Saga of Westmarch Wiki

Narrator: The delvers stand in the darkness of the Shrouded Valley as Cid SilverWing gets to his feet. Around them are the moaning and bleeding forms of dozens of badly wounded and dying ogres and goblins. Some are feebly trying to crawl toward safety.
Cid: I look around at the fallen beasts then back at the party, "Quite a perilous experience. Not one I wish to repeat, however."
Narrator: South of them, easily a hundred orc knights in full plate march in formation up the road. Another hundred orc knights on chargers trot up a spur road, heading for the tower. It looks like they're planning on flanking you.
** Connell tilts his wooden head, half of it painted in a spray of ogre blood, and looks over Cid critically. Deciding the paladin isn't about to fall apart anymore, he pads over to Mrugnak and sits on his haunches. **
Mrugnak: "Dem's gonna come get smash'd gain anyways."
Richard: are the chargers armored?
GM: Lightly, but they're currently well out of range.
GM: Everyone make observation rolls.
Richard: "perhaps we should head back to the village to deny them open terrain."
GM: Uhm... Vision based, lighting penalties apply.
Kevin: So... Per-5, at -5 for lighting?
GM: If you don't have the skill, yes.
Richard: observation [3d6.skill(12,-5)] => [6,1,6] = 13 vs (7) or less Failure! by 6
Connell: Per: [3d6.skill(16,-5)] => [3,6,1] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
Cid: [3d6] => [2,1,6] = (9)
Mrugnak: Observation (12) [3d6.skill(12,-5+1)] => [3,6,6] = 15 vs (8) or less Failure! by 7 Blessed
Ayake: I'm rolling at 1-, I think. >.>
Ayake: So no roll from me.
GM: Hang on. Whispers inbound.
whispering to Connell, You think the orcs will arrive in about 11 minutes, maybe a little less.
whispering to Cid, You think the orcs will arrive in about 4 minutes at the rate they're coming.
** Connell reaches out a paw and scrawls carefully in the dirt: 11 min **
whispering to Kevin, You think the orcs will arrive in about 4 minutes at the rate they're coming.
whispering to Ted, You think the orcs will arrive in about 16 minutes.
Cid: I look at the charging orcs, shading my eyes with my right hand, "They will arrive shortly. I advise we retreat to the village for better cover."
whispering to Mrugnak, You think the orcs will arrive in about 4 minutes at the rate they're coming.
Richard: "I agree, lets go"
GM: Oh, everyone needs to apply 1+Encumbrance fatigue from the battle.
** Mrugnak stares quizzically at the cryptic runes Connell is digging in the dirt, and loks around expctantly for the magical fireworks. **
GM: Richard, what's your current fatigue? It keeps bouncing back and forth.
Richard: "Our druid says we have about 11 minutes Mrugnak"
Richard: 5
GM: For people who are resting, 2 minutes have passed since the end of the fight. Casting spells is NOT resting.
Connell: (( I'm either at 2/14 FP or 5/17 FP depending on how shapeshifting works. Either way I think that slows me down.
Richard: was 7 before the fight end stuff
Richard: so no recovery if we healed?
GM: Right.
GM: Connell, we'll put you at 2/14 for simplicity.
Ayake: ((I lose 1 FP from Encumbrance+1, and gain 1 FP and 1 ER for Breath Control in the time since the fight?))
Richard: ok, can I make it back to the village in less than 1 min? think I can
GM: It's 240 yards... that's a full run if you want to be there in 1 minute. Paced running is half speed, so generally 3 yds/second for 80 seconds.
GM: Or you can walk at 1 yd/s without spending fatigue.
GM: Choose.
Richard: my move is 8 due to haste
GM: Cid is move 4 running, move 2 paced running, unless he drops his backpack.
GM: Well. Okay, Richard is fast!
Cid: What's your fatigue, Richard?
Connell: (( Either we get there in 1 min and rest 2mins to regain the fatigue spent running, or spend 3 mins walking to spend no fatigue so... I walk, woo. ))
Ayake: And my move is 8 due to being me. >.>
Mrugnak: Ditto move 8. But I'm actually carrying a lot of crap. A nice stroll suits me...
Ayake: I'm happy to run it, spend the FP, and meditate for 2 min to get back 1 FP and 1 ER.
Ayake: So the party probably splits while we're getting there.
Richard: would I spend any going at half move?
GM: So Richard and Ayake jog off and secure the village (1 minute, roll HT to avoid losing fatigue).
GM: Everyone else walks, taking 4 minutes.
Mrugnak: Oh hey. It's a HT roll!
Mrugnak: I forgot about that.
Ayake: HT: [3d6.skill(12,+1)] => [3,6,6] = 15 vs (13) or less Failure! by 2
Richard: [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
Ayake: Boo. I'm rolling badly already tonight.
Richard: woot, no loss
Mrugnak: Enh. Shouldn't leave everyone else alone. Mobile folks are mobile.
GM: Berkun will walk.
Ayake: ((I don't suppose I can sub Breath Control for HT there? >.>))
GM: Nope. You could sub Running.
Ayake: Alas.
GM: Back at the village, 4 minutes later.
Ayake: Breath Control: [3d6.skill(14,+1)] => [2,1,2] = 5 vs (15) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
GM: What people doing and for how long?
Ayake: 1 minute later, I arrive at the village. 2 minutes after that, I get that Breath Control roll. :P
Connell: Resting for 6 minutes. 5/14 FP now.
GM: You recover 2 fatigue then.
Richard: maintain spell on the haste, loud and gestures and twice time, -2 FP [3d6.skill(18,-1-5+4)] => [5,4,4] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3 0 FP total to maintain it for 20 mins, takes 4 secs
Cid: I face South and worry that the enemy may flank us in every direction
Richard: then recover strength for 10 mins
Mrugnak: Mrugnak will sit and rest quietly, keeping a watch for orcs and things. Regaining 1 FP in the 6 minutes for COnnell to recovery.
Mrugnak: or 2 FP in the 10 for Richard.
GM: Uhm, Richard - what?
Ayake: I'm going to continue resting, using Breath Control, until someone tells me we're about to be attacked.
Richard: casting maintain spell on my haste
GM: ... which does what?
Richard: normally 0 to maintain so 10 misn for each one spent
Richard: it will now end after 20 mins and doesn't count as a spell on
Cid: "How fares your stamina, mage?" I peer over at Richard
Richard: I should recover 5 FP and all of my energy resever in 10 mins
Richard: "I'll be down a third of my fatigue when they get here"
Ayake: ((Do we actually have 10 mins?))
GM: Just checking, here. So you cast Haste +2 and reduced the cost to 2, maintenance 0? And now you're maintaining it?
Richard: afk a min
Richard: no
Ayake: He's using Maintain Spell on it so that it stops counting as a 'Spell on' for him.
Richard: I had cast haste 4 with a -4 FP on it so it cost 0 to maintain
GM: Oh, right.
Richard: then I cast maintain spell on that
GM: And now it's a Maintained Spell for the next... 20 minutes?
Richard: haste was last session
GM: Right, I know that part.
Richard: yah
GM: Okay.
Cid: "I say, when you can afford to do so, I would benefit greatly from your spellcasting."
GM: So how long are you waiting? Time and distance qualifiers appreciated.
Cid: I stand still and do nothing, but keep my weapons drawn
Ayake: I'm actually willing to wait until they get to us.
Ayake: I'd rather fight those groups among the huts, where being mounted is more of a disadvantage.
Richard: Cid should be at full health
Ayake: ((He wants buffs.))
Cid: "Mmm-no, this is not an ideal position of ambush..."
Mrugnak: I have no really significant ranged attacks for fighting mobs with, so Mrugnak is perfectly happy to sit around picking bugs out of his fur until the bad guys get within, say, 40 yards or so (5 seconds of running)
Richard: (( afk another min, remember there are some defenses at the south building ))
GM: 8 minutes after you guys started heading toward the village, the orc footknights pass the battlefield.
GM: They are now 240 yards away for anyone who cares.
** Connell is hanging out with Mrugnak, head on his paws, resting. **
Cid: ((Those defenses being?))
GM: Right, the village for Cid.
Mrugnak: the hut at -25,-15 has been magically fortified
Mrugnak: walls built
