remember..
Arganyev: I don't remember what is exactly my HP/FP status
Beltarne: (( costs double because he's SM+1 though. ))
Sithis: I think the session before, someone wound me
Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-5)] => [6,4,5] = 15 vs (10) or less Failure! by 5 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
GM: there's plenty of time to rest, though you'll get back to camp really late.
GM: try minor healing?
Arganyev: perhaps we need to rest before traveling to the camp again, but I don't know
Thog: Rest is good, but rest here is bad idea.
Lenia: Resting here would be bad, yes.
** Beltarne sits down heavily. **
** Beltarne is exhausted. **
Lenia: Failure costs only 1 FP.
Lenia: :P
GM: What's wrong resting in the grotto immediately connected to an unblockable package connected to an unknown and unknowable amount of lobster Elder Spawn?
Beltarne: Orly?
Arganyev: Thog, we already rest in places as these, in the Caverns of Madness ;))
Sithis: I have all my robes soaked
Sithis: I don't want rest here
Thog: That's why Cavern is called Madness.
** Beltarne tries Minor Healing for 4 HP. **
Beltarne: Minor Healing (Holy) (16) [3d6.skill(16,-5)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
GM: Thog heals 6 more damage.
Lenia: Okay, people, let's pack up and leave. We can rest at the camp and then head for town. Besides, our hirelings might be worrying about us.
Thog: ((Anything else needs to be taken care here?))
Arganyev: that is, Madness is our resting place
GM: DO you guys head out, or do you wait for the lobstermen to murder you in your sleep?
** Thog thanks Beltarne. **
Arganyev: we could rest in the earlier "room", if you want
GM: I vote 2, but...
Singeon: I thought it was the caverns of Badass!
Beltarne: Is there anything we can block the tunnel with?
Beltarne: Boulders?
Beltarne: We have an ogre.
Lenia: Caverns of 'let's get out of here, please'.
Arganyev: well, we go out of there, now
Arganyev: (if all you agree with that)
GM: You throw some rocks in the tunnel, hoping to block it, but... unless you go swimming to inspect, you can't be sure.
Singeon: Let's head to camp
** Thog stands up and starts heading back. **
Beltarne: Greed [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [4,3,4] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Arganyev: lol
** Beltarne manages to control the urge to hack more valuable bits off of bodies. and staggers off up the tunnel. **
Sithis: hmmm what happened? I don't understand, Im lost
Arganyev: remember, Gold and Glory! (encouragement if it is needed)
Sithis: ah! OK
GM: everyone rests in the main gallery and recovers fatigue, then crosses the chasm and walks/crawls through the mines.
Arganyev: I explained to Sithis)
GM: So: recover all fatigue, then spend 1+encumbrance. Thog is medium encumbered after you guys turn him into a mule.
GM: Everyone got that?
Sithis: OK
Beltarne: Yay
Arganyev: sure
** Thog protests, but relents after being told that it's necessary. **
Singeon: OK
Sithis: why I have +1 of encumbrance?
Sithis: Thog isn't the porter?
Arganyev: Sithis, you also carry a part of the haul
Sithis: no, I have bit force
Arganyev: what=
Thog: ((Bit force?))
GM: You don't, but you spend that much fatigue crawling through the tunnels.
Arganyev: little strength, do you mean?
Arganyev: ah OK
Sithis: ah! OK, I agree
Sithis: I agree with GM
GM: Fatigue spent: Arg 4, Belt 4, Thog 3, Lenia 2, Singeon 1, Sithis 2
Arganyev: that is good and unexpected!
Sithis: the rest is: I have small strength
Arganyev: little)
Lenia: I don't suppose we're lucky enough to have an uneventful trip back to town, free of bandits and other deadly creatures? >.>
Thog: ((We might. Quick, someone use their Serendipity!))
Sithis: I have my amulet of fatigue :)
Singeon: Is our hirelings still there?
GM: busy!
Arganyev: ... full of suspense
Narrator: Exhausted, battered, but loaded with treasure, the delvers hobbled through the old dwarven mines and stepped out into the starry sky.
** Singeon praises the heavens! **
whispering to Thog, You sense danger as you approach the entrance.
Singeon: If you look closely at those stars over there, they are in the shape of me.
** Beltarne sighs and stretches. **
** Arganyev says 'Behold companions, Tyrandor greets us from the Heavens, in her starry home!' **
Lenia: "You should probably get your eyes checked along with your swords."
GM: Remember, people who are not Beltarne have to crouch in the mines; Thog has crawl.
** Singeon smells his pits and says, "i think I need a bath." **
Arganyev: er
Singeon: Ain;'t nothing gonna break my stride, Lenia
Beltarne: o.o
** Thog stretches. He sniffs the air. "Good air." **
** Beltarne draws his axe? **
Arganyev: hey, bandits lack of valuable glands!)
Arganyev: what annoying
Generic Monster: As Beltarne and Singeon step into the open air, they are greeting by arrows, bolts, and sling stones from the bandits that have been patiently waiting.
Sithis: where are us, in the mines or in the open floor?