Ayake: ((Should I throw my four Breath Control rolls?))
GM: The village is a collection of crude goblins huts made variously from stretched hide over wood frames, mud and daub, and mud covered brambles and the like.
GM: Ayake - don't bother, I'll take it on faith.
GM: Uhm... and you'd only get 3, it took a minute to run to the village.
GM: Anyway.
GM: The southern house has a trench and dirt wall in front of it that Richard created.
GM: Another minute passes as the orcs close to 180 yards.
Cid: "Prepare for battle, comrades. This promises to be arduous!"
GM: The cavalry is now northwest of you, a fair bit out.
GM: As the orcs and ogres cross the last spur road, they break into a double-time trot.
Richard: the cav is not on the map?
GM: It's northwest of the road, about 400 yards out.
Richard: I guess I can't see it
GM: Let me figure out how far away they really are at this point.
Mrugnak: Can't see it either.
Mrugnak: Oh hey, spotted them.
Mrugnak: -396, 17
GM: They're actually over 500 yards away, at the tower.
Richard: oh
Richard: we're at 9 mins?
GM: A few seconds after the foot knights start the double-time, the cavalry begans to advance at a slow walk.
GM: Yes indeed.
Richard: ok, so only 4 FP/EN
GM: The foot knights close the distance quickly.
GM: After a minute, they're roughly a hundred yards away.
Cid: "Quick, move into hiding and attack them when they are close!"
GM: Err... 60 yards away.
GM: The cavalry is still a hundred yards out, but advancing at the trot and starting their gallop.
Richard: can I see the cav from the fortified hut since they are uphill now?
** Ayake draws a throwing spike and fingers it a little nervously. "Don't get between me and them." **
GM: At this distance, you can plainly see that the ogres are wearing massive suits of double-weight mail.
Cid: "What're they wearing?"
GM: With a roar, the foot knights raise their shields and begin their charge, planning to overwhelm you with share numbers.
GM: Given that the odds are 1:20 against you (not counting the cavalry or the ogres), this may actually be a possibility.
Richard: double weight mail = DR8?
** Mrugnak ROARS back and brandishes his weapons! **
GM: No, just DR5/3
Ayake: ((I forget. Is my Autotrance still broken?))
GM: Uhmm...
Ayake: ((I think it is.))
Richard: Fast-Draw Arrow [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [2,4,3] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7 and load
GM: When did you fail it last, Ayake?
Ayake: Right before we assaulted the walls.
Ayake: But it was a critfail, so.
GM: Sadly, that was about 30 minutes ago. So no matter what, you can't roll for a bit.
Ayake: Yeah.
GM: ... maybe 40, but definitely less than an hour.
Ayake: All good!
Richard: (( oops, missed the buff request ))
GM: How close are people letting them come before starting the fight?
Cid: You don't have LoS to me so...
Richard: I'm going to blow some up
Cid: I'm waiting for one to come into my sight then shiv them in their backsides
GM: At what range? Your option is less than 60 yards, by the way.
Ayake: I've got nothing before 10 yards.
Ayake: At 10 yards, I make them weep.
Richard: I can fire now depending on cast time, seems we are on semi-combat rounds
Mrugnak: Stashing my backpack by the hut, by the way.
Mrugnak: I may regret this.
Cid: "Over here, comrade!" I motion for Ayake to move over to my position then drop my backpack as well.
GM: You could have fired at any time, you just waited until they were 60 yards away.
GM: What are you casting?
Richard: ok
Richard: 6d explode
Ayake: ((I can't see Cid, and I like my position right now.))
GM: How long does that take to cast?
Cid: ((I'm 6 hexes behind you))
Richard: 2 sec since I'm taking extra time
GM: Okay.
GM: Roll your casting.
** Ayake looks over his shoulder. "I'd rather deal with them in the open, for a few moments at least." He grins. "I have a surprise for them!" **
Richard: 6d explode shouting, extra time, -3 FP [3d6.skill(19,+4-8)] => [2,3,6] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4 for 15 FP from power item
Cid: "Very well, just don't get carried away."
** Ayake puts his throwing spike away and pulls out a Smoke Bomb. **
GM: ... everyone make (Vision) Observation rolls at -6.
Cid: [3d6] => [4,3,1] = (8)
Ayake: Autofail.
Mrugnak: Observation (12) [3d6.skill(12,-6+1)] => [5,2,4] = 11 vs (7) or less Failure! by 4 Blessed
Connell: [3d6.skill(16,-11)] => [1,4,5] = 10 vs (5) or less Failure! by 5
Berkun: [3d6.skill(14,-6-5)
Berkun: [3d6.skill(14,-6-5)] => [1,3,6] = 10 vs (3) or less Failure! by 7
Richard: [3d6.skill(12,-6)] => [5,2,2] = 9 vs (6) or less Failure! by 3
GM: Connell, aren't you still in Wooden Tiger form?
Connell: Yep... er, does that change4 something?
Richard: wait, did that include the darkness or not?
GM: That doesn't include the darkness penalty, but Wooden Tigers have Night Vision 5, so you succeeded.
Cid: Don't forget my racial Night Vision 5 either
Richard: meh, no point for me then
whispering to Connell, A dark shape is flying your way - you think it might be some kind of greenskin wizard on a flying carpet.
whispering to Connell, Southwest, about 20 yards up and 80 yards away, and moving slowly as it aims an attack.
** Connell looks up, sits back, and points at something flying in the sky. "Rrrrrr." **
GM: Okay, back to Richard. You have a spell arrow of doom...
Richard: aim then fire [3d6.skill(18,+4+2+4-8-5)] => [4,1,5] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5 at hex between knights 1, 2, 5
GM: You can't possibly see the hex between knights 1, 2, 5 on the grounds that there are literaly 40 orc knights in the way.
Mrugnak: Flying things?
** Mrugnak looks for stars or something and doesn't find them. **
GM: Right, people can reroll observation at -2 (net penalty excluding darkness)
Richard: um, I put it in the middle of them?
Richard: it's fine if I hit one
Mrugnak: Observation (12) [3d6.skill(12,-2+1)] => [2,2,5] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2 Blessed
Ayake: Still an autofail for me.
GM: I'm not going you a +4 bonus to hit a highly specific hex in the midst of a bunch of guards charging at 10 yards a second.
Cid: [3d6] => [5,6,5] = (16)
GM: Like, no.
Mrugnak: Oh, darkness makes me fail.
Richard: I made it by 5 anyhow
Ayake: So he hits by 1 without the +4?
Cid: ((Btw I noticed a trend going with rolling high numbers - Is that a bad thing?)
Mrugnak: Yes, roll low if you have any psychic influence over the computer at all :D
GM: Serious question: what's a good penalty for indirect fire with a bow?
Cid: Shooting from the hip? Wild-fire?
Ayake: Some archery styles use it exclusively.
Ayake: If we're talking ballistic arcs here.
Richard: observation [3d6.skill(12,-7)] => [5,1,3] = 9 vs (5) or less Failure! by 4
GM: But very rarely, from what I understand, to hit a point target.
Mrugnak: And usually with 39 friends.
Richard: will it matter if it's off by a hex because it hit someone?
GM: Bah! I'll just call it a -4 for cover.
GM: Maybe, maybe not.
Ayake: If wind isn't a factor, it's not actually all that hard to put an arrow into the right general area on a ballistic arc. I won't call it *easy*, but with a 6d explosion spell he just needs it anywhere within a circle about 25 yards across.
GM: Deviation is [1d6] => [5] = (5) from north, 3 yards.
Richard: also I should get a slight bonus since they are downhill
GM: True! The arrow drops amidst Orc Foot Knights 1 and explodes into a massive blast of shrapnel.
GM: Collectively, they take 7+1+6... 14 hits for 6d6 cutting each.
Cid: Ouch!
GM: Which pretty much vaporizes the guys immediately nearby, and sends some shrapnel into the other groups for [6d6-8] => [3,2,2,2,1,1,-8] = (3) cutting.
Ayake: ((Wow. Amazingly bad damage roll. >.>))
Richard: man, can I luck that damage?
Goblin: Yes, yes you can.
GM: Yes, yes you can.
Richard: do it!
Richard: or I can
Richard: [6d6-8] => [5,3,2,5,4,1,-8] = (12)
GM: I got it. [6d6-8] => [5,1,4,3,6,6,-8] = (17)
[6d6-8] => [5,3,1,3,6,5,-8] = (15)

GM: Okay, that's more.
Richard: win
Richard: that should splat some more
** Richard doesn't plan on doing that again **
GM: Several knights on the edges of the formation are torn to shreds or knocked to the ground, bleeding. but the rest continue at the charge.
Cid: "Comrade, what do you see?" I prod for response from Ayake.
Goblin: Goblin mage then looses his lightning bolt at Richard (all-out) [3d6.skill(16,6+3+1-10-2)] => [6,4,3] = 13 vs (14) or less Success! by 1 DA-2/-1
Ayake: "A lot of orcs and ogres. Stop bothering me; this takes some concentration."
GM: Richard? Defense?
Richard: sec
Richard: drop and dodge [3d6.skill(12,+3)] => [4,5,4] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
Richard: where is the mage?
GM: East of the knights, basically.
** Richard assumes the -2 was partial cover **
GM: No... he's quite a bit above you, no cover. That was a deceptive attack against dodging.
Cid: Damned!
GM: And you would have had a slight penalty for not seeing him.
Richard: didn't think you could DA ranged
Cid: Are we in combat completely? I just totally fucked myself
GM: You can.
Richard: forgot the -1, but was ok
Ayake: DA on ranged attacks only affects dodges, but that was a dodge, so. :D
GM: Take [4d6-4] => [1,3,2,6,-4] = (8) lightning damage.
Richard: eh?
Richard: made by 2, forgot the -1
GM: Yes, but you hadn't seen him, so there's a -2 for dodging an attack from above that you were hardly aware of.
Ayake: ((Pretty generous to even allow a defense roll at that point. >.>))
Cid: Am I eligible for a free move?
Ayake: This round: Concentrate for +2 on Conic Blast (Karate).
GM: C'mon, it's not even a major wound.
Richard: ok, what loc?
GM: Torso.
GM: People can move around freely at this point, I suppose, as long as the movement is reasonable.
Cid: I totally want to get the drop on these twats
Cid: Unlike last time when that ogre buttfucked me into -3HP
Narrator: Blood fountains as orcs are disintegrated by Richard's arrow. The archer drops in turn as lightning splits the sky.
GM: Anyone doing anything interesting for the next few seconds? By the way, you can all see the goblin mage now, who is doing S-turns as he casts a spell.
Ayake: If 'few seconds' is 'three', it'll be 'Concentrate on Imbuements': Penetrating Strike, Project Blow, Stupefying Blow.
Cid: I Wait until an enemy is within my sight
Richard: I am gonna cast shield
Richard: what page is lightning?
GM: Go ahead. 1 second casting time?
Mrugnak: How high up is the wizard?
GM: 20 yards, like it says on the tin.
GM: 3 seconds is fine, Ayake.
GM: Richard?
Richard: was looking up DR rules for magic armor
Richard: and metal
Richard: can't find if magic DR works
Richard: or deflect
GM: Magic DR never stacks with itself.
Richard: does it stack with the metal DR1 tho
GM: It does stack with mundance armor.
GM: What armor are you wearing?
Richard: mail, with deflect and fortify 1
Richard: so technically I did dodge since he hit where I had deflect
GM: It will stack witht the mail but not the Fortify.
GM: ...
GM: There's no partial Deflect/Fortify, see the house rules.
GM: Regardless.
Cid: *waits impatiently*
GM: You were casting a spell or something?
Richard: shield DB 3 long, loud, gestures, -3 FP [3d6.skill(19,+4-8)] => [4,4,6] = 14 vs (15) or less Success! by 1 3 FP
GM: 'kay.
GM: Anything else in the next 2 seconds?
Cid: Still Waiting
Mrugnak: Yup.
Richard: that does it for me
Mrugnak: actually.
Mrugnak: Waiting is boring.
GM: ...
Mrugnak: And there are ogres nearby.
Ayake: ((Richard - may want to get up? >.>))
Mrugnak: Hm.
Richard: we have 4 or 2 total since the exchange?
GM: Wait 2 more seconds.
Mrugnak: Oh fine.
Cid: What, is Richard down?
Mrugnak: I wait two more seconds, Evaluating those ogres.
Ayake: He dropped when he dodged.
Richard: I'll get up and load if 4 total
GM: Current board position is 3 seconds after the Explode/Lightning exchange.
GM: Richard is kneeling now.
GM: Okay.
GM: Let's start the fight before I get tetchy.
Mrugnak: oook.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Ayake
(on deck: [28] Berkun)