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Lenia: Which map should we be looking at? The ones I can see on my list are all still in the caverns.
Arganyev: I thought we were in open place
** Singeon says, "Hey! Stop it!" **
** Thog drops his pack and readies his bow and arrow instead. **
GM: sorry!
Arganyev: why
Lenia: Thanks. =)
Generic Monster: 2 slings and an arrow at Beltarne [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3 [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [6,3,3] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0 [3d6.skill(14,2)] => [2,2,2] = 6 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
Beltarne: ow.
Beltarne: DR 4 on the body.
Generic Monster: 1 sling and 1 bow, and 1 crossbow at Singeon [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [6,6,1] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1 [3d6.skill(13,2)] => [3,2,2] = 7 vs (15) or less Success! by 8 [3d6.skill(13,3)] => [3,6,4] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
Singeon: Acrododge and dodge
Singeon: retreat as well
Beltarne: Can I block that one success, or am I surprised?
Singeon: everything disappeared on my maptools
Thog: ((Dropping pack is a free action, I hope? Or do I need a ready maneuver?))
Generic Monster: you're both surprised because you were doing nothing, and you can't retreat against ranged attacks anyway. make dodges at -4.
Singeon: Skill: Acrobatics (15): [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [4,3,4] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Beltarne: Only a free action if it's a quick release backpack. Otherwise you need to untangle the straps - and you'll need to put weapons down to do that.
Lenia: ((Ready maneuver for a normal backpack; free action for quick-release, and may break fragile stuff inside. I'd recommend the ready action in either case, since you're carrying most of the treasure.))
Singeon: can i acrododge?
GM: uhm... sure.
Beltarne: Dodge (9) [3d6.skill(9,-4)] => [6,1,6] = 13 vs (5) or less Failure! by 8
GM: Thog - you're pulling the stuff along as you crawl, so you don't need to ready. but you can't stop crawling until you get to the front of the cave.
Arganyev: hm, you have armor
Singeon: One sec
Thog: ((Okay, re-describing my action to fit the situation better))
Singeon: I dodge and drop
GM: sling versus Beltarne [1d6+1] => [3,1] = (4) DR4; arrow versus same [3d6.crit_hit()] => [3,1,3] = 7 If any damage penetrates DR, treat as major wound. See [B420] for major wounds. [B556] and [1d6+2] => [2,2] = (4) DR4
Singeon: instead
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,3)] => [2,1,2] = 5 vs (15) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
GM: Beltarne, you take 3 damage. Your dwarven armor absorbs the crappy human arrow without penalty.
Arganyev: ...
Singeon: I am prone now.
** Thog is startled as the arrows hit the floor before him. He lets go of the pull-rope he's dragging and presses himself closer to the wall. **
GM: Dodge the other crossbow, no prone bonus, Singeon.
Thog: ((Done.))
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [6,3,1] = 10 vs (12) or less Success! by 2
GM: You're at -4 for surprise, remember?
GM: The crossbow hits for [1d6+5] => [3,5] = (8) DR5
Singeon: I forgot
GM: You take 6 damage as it penetrates your armor, but being a big guy, you otherwise okay.
Singeon: I have DR 4
GM: Thog, I'll let you spend FP to crawl at 2hexes/round.
GM: Singeon -right, DR4, 8 damage, not quite major.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Singeon: Huh?
Lenia: Impaling.
whispering to Singeon, You took 8 damage, not 6. impaling crossbow damage.
Singeon: Did i take 6 or 8?
Lenia: 8.
Singeon: OK
Thog: ((Might do that fast crawl next turn, if I feel safe enough to risk getting out.))
Sithis: I cast gloom
GM: the area is already lit by starlight. casting gloom will not help.
Arganyev: Mark, how to point the Area of Effect?
GM: either draw it with the tools, or use "space" to bring up an arrow like so:
Thog: ((Then make a bright light and ruin their night vision.))
whispering to Sithis, You need to use the darkness spell do do what you're describing.
Arganyev: but Gloom doesn't obscure the starlight as anyother light?
Lenia: Gloom sets the light level to a particular quality; it's already starlight, so the only place left to go is total darkness.
GM: Oh, as Darkness! Sure, but it will take her 2 seconds to cast per hex of radius.
GM: I misread the spell for a second.
Lenia: 4 seconds to cast, total; time spent is 1 second per half-point of base cost, and base cost is 2.
GM: Oops, right.
GM: Sithis, you'll probably want to do something else. Sorry.
Sithis: I lost....
Sithis: cast or not?
Lenia: Don't cast.
Arganyev: Sithis, this is the best place for Lenia's concussion
Sithis: OK
Arganyev: do you remember the effects of the spell? ;)
GM: You'll have to wait 4 turns to cast the minimum spell. why don't you move forward and draw daggers?
Sithis: k, i move forward then
Arganyev: I ready my weapon&shield
Sithis: and draw daggers :)
GM: [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [5,6,2] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
GM: [3d6.skill(16,-4)] => [4,6,6] = 16 vs (12) or less Failure! by 4
GM: okay.
GM: you can stand up as you leave the cave.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Acrobatic Stand (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [2,2,1] = 5 vs (12) or less Success! by 7
Singeon: Im stranding now
GM: That is so wrong.
Singeon: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