Ayake: Step, Concentrate: Crippling Blow.
Ayake: ###

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Berkun
(on deck: [28] Goblin Mage)

Berkun: Shoot arrows at orc knights (a continuing story)

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Goblin Mage
(on deck: [26] Connell)

Goblin: Build up spells while flying around 3/3

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Connell
(on deck: [24] Mrugnak)

Connell: Waiting around waiting for Mrugnak to pick a target.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Mrugnak
(on deck: [24] Richard)

Mrugnak: If I take an AoD, do I loose my Evaluate bonus?
GM: Yes.
Mrugnak: Hokay! Step forward, still Evaluating!
Mrugnak: I'm not sure how much of a bonus I have.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Richard
(on deck: [24] Cid)

Richard: go to crouch and fast draw meteoric arrow [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [5,2,6] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
Richard: done
GM: I assume you're also loading your bow?
Richard: can I with a move too?
GM: Step to stand, free to crouch, load as a ready.
Richard: sure

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Cid
(on deck: [24] Ogres)

Cid: I move closer to Ogre Mob (bearing in mind I dropped my backpack so I got no Move penalties)
GM: Hahah.
GM: Dropping the backpack increases your move from 3 to 4.
GM: Your armor is not exactly light.
Cid: Still something
GM: Sure!

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Ogres
(on deck: [24] Foot Knights)

Cid: End of turn
GM: Just a note - the ogres take up 3 hexes from the center guy.
Ogre: Move and slam Mrugnak! [3d6.skill(16,4-6)] => [5,2,2] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5 DA-6/3 Rcl 3
Ogre: 2 ogres run into Mrugnak, trying to knock him down.
Cid: Mark - Can you pin a map note where I dropped my backpack? (-21, -21)
Mrugnak: Mrugnak parries!
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) parry [3d6.skill(14,-1-3+1 +1)] => [4,6,6] = 16 vs (12) or less Failure! by 4 Blessed
Ogre: Shield rush, BTW.
Mrugnak: Woops, going flying!
Ogre: Clash of the Titans! Damage is [(5d6+2)/2] => 11.5 vs [(4d6+3)/2] => 9.0
Ogre: and again! Damage is [(5d6+2)/2] => 7.0 vs [(4d6+3)/2] => 9.5
GM: So 1 point of flexible damage past DR and a DX roll or knockdown?
GM: No actual knockback, though, 'cause you're huge.
Mrugnak: That looks like it.
Mrugnak: RAWR I ate my wheaties as a little minotaur.
Mrugnak: DX (13) [3d6.skill(13,0-1 +1)] => [3,1,2] = 6 vs (13) or less Success! by 7 Blessed Includes: -1 for Layered Armor
Connell: (( As a minitaur? ))

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Foot Knights
(on deck: [24] Orc Cavalry)

Orcs: Sprint!

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Orc Cavalry
(on deck: [28] Ayake)

Orcs: Sprint!

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Ayake
(on deck: [28] Berkun)

Ayake: Step and Concentrate (Power Blow).
Ayake: (Assuming I can. I can pick a different Imbue if not.)
GM: Definitely!

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Berkun
(on deck: [28] Goblin Mage)

Berkun: Shoot arrows at orc knights (a continuing story)

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Goblin Mage
(on deck: [26] Connell)

Goblin: Close and aim.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Connell
(on deck: [24] Mrugnak)

GM: Connell, ogres are attacking Mrugnak!
Connell: Oh no!
Cid: So much for the element of surprise
GM: They watched you retreat into the village...
** Connell leaps into the fray, going for the throat of the ogre attacking Mrugnak. [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [3,3,6] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1 **
Cid: I thought I could sneak-attack them once they entered the premises
Connell: [1d6+3] => [2,3] = (5) cutting on hit
Ogre: Dodge! [3d6.skill(10+2+2-3)] => [2,5,2] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
GM: You jump at them but miss.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Mrugnak
(on deck: [24] Richard)

Mrugnak: How much of a bonus do I have, +4 or +6?
GM: For what?
Mrugnak: For Evaluating.
GM: Oh... +6.
Mrugnak: And does it apply on both of my Dual Weapon Attack attacks?
GM: All attacks this round. If you want all-out attack double or something.
Mrugnak: mmm, no :D
Mrugnak: Dual Weapon Attack against ogres! -2 for lighting for head mounted lamp, no size penalty! +6 for evaluating! Auto-DA because Math is Hard!
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) [3d6.attack(23,-2+6+1)] => [2,5,5] = 12 vs (16) or less Success! by 4 (Auto DA for -12/-6)
Mrugnak: Trovaardig yxa (Axe/Pick) * Adpt. Flail [3d6.attack(23,-2+6+1)] => [5,5,3] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3 (Auto DA for -12/-6)
Ogre: Parry the axe with an axe! [3d6.skill(12,2+2-6-1)] => [4,3,6] = 13 vs (9) or less Failure! by 4
Ogre: Dodge the flail of doom! [3d6.skill(10,2+2-6-1)] => [5,3,2] = 10 vs (7) or less Failure! by 3
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) [4d6+3 +1] => [4,5,2,2,3,1] = (17) cr (Armor Div 1/2) Blessed, Trovaardig yxa (Axe/Pick) * Adpt. Flail [4d6+3 +1] => [3,3,2,6,3,1] = (18) cut Blessed
GM: You carve up some ogres pretty good, but... there's a lot of them.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Richard
(on deck: [24] Cid)

Richard: can I see what the goblin cast?
GM: Hmmm.... Thaumotology roll at -5, he's a bit away and you were busy.
Richard: thau: [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [1,5,4] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
GM: Well. Explosive Lightning.
Richard: hmm, bad
Richard: still, aim
GM: (should have started with it and saved myself a lot of arguments)

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Cid
(on deck: [24] Ogres)

Richard: (( and he would have hit ))
Cid: Mm
Cid: What effort would it be to Sprint at the Ogre Mob?
GM: None, particularly. You could move at speed 5 in a straight line, but you'd have to slow down to turn.
Cid: Any penalties for jumping over those walls?
GM: Um... the 4' deep trench followed by the 4' tall wall? Yes, an extra hex of move for each and a Jumping (DX-2 -encumbrance) roll.
Cid: I move up next to Ayake
Cid: End of turn

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Ogres
(on deck: [24] Foot Knights)

Ogre: Step forward, striking at Connell and Mrugnak with axes!
Ogre: vs Connell! [3d6.skill(17,2-6)] => [6,2,5] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0 DA-6/-3
Ogre: vs Mrugnak [3d6.skill(17,2-6)] => [4,3,4] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2 DA-6/-3
GM: Are you two defending or can skip to the rolling damage section?
Mrugnak: ooh sorry.
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) parry [3d6.skill(14,-1+1 +1)] => [6,3,1] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5 Blessed
Connell: Parry! [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [6,1,6] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
Connell: (( That would've come out faster but I came over all butterfingered. Somehow I think 1d20.skIL;(14-0-) would not have had the right effect. ))
Narrator: Connell barely parries as a half dozen ogres swing at him.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Foot Knights
(on deck: [24] Orc Cavalry)

Orcs: Charge forward!

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Orc Cavalry
(on deck: [28] Ayake)

Orcs: Charge forward!

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Ayake
(on deck: [28] Berkun)

GM: I should also note that the orc foot knights take up the 3 hexes away (not including) the flag guy in the center.
Ayake: Move and use Project Blow + Conic Blast. Cone is 10 yards long, 5 yards wide, using Stupefying Blow (inflicts 'On the Edge'), Penetrating Strike (Armor Divsor 5), Crippling Blow (Stun), Power Blow, and Forceful Blow.
Mrugnak: (( also known as DICE EXPLOSION ))
Ayake: Project Blow: [3d6.skill(17,+1+2-5)] => [5,3,3] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Ayake: Conic Blast (5 yards wide): [3d6.skill(17,+1+2-5)] => [3,2,3] = 8 vs (15) or less Success! by 7 (costs 1 ER)
GM: What's the end point?
Mrugnak: Cone loading.
Ayake: Due south of my current spot.
Mrugnak: I hope.
Ayake: Penetrating Strike (AD 5): [3d6.skill(17,+1+2-4)] => [6,6,6] = 18 vs (16) or less Critical Failure! [B556] (costs 1 ER)
Ayake: Boo.
Mrugnak: GM may wish to turn it into an object and give to Ayake.
Ayake: Stupefying Blow (Acquires On the Edge 6-): [3d6.skill(17,+1+2-3)] => [5,2,3] = 10 vs (17) or less Success! by 7 (costs 1 ER)
Mrugnak: Should rotate from the center conveniently.
Ayake: Power Blow: [3d6.skill(13,+1+2)] => [5,1,3] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7 (costs 1 ER)
Ayake: Forceful Blow: [3d6.skill(17,+1-5)] => [4,4,5] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Ayake: Crippling Blow (Stun): [3d6.skill(17,+1+2-5)] => [3,1,6] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Ayake: So they'll get full DR, but it is an area attack, so it's the average of torso and lowest.
GM: And you spend 2 FP for the critical failure.
Ayake: Yup.
Ayake: -2 light, -2 move and attack, any other penalties?
GM: Foot Knights unit #2 is unaffected, due to a good dozen guys from Knights 3 and 5 in the way.
GM: No other penalties.
GM: Uhm... size modifier is technically +4.
GM: Since, y'know, there's a lot of orcs there.
GM: It's hard to miss.
Ayake: Projected Karate Claw Strike: DA -10/5 [3d6.skill(24,+4+1-2-2)] => [6,4,6] = 16 vs (25) or less Success! by 9 Defense options are Dodge and Drop.
Ayake: ...
Ayake: That's a miss.
Ayake: Because I can't math.
Ayake: That should have been DA -8/4. =/
Mrugnak: 16 would still hit then though
Mrugnak: just hit by 0
GM: yes, but his target was 15.
GM: So he's 1 hex off.
Mrugnak: oh.
GM: I... don't think it matters.
Ayake: Not really!
Mrugnak: uh, his target was 17.
Ayake: No, I declared the DA at -10.
Ayake: Anyway. It's a hit.
Mrugnak: ooooh.
GM: Quite. Damage?
Ayake: Damage is [3d6+4] => [6,4,4,4] = (18) cutting.
Ayake: Will at -1 per 2 penetrating damage, or acquire On the Edge (6-); HT at -1 per 2 penetrating damage, or be stunned.
Ayake: And it deals knockback as a crushing attack.
GM: You vaporize a few knights, but there bodies provide cover for the guys behind them.
GM: They have... -9 on their resistance rolls against stun, etc etc.
GM: Hang on.
Orcs: Resist weird mental issues! [3d6.skill(10,4-9)] => [4,6,1] = 11 vs (5) or less Failure! by 6
Ayake: 6 minutes of suicidal behavior from orc troops!
Orcs: Resist stun! [3d6.skill(12,4-9)] => [4,5,4] = 13 vs (7) or less Failure! by 6
Ayake: Stunned, roll HT-9 every second to recover.
GM: And they're beat up a bit.
GM: Want to describe what just happened in terms of F/Xs?
Ayake: ###
Ayake: Ayake moves forward smoothly and strikes the ground; a ripple of chi force spreads from that point forward, tearing through armor, cutting flesh, and leaving his enemies dazed and reeling.
GM: Ah.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Berkun
(on deck: [28] Goblin Mage)

Berkun: Shoot arrows at orc knights (a continuing story)

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Goblin Mage
(on deck: [26] Connell)

Goblin: Chuck explosive lightning at Richard's hex [3d6.skill(16,2-8+4)] => [2,5,1] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6
Goblin: "Dodge-um this!"
GM: Actually, he's backstopping it against the earth wall behind you.
Richard: eh?
GM: He's throwing it past your hex to avoid cover issues.
Richard: oh, targeting the hex? doesn't it has to get past me?
Ayake: You can leap on top of it!
GM: Well... if he misses, he just hits you instead as you provide cover to the wall.
GM: It's not really a big concern for him.
Ayake: It's a special dodge and drop. You take maximum damage, but your allies get (Your HP + 2*Your DR) as DR against the explosion. >.>
Richard: lol
GM: Are you just standing there while lightning explodes?
Richard: hex next to me?
GM: Yep.
Richard: deflect missile to make it miss the wall -1 due to range [3d6.skill(19,-1-1)] => [2,6,6] = 14 vs (17) or less Success! by 3
Mrugnak: Cunning.
GM: Clever!
GM: How much fatigue is that?
Richard: 1
GM: 'kay.
GM: Damage is [9d6-9] => [4,3,3,6,2,6,3,4,2,-9] = (24), 1/3 at your range, armor blah blah blah wall provides DR4 on top of that.
GM: Connell feels a light tingling sensation as sparks play out around his body.
Richard: where'd it hit?
GM: Richard takes... 2 damage, I think.
GM: The far lip of the trench.
GM: to your west.
GM: or the west.
GM: whatever.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Connell
(on deck: [24] Mrugnak)

** Connell darts low, growls, and then springs up at an ogre. (( DA 4/-2 [3d6.skill(18,-4)] => [2,4,3] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5 )) **
Ogre: Dodge! [3d6.skill(10,2+2-2)] => [4,3,2] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3
Narrator: The bulkwark of multiple ogre shields is hard to get through.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Mrugnak
(on deck: [24] Richard)

Mrugnak: Mrugnak will SMASH through it!
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) [3d6.attack(23,-2+1)] => [3,6,5] = 14 vs (16) or less Success! by 2 (Auto DA for -6/-3)
Mrugnak: Trovaardig yxa (Axe/Pick) * Adpt. Flail [3d6.attack(23,-2+1)] => [3,2,2] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9 (Auto DA for -6/-3)
GM: ... penalty for dual-weapon attack?
Mrugnak: Oh damn.
Mrugnak: So morningstar misses.
GM: No worries.
GM: No, DA is just -2/-1.
Mrugnak: Fair nuff.
Ogre: Block the axe! [3d6.skill(12,2+2-1-1)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Mrugnak: Right.
Ogre: Dodge the flail! [3d6.skill(10,2+2-1-1)] => [6,3,5] = 14 vs (12) or less Failure! by 2
Ogre: "owch!"
Mrugnak: Smash the ogre!
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) [4d6+3 +1] => [2,4,1,6,3,1] = (17) cr (Armor Div 1/2) Blessed
Narrator: One of the ogres crumbles, but his allies are still in the fight!