GM: (by the way, everyone has weapons ready, but Thog's bow isn't loaded).
Singeon: Actually, I have not readied
** Beltarne kneels down to keep out of the line of fire, and starts casting Flaming Weapon. **
Beltarne: Flaming Weapon (Holy) (16) [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [5,4,2] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
Beltarne: takes two turns. ##
GM: Time to cast is 2.
GM: okay.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

GM: (shield users at least have shields ready).
Beltarne: sorry, rolled early :/
GM: Arganyev steps forward and draws his sword as he said earlier.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [20] bandits)

Lenia: Am I able to crawl my one hex and cast?
Arganyev: that is)
GM: You're crouching, not being a 9' tall monstrosity. so you can crouch and step and cast.
Lenia: Haste on Singeon.
GM: roll it.
Thog: ((I protest that remark. Thog happens to be quite charming amongst his kind.))
Arganyev: ok, empowered rushing!
Lenia: Haste: [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [2,2,3] = 7 vs (17) or less Success! by 10 costing 3 FP for +2 to Move and Dodge.
GM: casting time is 2.
GM: GURPS Magic is suck.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [20] bandits
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Arganyev: 2 seconds arent no drama, not now
Lenia: Yeah, clearly.
Lenia: Solution: Magery 6.
Generic Monster: the lead 3 drop slings and ready spears and maces. The back 2 drop crossbows and ready spears. The last 1 draws an arrow.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Thog: ((Can't Thog even get out at this moment?))
Thog: ((Entrance looks crowded))
Generic Monster: He'll have to crawl forward for a while. I'd hurry.
GM: He'll have to crawl forward for a while. I'd hurry.
Lenia: ((By the time you get here, we'll be out of the way.))
GM: He needs to get where Singeon is before he can stand.
** Thog crawls as fast as he can. Staying here will be bad. Needs to get out in the open fast. Get room. **
GM: move it, spend 1 FP.
Thog: ((Think how many hexes can I move? 6/2?))
GM: 2
Thog: (Done)

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

GM: Sithis?
Sithis: sorry, Im distract
GM: okay.
Sithis: I forward
Arganyev: n ono
Arganyev: she is ready now
Sithis: all the possible
Sithis: the bandits are too far for me
Lenia: "Hang back, everyone. I think I can probably talk some peace into them."
GM: It's easy to run downhill.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Fastdraw rapiers and MOVE like a thing that moves fast!
Singeon: Skill: Fast Draw (Saber)(16): [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (16) or less Success! by 4
Singeon: Skill: Fast Draw (Saber)(16): [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [1,5,2] = 8 vs (16) or less Success! by 8
GM: roll and move.
Singeon: ###
** Arganyev whispering to the party: wait people, ready the weapons if you want, but dont fire a single arrow, not yet **

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Singeon: How do you do that?
GM: finish casting?
Singeon: The dot
Beltarne: Yup.
whispering to Singeon, hit space to set waypoints.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Sithis: Singeon, you trick! not possible move more than me! angry!
Narrator: Beltarne prays in Dwarven, and his axe burns with dark fire.
GM: Movement, Arganyev?
Lenia: "You guys have such an excellent grasp of 'Hang back'."
Arganyev: dark fire? You heretic? Hm...
Arganyev: I moved all the possile
Arganyev: 4
GM: C'mon, how bright is holy dwarven flame going to be, anyway?
GM: Okay.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [20] bandits)

Arganyev: ####
Arganyev: Lenia is very able to make a negotiation, folks)
GM: -5 penalty to cast on Singeon, or less on Arganyev or Beltarne.
Sithis: with bandits? I disbelieve
Lenia: I'll cast on Arganyev; he needs the Move more anyway.
Lenia: Haste: [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,5,3] = 9 vs (17) or less Success! by 8 costing 3 FP for +2 to Move and Dodge.
** Arganyev whispering 'If they don't accept ALL our conditions, they will be skewered' **
GM: eh, so does Beltarne. =/

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [20] bandits
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Generic Monster: The bandits fall back, except for the archer, who frantically knocks an arrow and brings his bow to bear over his companion's shoulder.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Thog: ((Did I mention that I really hate my current position?))
GM: Sorry. Hurrying?
** Thog hopes that the bandits will be too distracted by the others and crawls further. **

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Thog: (yes, hurrying. 2 hexes again?))
GM: yes.
Sithis: Move forwad again, all possible
Sithis: move*
Sithis: OK
GM: You run as you can, trying to keep the archer in sight.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Keep on running! And a jump!
Singeon: thats 5
GM: hmm. roll jumping or acrobatics.
Singeon: Skill: Acrobatics (15): [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [4,6,5] = 15 vs (15) or less Success! by 0
Singeon: So, I had 5 at the top.
Singeon: What did that cost?
GM: You land clumsily in the darkness. -2 to defenses until you take a round to balance yourself.
GM: darkness==starlight sky.
Singeon: So no more move?
GM: No more move.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Beltarne: Okies hm.
Beltarne: Get to my feet and move towards the fight.
GM: run forward? the low wall doesn't extend past the first orange line.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Arganyev: well.... I move forward, running all the possible with my shield raised for cover!
Lenia: You know, I have the strangest feeling that it'll be difficult to convince them a peaceful solution is possible.
GM: you jumping down the cliff? Roll jumping at -3.
Lenia: What with the insane people charging towards them with bared steel.
Arganyev: yes
Arganyev: OK:
Arganyev: [3d6] => [6,3,2] = (11)
Arganyev: no, wait
Arganyev: a moment, I didn't jump over the cliff,
GM: you rolled...
Arganyev: I did jump only to the lower place of the "stair"
Arganyev: look at my position, Im not in the floor, not yet
Arganyev: at least that was my intention
GM: sure, sure. in the darkness, you landed on a loose rock, and are driven to your knees. 1 round to stand, lost balance and -2 to all defenses until you take another round to rebalance.
Arganyev: a shortcut in the passage to the floor, the level upper where is Singeon and the Bandits
Arganyev: OK
whispering to Jan, Welcome! we're in a bandit fight. should be easy to figure out. ask questions as you feel free, but it may be a bit before I answer them.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [20] bandits)