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Richard
(on deck: [24] Cid)

Richard: aim at annoying mage
Richard: done
GM: By the way, you lost your aim from last turn with the Blocking Spell.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Cid
(on deck: [24] Ogres)

Cid: That red circle means?
GM: They're stunned.
Cid: Move forward
GM: You can sprint for 5.
GM: If you want.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Ogres
(on deck: [24] Foot Knights)

Cid: That'll jeopardize my position
Cid: And wait
GM: Can't move and wait.
GM: Move or wait, one or the other.
Cid: Not that
Cid: Am I eligible for AoD after Move?
GM: No.
Cid: k
GM: AoD or Move.
Ogre: Keep murdering Mrugnak [3d6.skill(17,2-6)] => [4,6,1] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
and Connell [3d6.skill(17,2-6)] => [6,1,4] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2 DA-6/-3
with axes.

GM: Please stop playing WoW and make your defense rolls. Thank you.
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) parry [3d6.skill(14,-1-3+1 +1)] => [3,5,4] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0 Blessed
Mrugnak: I am not playing wow :P
GM: Connell?
GM: (apologies)
Connell: [3d6.skill(16,-3)] => [6,4,5] = 15 vs (13) or less Failure! by 2
GM: Damage is [3d6+6] => [2,2,4,6] = (14) cutting.
GM: Roll HT to resist a major wound, as you take 14 points after DR.
Connell: HT [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [2,5,1] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3
Cid: "Mage, a Haste spell would be most appreciated!"
Ogre: Will step after their attack to start getting around Mrugnak.

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Foot Knights
(on deck: [24] Orc Cavalry)

Orcs: Knight 4 keep running!
Richard: (( you're much too far away unless you want it delivered by arrow ))
Orcs: Knights 2 run to the side, getting around their allies.
Cid: ((What, 8 hexes is too far?))
Richard: (( plus I gotta kill the flying mage ))
Mrugnak: (( its -1 per hex ))
Ayake: ((-1 to casting skill per hex.))
Orcs: Knights 3 [3d6.skill(12,4-9)] => [6,6,1] = 13 vs (7) or less Failure! by 6
and 5 [3d6.skill(12,4-9)] => [3,2,4] = 9 vs (7) or less Failure! by 2 try to recover from having their chi rearranged.

Orcs: They don't make it.

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Orc Cavalry
(on deck: [28] Ayake)

Orcs: Charge!
GM: (just noticed that the cavalry should be a lot closer)

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Ayake
(on deck: [28] Berkun)

Ayake: Does a move and attack to strike the ground still get the -4/9 cap?
Ayake: I mean, it's the ground. :P
GM: No, I suppose not.
GM: ... Still gets the -4 penalty, no cap though.
GM: and no +4 to hit the ground.
GM: You could get your legs tangled up or something.
Ayake: I count 3 hexes I need to Evade into.
GM: Right.
Orcs: [3d6.skill(12)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (12) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
[3d6.skill(12)] => [5,6,2] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
[3d6.skill(12)] => [2,4,5] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1

Cid: I missed out on the Stunning - What caused it?
Ayake: Acrobatics: Three Times [3d6.skill(15,+1-5+7)] => [4,6,1] = 11 vs (18) or less Success! by 7 [3d6.skill(15,+1-5+7)] => [3,2,3] = 8 vs (18) or less Success! by 10 [3d6.skill(15,+1-5+7)] => [3,2,2] = 7 vs (18) or less Success! by 11
GM: Ayake's weird chi special effects.
Cid: Whoa
Cid: Denjin Hadouken overkill? :P
Ayake: Speaking of weird Chi effects: Shockwave, Power Blow, Penetrating Strike AD2.
Ayake: Penetrating Strike (AD 2): [3d6.skill(17,+1-5)] => [4,4,3] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
Ayake: Shockwave: [3d6.skill(17,+1-5)] => [5,1,5] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
Narrator: As the orcs reel back from Ayake's strange ground pulse, he parkours over them, using their shields as foundations for his jumps.
Ayake: b>Power Blow: [3d6.skill(13,+1-5)] => [2,4,3] = 9 vs (9) or less Success! by 0
Ayake: Forceful Blow: [3d6.skill(17,+1-5)] => [6,5,2] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Ayake: Karate Ground Strike (claw swing): [3d6.skill(24,-4-2)] => [5,6,5] = 16 vs (18) or less Success! by 2
GM: Did you take the -2 for Move and Attack on all of those?
Ayake: I did not! Power blow and Forceful Blow failed.
GM: So penetrating shockwave? Fun.
Ayake: Damage is [2d6+2] => [3,4,2] = (9) cut ex/3 AD2
GM: So 9 in the center hex, 3 in the adjacent hexes, 1 in the hexes beyond that?
Ayake: Yeah.
Ayake: Half armor.
GM: 'kay.
Ayake: I've got at least one safe turn while they're still recovering.
Ayake: And it's cutting damage, so what penetrates does well.
Narrator: He jumps into a gap amongst the orc bodies and cuts the ground. Blood fountains from nearby orcs as his projected chi cuts into their bodies.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Berkun
(on deck: [28] Goblin Mage)

Berkun: Shoot arrows at orc knights (a continuing story)

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Goblin Mage
(on deck: [26] Connell)

Goblin: "What the?!?" Fast-draw a potion [3d6.skill(13)] => [5,4,1] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
Goblin: All-out defense (Dodge!) swerve a bunch!

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Connell
(on deck: [24] Mrugnak)

GM: I have you at 3+14 damage... so 0 HP remaining?
Connell: BITEY! DA 6/-3 [3d6.skill(18,-6)] => [5,4,5] = 14 vs (12) or less Failure! by 2
Cid: Why do I have a bad feeling about this battle?
Connell: I don't remember where the 3 came from but sure, whatever.
GM: You had it from previous fights, I think.
GM: Roll HT or unconscious.
Connell: [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [5,1,4] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
GM: Well.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Mrugnak
(on deck: [24] Richard)

Mrugnak: Hm. That's not good.
Mrugnak: Was he hit bad aenough for a self control roll? I'm pretty sure he was! [3d6.skill(15,+1)] => [4,1,6] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5
Mrugnak: "BAD OGRES!"
Mrugnak: Um, I can't tell, am I buried in ogres?
Mrugnak: I'm sort of disappeared in ogres.
GM: They're a little sparse.
Richard: you can fix that
Mrugnak: Ah, there I be!
Mrugnak: Mrugnak works to thin out the ogres!
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) [3d6.attack(23,-2-4+1)] => [2,4,1] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9 (Auto DA for -2/-1)
Trovaardig yxa (Axe/Pick) * Adpt. Flail [3d6.attack(23,-2-4+1)] => [5,1,5] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5 (Auto DA for -2/-1)

Ogre: BLock the axe! [3d6.skill(12,2+2-2)] => [3,5,3] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
Dodge the flail! [3d6.skill(10,2+2-2)] => [5,3,2] = 10 vs (12) or less Success! by 2

Ogre: "Hah!
Mrugnak: Step back next to connel!
Mrugnak: Done!