Thog: ((Hi Jan))
Lenia: Standing from a crouch is a step?
Lenia: Actually, remain crouched and move forward.
GM: Free action at the beginning of the move.
Lenia: Cast Concussion.
GM: you can do that as a step.
GM: single second casting time?
Lenia: Concussion: [3d6.skill(17,-1)] => [4,4,5] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
Lenia: Yeah.
Zed: (hi all.. just lurkin... GURPS newb~)
Lenia: For 3 FP, 2d6 damage.
Lenia: Done.
GM: okay.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [20] bandits
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Lenia: "We're going to have to work on the 'Hang back and negotiate" tactic, folks."
GM: doing a rules lookup - hang on.
Thog: ((Hi Zed. How did you find us?))
Sithis: I don't want negotiate! I'm bloodlust!!
Arganyev: that can contribute as intimidation
Generic Monster: The lead bandit all-out crosschecks Singeon with a flying tackle! [3d6.skill(14,1)] => [6,1,2] = 9 vs (15) or less Success! by 6 Deceptive -4/-2
Sithis: I don't want negotiate with bandits anyway
Generic Monster: slightly surprised, the other spearfolk move up and the mace guys draw together.
Generic Monster: the archer aims at Sithis.
Singeon: Acrododge, -2 for balance +2 for haste, -2 deceptive
Singeon: Skill: Acrobatics (15): [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,1,4] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Sithis: and the bandits don't seems to want negotiate...
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,-2)] => [5,4,5] = 14 vs (10) or less Failure! by 4
Singeon: I use luck
Generic Monster: "Give us your gold, or die!"
Beltarne: We haven't even ASKED if they'd like to negotiate.
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,-2)] => [2,6,2] = 10 vs (10) or less Success! by 0
GM: punk!
Singeon: Defend: Dodge (Enc 0) (12): [3d6.skill(12,-2)] => [2,5,3] = 10 vs (10) or less Success! by 0
Arganyev: folks, you are making me to be angry! (In character)
Beltarne: Oh. Never mind. There's the negotiation.
Lenia: "Yes, something about INSANE PEOPLE charging them with POINTY THINGS rather than trying to TALK TO THEM."
GM: You're at -1 for the darkness penalty, Singeon. You fail.
Thog: ((This is how the Cavern of Madness get its name. People come out frothing on the mouth charging willy-nilly into certain death.))
Sithis: can I dodge too?
Arganyev: what thing?
GM: No one has shot you yet, Sithis.
Sithis: ah! OK
GM: Another rules check.
GM: Quick rules check: darkness penalties affect defenses, right?
Lenia: Correct.
Lenia: Half the darkness penalty.
GM: cite? (i believe you, just curious)
Sithis: the bandits are humans?
Lenia: One sec.
GM: The bandits are human. 1 just hit Singeon.
GM: [3d6+2] => [5,2,3,2] = (12) vs [2d6+2] => [1,5,2] = (8)
Lenia: Emily and I were discussing this earlier today, but I'm thinking she was wrong.
Beltarne: Hmmm.
Beltarne: Actually, yes, I'm thinking I was wrong. If you can't see, it's -4.
Beltarne: and a block or parry can only be used if you make a Hearing-2 roll to notice the attack.
GM: Singeon, take 6 points of damage before DR and roll DX or fall over.
Singeon: Dr 4- I take 2
Singeon: [3d6] => [1,2,2] = (5)
Singeon: Made DX by 10
GM: damage penalty applies as shock to DX, not that you care.
Arganyev: how much damage suffers Singeon?
Narrator: The bandit slams Singeon back against the wall, but he stays mostly standing.
Thog: ((I can't find any actual rule that says defender gets visibility penalty, although given that defender gets penalized if the attacker's invisible due to smoke or darkness, I think you can rule it either way.))
GM: I'm ruling it applies.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

Singeon: On BS548-549 it shows all penalties that apply. Vision is not listed.
Lenia: It makes sense that it would.
** Thog crawls out. Finally! He stands up and hopes the bandits don't see him or at least get distracted by his companions up front. **
Thog: ((Can I do Change Posture on top of the crawl too?))
Sithis: and Thog don't scare the bandits?
GM: Sure, but it's extra effort.
GM: Sithis, they haven't seen him yet.
Sithis: OK
Thog: (sure. 1 fp or more? And sithis, it's dark, and I'm not carrying any visible light)
Sithis: but Thog scare 'em right?
GM: Who can say?
GM: Thog, move.
Arganyev: he has a heart of gold...
Sithis: :)

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Thog: (Thanks. Was editing FP.)
Sithis: I cast a dagger from here at archer
whispering to Thog, I have you at 8.
Sithis: a knife, sorry
GM: Your silvered knives aren't balanced for throwing. Drop 1, draw a goblin throwing knife, and throw it?
Sithis: OK
Sithis: I do
GM: roll fastdraw (skill 16), and then throwing (skill16 at -4)
Sithis: [3d6] => [3,3,1] = (7)
Sithis: [3d6] => [1,1,6] = (8)
Arganyev: fastdraw done
Arganyev: done again
Sithis: hey! success!
Arganyev: yeah
Generic Monster: to see the knife [3d6.skill(10)] => 3d6.skill(10)
Generic Monster: to see the knife [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [4,2,4] = 10 vs (10) or less Success! by 0
Generic Monster: bravery? [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [6,5,4] = 15 vs (11) or less Failure! by 4
Generic Monster: He flinches and dodges as best he can [3d6.skill(7,-1)] => [2,4,6] = 12 vs (6) or less Failure! by 6
GM: Damage is 1d-2, but you spoiled his aim.
Sithis: [1d6] => [6] = (6)
Arganyev: total 4 basic damage
GM: You fail to penetrate his armor, but you spoiled shot.
Sithis: good!
Sithis: but this not aim me more!
GM: (she's past 1/2 damage range, so she only did 2 points).
GM: True, true.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: Step, Dual Thrusts to Vitals (-1), Deceptive -4/-2, -2 for shock (total -7 to hit)
Arganyev: aha
GM: -3 for starlight.
Arganyev: go go
GM: Singeon?
Singeon: Step, Dual Thrusts to Vitals (-1), Deceptive -2/-1, -2 for shock -3 (total -8 to hit)
Singeon: OK?
Singeon: Attack: Saber L Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-8)] => [3,3,3] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5
Singeon: Attack: Saber R Swing (22): [3d6.skill(22,-8)] => [2,2,3] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7
Sithis: what is the blue circlet?
Singeon: So im only giving them a -1
Generic Monster: She's prone and just all-out attacked, so it's easy for you to cuts her in the back and cut up her lungs. No defense, roll damage.
Arganyev: OK, you defend now!
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Thrust): [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8) imp
Singeon: Damage: Saber (Thrust): [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8) imp
Singeon: 24 total?
Arganyev: well, that should suffice
GM: Dr2 armor, vitals, 36 points. people need to have more vital organs to be alive then she has.
** Singeon yells "Who's next, bastards!" **

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Singeon: ###
Sithis: well done Singeon!
** Beltarne runs up. **
Beltarne: ###
Beltarne: Filthy fast people.
Lenia: Look on the bright side, Beltarne.
GM: heh.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Lenia: Being slow means you're out of range of what I'm about to do.
Beltarne: Hee hee hee
Sithis: envy!
Lenia: Wait, no.
Lenia: No, you're not.
Arganyev: I stand up, Mark
Lenia: Sorry.
Arganyev: can I move or anything?
GM: it's a step and you can't take it as part of a move maneuver. so no.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [20] bandits)

Arganyev: ### then
Lenia: Step forward and toss the Concussion at Bandit #3's hex. -3 for light, -3 for range, +4 for aiming at the ground.
GM: okay.
Arganyev: luck Lenia!
Lenia: Innate Attack: [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [3,1,2] = 6 vs (12) or less Success! by 6
GM: He takes how much damage?
Lenia: Damage in that hex is [2d6] => [4,3] = (7) divided by 3 for every hex distant; all within 10 yards roll HT-3 or are stunned.
Lenia: HT: [3d6.skill(12,-3)] => [2,2,4] = 8 vs (9) or less Success! by 1
GM: So, HT rolls at -3 for everyone!
Singeon: Do i take 1? I am within 3 yards
Sithis: who is at 10 yards?
Arganyev: [3d6] => [2,2,2] = (6)
Thog: (Not me. 11 yards! Yay!)
Arganyev: I think Lenia isn't)
Lenia: DR counts, Singeon, so probably not.
Singeon: [3d6] => [4,4,6] = (14)
Lenia: Lenia's at 8 yards, I counted.
Beltarne: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,-3)] => [3,4,5] = 12 vs (10) or less Failure! by 2
Singeon: I miss my HT roll by 4
Sithis: the tall of wall doesn't count?
Arganyev: luckily for you , all them are stunned
Arganyev: too
** Singeon says, "lookit the birdies! Tweet tweet!" **
Sithis: am I in 10 yards or not?
GM: Sithis, you're in range. You too, Arganyev
Arganyev: if Beltarne is, you too..
Arganyev: Mark, I did my HT roll successfully
Sithis: [3d6] => [2,6,5] = (13)
GM: Sorry, Arganyev, missed it.
Arganyev: I rolled a 6
Sithis: missed :(
Arganyev: it is some lines upwards
Narrator: Thunder cracks the night, as Lenia evokes her favorite spell and catches friend and foe in a rush of ear. All of the bandits are holding their ears, eyes agape, but so are most of the delvers.
Arganyev: however you are the GM, so if you want to me roll again...
GM: No, I see it now, just not at first. Thanks!

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [20] bandits
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Generic Monster: The lead bandit's blood pools outward from her gaping wounds. The others grasp their heads in pain.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