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Richard
(on deck: [24] Cid)

Richard: aim at the mage some more!

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Cid
(on deck: [24] Ogres)

Cid: I always land in the shittiest of situations... I Move to Attack Orc Knights 5
Cid: [3d6] => [5,4,5] = (14)
GM: Your max skill is 9 unless you spend a Fatigue Point for a heroic charge.
Cid: Ok then a Heroic Charge it is, anything that'll just land me a swing at those fuckers
Orcs: Block! [3d6.skill(13,2+4-4-3)] => [6,1,1] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4
GM: Confused, they huddle behind their shields and prevent your attack.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Ogres
(on deck: [24] Foot Knights)

Ogre: Clobber Mrugnak [3d6.skill(17,2-6)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1 DA-6/-3
and Connell [3d6.skill(17,2-6)] => [5,4,4] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0 DA-6/-3

Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) parry [3d6.skill(14,0+1 +1)] => [2,2,2] = 6 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556] Blessed
Mrugnak: Can I parry for Connell too? >.>
Ogre: "Noes!" [3d6.crit_miss()] => [1,2,6] = 9 You drop your weapon (& a cheap weapon breaks). [B556]
Ayake: Sacrificial Parry is an awesome perk.
Mrugnak: Oh it's a perk.
Mrugnak: n/m I should get that later.
GM: Sure. I'll let you roll it instead of the critical miss.
GM: Up to you.
Mrugnak: Trovaardig yxa (Axe/Pick) * Adpt. Flail parry [3d6.skill(14,0+1 +1)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (16) or less Success! by 1 Blessed
Ogre: Hit Mrugnak as he interposes himself! [3d6+6] => [5,6,4,6] = (21) damage.
Mrugnak: 14 DR! [(21-14)*1.5] => 10.5
Mrugnak: Berserk? [3d6.skill(15,+1)] => [4,1,2] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9
Narrator: The ogres wind up to chop the wooden tiger into firewood, but Mrugnak defends his cousin with his enormous body and nearly impenentrable armor!

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Foot Knights
(on deck: [24] Orc Cavalry)

Orcs: [3d6-4] => [4,2,5,-4] = (7)
Orcs: Foot knights #4 spot their hated foe, Cid Silverwing, and move to attack him.
Orcs: Fortunately, they don't quite reach.
Orcs: Knights #2 keep moving.
Orcs: Knights 3 and 5 try to recover [3d6.skill(11,4-9)] => [3,5,6] = 14 vs (6) or less Failure! by 8
Orcs: Knights 3 and 5 try to recover [3d6.skill(11,4-9)] => [3,5,5] = 13 vs (6) or less Failure! by 7

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Orc Cavalry
(on deck: [28] Ayake)

Orcs: Charge Berkun!
Orcs: Or at least at him!

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Ayake
(on deck: [28] Berkun)

** Ayake becomes a blur of fists and feet, clawing and kicking at orcs around him in a frenzy of carnage. (All of that abstracted to a Karate Rapid Strike, Penetrating Weapon AD2, and Power Blow) **
Ayake: Power Blow (twice): [3d6.skill(13,+1-5)] => [2,2,2] = 6 vs (9) or less Success! by 3 [3d6.skill(17,+1-5)] => [4,6,3] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Ayake: Second one's a failure.
Ayake: I pasted in the wrong numbers. >.>
Ayake: Penetrating Strike (AD 2) (twice): [3d6.skill(17,+1-5)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (13) or less Critical Failure! [B556] [3d6.skill(17,+1-5)] => [5,3,5] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Cid: ...
Ayake: Okay! First hit has Power blow but not half armor, second one has half armor but no power blow.
Ayake: And I lose 2 FP.
GM: Attack rolls?
Ayake: -2 light, -3 rapid strike, +4 size?
GM: No size bonus for melee attacks, since you're punching individual guys.
Ayake: Karate Claw Strikes: DA -4/2 [3d6.skill(24,-3-2-4)] => [2,1,6] = 9 vs (15) or less Success! by 6
Ayake: Karate Claw Strikes: DA -4/2 [3d6.skill(24,-3-2-4)] => [1,4,3] = 8 vs (15) or less Success! by 7
Orcs: Block and parry! [3d6.skill(13,2+4-4-2)] => [3,4,6] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
[3d6.skill(13,2+4-4-2)] => [2,3,5] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3

Ayake: Why the +4?
GM: Normally it'd be because they're taking defensive actions for each other, evaluating when you attack them, etc.
GM: Should have it while they're stunned.
GM: So one attack gets through.
GM: Damage on the first?
Ayake: I don't really care one way or the other, but given that they've got bloc/parry 13s I'm going back to Shockwave cheese.
GM: How dare the enemy elites have skill-18 and Combat Reflexes!
Ayake: Damage is [3d6+4] => [6,6,4,4] = (20) cu for the first strike.
Ayake: I expected stunned orcs to have lower numbers.
Ayake: That's all. =)
GM: Well, you kill at least one of them pretty thoroughly.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Berkun
(on deck: [28] Goblin Mage)

Berkun: Shoot arrows at orc knights (a continuing story)

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Goblin Mage
(on deck: [26] Connell)

Goblin: All-out dodge to open the range!

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Connell
(on deck: [24] Mrugnak)

GM: Roll HT or unconscious.
Connell: [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [1,4,1] = 6 vs (11) or less Success! by 5
Connell: Yar. BIte! DA 4/2 [3d6.skill(18,-4)] => [6,6,4] = 16 vs (14) or less Failure! by 2
Connell: *facepalm*
GM: Maybe you should consider healing yourself next turn =)

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Mrugnak
(on deck: [24] Richard)