** Thog draws and readies his bow and arrow in one smooth practiced motion. Then he noticed that... the bandits aren't moving much. What an opportunity! (And if the rolls succeed, I step forward and shoot someone.) **
GM: okay.
Thog: Fast-Draw (Arrow) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-1)] => [6,4,1] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
Thog: Bow (17) [3d6.skill(17,+1 -1)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (17) or less Success! by 5 Conditional: +1 from 'Weapon Bond (Oversized Longbow)'
whispering to Thog, There's no penalty on the fast-draw roll, btw,
Sithis: Thog, destroys all!
** Thog steps forward and lets loose the arrow at the bandit in front of Singeon. (bandit 4) **
GM: your night vision counters the darkness penalty, too.
GM: he's got cover, unless you make it a head/neck shot.
Thog: Longbow [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [6,6,6] = 18 vs (18) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
GM: you're at -4 for range.
Arganyev: dang
GM: want to spend a CP for a reroll?
Thog: (Okay, why is it that when you put it the wrong modifier and hit x to close the window you instead roll the dice?)
Arganyev: I think a headshot should suffice...
GM: I'm an idiot about the sheet - check with Bruno (Beltarne) or Lenia.
Lenia: ((Because OpenRPG was coded by spastic monkeys.))
Arganyev: OMG an ogre is on my back!)
GM: no reroll? okay. [3d6.crit_miss()] => [1,1,6] = 8 Your weapon turns in your hand; must Ready it before it can be used again. [B556]
Thog: (yeah, spend CP. Also, what's the penalty for head/neck shot?)
GM: oh/
Beltarne: (( It's the OpenRPG. ))
Beltarne: (( monkeys. yes. ))
GM: you're at -9 before acc bonus, so a 12- to hit.
Thog: (Thog has night vision, btw)
GM: Yes, I said that earlier. Roll, please!
Thog: Longbow [3d6.skill(18,+3 - 12)] => [2,2,3] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2
GM: he can't effectively dodge between the darkness and the stunning. roll damage.
Thog: Longbow [2d6+8] => [6,3,8] = (17) imp
Arganyev: dead
GM: it's piercing, not impaling!
GM: so he only takes 17 damage.
Lenia: The macro's built for standard longbow arrows.
Lenia: That's my fault.
GM: ah!
Sithis: and with this, the bandits don't scare yet?
Lenia: Even if they're scared, what are they going to do? They're all stunned.
Arganyev: they are stunned, too much for making anything
Narrator: Thog rushes out of the cave and readies his massive bow. Stumbling slightly, he launches a bolt into a bandit's nose and drops him a massive spray of blood.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: something for left the stunned
Sithis: [3d6] => [6,1,5] = (12)
Sithis: dammit!
GM: Throw another knife?
Sithis: I think.... I'm stunned, can I to do that?
GM: oh, right. no, you can't. you're still stunned.
GM: okay.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

** Singeon says "Duh" **
GM: HT-3 to recover.
Singeon: [3d6] => [3,6,4] = (13)
Sithis: me? -3?
Singeon: Missed by 3
Singeon: '###
GM: No, Singeon.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Sithis: ah!
GM: HT-3 to recover, Beltarne.
** Beltarne tries to recover from stun! **
Beltarne: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,-)] => 3d6.skill(13,-)
Beltarne: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,-3)] => [5,5,3] = 13 vs (10) or less Failure! by 3
GM: man, bad luck.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

Sithis: dwarf!
GM: There's no penalty to jump the rest of the way down, it's only 1 foot.
Arganyev: can I leap to the ground level without rolling dice?
GM: yes.
GM: 2 MP.
Arganyev: then I make an Heroic Charge (Extra Effort) and slash at Bandit4
GM: 4 is dead. 5?
Arganyev: 5
GM: okay. roll it, -3 for darkness
Arganyev: Broadsword against bandit:
Arganyev: [3d6] => [4,3,3] = (10)
Arganyev: success
Beltarne: I'm going to have to go to bed soon.
GM: mace parry! [3d6.skill(10,-6)] => [3,2,4] = 9 vs (4) or less Failure! by 5
GM: roll damage
GM: one last round, Emily?
Arganyev: Broadsword swing:
Arganyev: [2d6] => [3,6] = (9)
Thog: ((Shouldn't be long to finish this.))
Sithis: you can't, you are stunned)
Arganyev: result?
GM: He drops, spewing blood.
Beltarne: Sure, should be quick, we're all stunned :D
Arganyev: ###

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [20] bandits)

Lenia: Move. Done.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [20] bandits
(on deck: [30] Thog)

Narrator: The bandits look in horror as their brotherhood dies, but they can't focus enough to do anything about it.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [30] Thog
(on deck: [28] Sithis)

** Thog steps forward as he readies and nocks another arrow to his bow. **
Thog: Fast-Draw (Arrow) (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [6,1,2] = 9 vs (15) or less Success! by 6
Thog: Bow (17) [3d6.skill(17,-1)] => [5,2,4] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5 Conditional: +1 from 'Weapon Bond (Oversized Longbow)'
GM: attacking?
** Thog shoots at bandit2. **
GM: -2 to hit for cover, -4 for range.
Thog: (yes. any cover, etc?)
Sithis: better, the 3
Sithis: no, it is true, better the 2
Thog: Longbow [3d6.skill(18,-6+3)] => [4,3,1] = 8 vs (15) or less Success! by 7
GM: damage, he can't dodge?
Thog: Longbow [2d6+8] => [2,6,8] = (16) pi
GM: His armor prevents 1 point of damage. The other 15 get through and he falls over.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Sithis
(on deck: [28] Singeon)

Sithis: [3d6] => [4,6,5] = (15)
GM: Nope.
Sithis: stunned

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Singeon
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Singeon: [3d6] => [2,3,3] = (8)
Sithis: do nothing
Singeon: Made it by 2
GM: you blink your eyes, shake your head, and watch as people die.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Arganyev)

Thog: (You guys might want to consider overpowering the remaining bandit by placing your sword on his neck or something. May have bounty.)
Singeon: Can I rebalance now?
GM: no, you had to do nothing since you were stunned.
Singeon: OK
GM: Beltarne?
GM: must be sleepy.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Arganyev
(on deck: [24] Lenia)

** Beltarne fails to recover from stunning. **
Beltarne: HT [3d6.skill(13,-3)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (10) or less Failure! by 2
Lenia: I think with Arganyev and Singeon active, and them still stunned, the bandits are done for.
GM: let's let Arganyev get his kill in, if he wants one, and then call it.
** Arganyev shouts 'Tyrandor, your Holy Strength is mine too!' (Blessed: Heroic Feat for raising Strength, 1d) **
Lenia: Not to mention Thog and his javelin-launcher.
GM: okay.
Arganyev: [1d6] => [4] = (4)
Arganyev: ST 17 now
Beltarne: (( sorry> Dozy. ))
GM: all-out attack on 3?
Arganyev: AoA, +2 to damage against 3
Arganyev: [1d6] => [2] = (2)
Arganyev: sorry
Arganyev: [3d6] => [6,3,4] = (13)
GM: parry [3d6.skill(4,0)] => [5,3,4] = 12 vs (4) or less Failure! by 8
Arganyev: damage with ST 17?
GM: 3d6+4
Arganyev: [3d6] => [6,1,2] = (9)
Arganyev: hit for: 13

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Lenia
(on deck: [20] bandits)

Arganyev: Thog, Im not bandit so I can look after their bounty ;^)
Arganyev: I can`t
GM: Lenia, any actions?
Lenia: Movemen.t
GM: okay.
Lenia: Done.
GM: I'm guessing that Thog, Singeon, and Arganyev can kill 1 guy with a bow in the 3 rounds it will take him to recover from stun.
GM: So I call this fight over.
Singeon: Aye, sir
Lenia: I really was going to negotiate.
GM: Congratulations! You have defeated the defenses of the Caverns of Madness!
Lenia: But then everyone charged.
Beltarne: Hee.
Singeon: I missed your negotiate thing. I though we were going for it, that's why you hasted me
Arganyev: I know, Lenia
Arganyev: indeed she hasted me ?
Thog: ((Thog had no preference.))
GM: I could roll out some random encounters for the road home, but they'd be fodders and worthies and you'll recover before leaving.
GM: So.
Singeon: Negotiate with the last one, then we kill him!
Beltarne: Heh.
Arganyev: wow folks , we completed The Caverns of Madness!!!!!! Success!!!!!!
Beltarne: Hurray!
** Singeon cheers for joy! **
Sithis: I agree with Singeon, hehe
Beltarne: Big party at the inn! Lenia's paying!
GM: You make it back to Polisberg. We'll handle buying, selling, paying off your sponsors, and the like over email during the next week.
Singeon: Okay!
Lenia: Why does everyone assume Lenia will buy things? ;_;
Beltarne: Greed, Miser. :D
GM: Thanks for playing, everyone.
Thog: Thog wants whole cow. And whole barrel of dwarven ale.
Lenia: She spends her reward on ale and whores, not parties.
Singeon: If you want to meet online for any reason this week, i can be availbale. For talking about splits and stuff
Sithis: hey, before give the books , I want to read it! remember
Singeon: What book?
GM: If you have comments or suggestions on the adventure, email me or do it over the group.
Sithis: all the books, sure
Lenia: Great job, Mark, really.
Lenia: And thanks for the game.
Sithis: only read, and left
Mark: Really, thanks for playing and Tony, thanks for stepping in.
Singeon: Fun
Thog: You are welcome.
Beltarne: Woo, I'll have to work on my character.