Mrugnak: step back?
Mrugnak: Yeah, self repair is good ;D
Mrugnak: I can'd do that!
Mrugnak: *n't
Mrugnak: So. Um. Question about Ogres! How tough is the mob looking?
Connell: If I do, I use up all my FP and am out of the fight. So I might as well be knocked out of the fight bravely.
Mrugnak: I'm having problems judging this.
Cid: I'm not very comfortable with the odds myself
GM: ?
Mrugnak: Like, how many times might I have to hit it.
Mrugnak: to make it go down.
Mrugnak: I'd ask "How many ogres" but that won't help me much.
GM: The ogres are wobbling. 1 good hit should take them.
GM: (good hit ~20 damage after DR).
Mrugnak: Hokay!
Mrugnak: Uh.
Mrugnak: That's not a good hit.
Mrugnak: That's a miraculous hit.
GM: Sorry, after DR and cutting, etc etc etc.
Mrugnak: ah.
Mrugnak: mmm. Bang the spike on the axe into them!
Mrugnak: Commited attack, +2 to hit! Trovaardig yxa (Axe/Pick) * Adpt. Flail [3d6.attack(23,-2+2+1)] => [5,6,2] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3 (Auto DA for -8/-4)
Ogre: Block! [3d6.skill(12,2+2-4)] => [4,5,1] = 10 vs (12) or less Success! by 2
Mrugnak: bleh.
Mrugnak: luck.
Ogre: Block! [3d6.skill(12,2+2-4)] => [3,2,2] = 7 vs (12) or less Success! by 5
Ogre: Block! [3d6.skill(12,2+2-4)] => [1,6,2] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3
Mrugnak: bleh.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Richard
(on deck: [24] Cid)

Richard: aim 3rd second

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Cid
(on deck: [24] Ogres)

Cid: "Have at you, freaks of nature!" I swing at my closest target in a bold Attack
Cid: [3d6] => [4,4,6] = (14)
Orcs: Block! [3d6.skill(13,1+2-4-3)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
GM: Damage?
Cid: [2d6] => [6,4] = (10)
Cid: And +1
GM: You cuts into an orc's armor, wounding him. He steps back, and the others in the line murmur uncertainly.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Ogres
(on deck: [24] Foot Knights)

Ayake: ((They have On the Edge. They're out for blood. >.>))
Ayake: ((In retrospect, that may have been a bad choice to inflict on a group whose cohesion is dependent on morale.))
Ogre: Step toward Richard. Hit Mrugnak in passing. "Die-uhm, horned-um freak!" [3d6.skill(17,2-6)] => [1,3,6] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3 DA-6/-3
GM: Rcl is 3, so you'll effectively have an additional -1 on defense.
Mrugnak: (( Cowardice would have been good. ))
Mrugnak: (( Compulsive Behavior: Surrendering? ))
Connell: (( Odious Personal Habit: Attacking Allies ))
GM: They really can't do anything because they're STUNNED. All their mental issues fade behind the fact they're cowering behind their shields hoping their limbs start working soon.
Ayake: ((When they stop being stunned, they'll stop being able to make defense rolls. I stand by my choice.))
GM: Mrugnak, defend?
Richard: berzerk so they attack allies!
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) parry [3d6.skill(14,-1-3+1 +1)] => [2,2,5] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3 Blessed
GM: You fend them off!

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Foot Knights
(on deck: [24] Orc Cavalry)

Orcs: Knights 2 run around their stunned allies.
Orcs: Knights 4 step forward and hit Cid on the flank! [3d6.skill(18,4-5-4)] => [4,6,5] = 15 vs (13) or less Failure! by 2 DA-4/-2 aiming for the face!
Orcs: Others recover? [3d6.skill(11,4-9)] => [6,6,4] = 16 vs (6) or less Critical Failure! by 10 [B556]
Mrugnak: Pass out?
Narrator: The situation is too much for the overloaded brains of some of the knights, and they collapse in a heap.
Orcs: Others recover? [3d6.skill(11,4-9)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (6) or less Failure! by 1

10) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Orc Cavalry
(on deck: [28] Ayake)

Orcs: Charge at Berkun!

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Ayake
(on deck: [28] Berkun)

Ayake: Fast-draw a shuriken, move to the south and throw at Knight Group 2. Multi-shot, Shattershot, and Penetrating Weapon (AD10).
Ayake: Also power blow.
Ayake: Fast-Draw: [3d6.skill(16,+1+1)] => [5,5,4] = 14 vs (18) or less Success! by 4
Ayake: Penetrating Strike (AD 10) (twice): [3d6.skill(17,+1-6)] => [6,5,5] = 16 vs (12) or less Failure! by 4 Costs 1 FP
Ayake: FFS.
Ayake: Power Blow: [3d6.skill(13,+1-5-2)] => [5,4,4] = 13 vs (7) or less Failure! by 6
Ayake: Multi-Shot (2 shuriken): [3d6.skill(17,+1-5-2)] => [2,2,2] = 6 vs (11) or less Success! by 5
Ayake: Shattershot: [3d6.skill(17,+1-5-2)] => [3,1,4] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3
Ayake: Not that that matters.
Ayake: Range is 5 because I want it in the middle of the group. +4 size, -4 cover, -2 light?
GM: Sure.
Ayake: Throwing Art: [3d6.skill(18,+1+4-4-2-2-2)] => [6,2,1] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
GM: So 2 hits. There's a massive explosion of 1d6 fragmentation.
Ayake: Max damage is less than their DR on the throw and the frag.
Ayake: ###
GM: You're hit for [3d6.skill(15,-8)] => [1,6,6] = 13 vs (7) or less Failure! by 6
GM: No attacks, as the orcs shield you with their bodies. This does not thrill them.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Berkun
(on deck: [28] Goblin Mage)

Berkun: Shoot arrows at orc knights (a continuing story)

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Goblin Mage
(on deck: [26] Connell)

Goblin: Step and open his precious, precious paut.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Connell
(on deck: [24] Mrugnak)

Connell: Bite? Bite! Bite. [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [1,4,2] = 7 vs (18) or less Success! by 11
Ogre: Dodge! [3d6.skill(10,2+2-2)] => [6,4,6] = 16 vs (12) or less Failure! by 4
Connell: HT or fall over: [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (11) or less Success! by 4
Ogre: Well, shit.
Connell: [1d6+3] => [4,3] = (7) cutting
Connell: I think I actually get through their DR?
GM: Just barely.
GM: Mrugnak can hit the one that Connell just grappled at an additional -2.
GM: Just saying.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Mrugnak
(on deck: [24] Richard)

Mrugnak: what would the effect of that actually be?
GM: His defenses would suck.
Ayake: -2 to parry/block and -1 to dodge, I'd guess.
GM: Right.
Mrugnak: sure.
Mrugnak: Grappled, he can still use the shield?
GM: No.
GM: No.
Mrugnak: DEAL.
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) [3d6.attack(23,-2-4-2+1)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9
Mrugnak: Trovaardig yxa (Axe/Pick) * Adpt. Flail [3d6.attack(23,-2-4-2+1)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9
Richard: so close to a crit...
Mrugnak: srsly.
Mrugnak: rrg.
Ogre: Dodge! Dodge! [3d6.skill(10,2-1)] => [5,5,5] = 15 vs (11) or less Failure! by 4

Mrugnak: picky bit of axe btw
Ogre: [3d6.skill(10,2-1)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (11) or less Failure! by 4
Mrugnak: Oh nice.
Mrugnak: Huvudet-krossat-i (Morningstar) [4d6+3 +1] => [4,6,4,3,3,1] = (21) cr (Armor Div 1/2) Blessed, Trovaardig yxa (Axe/Pick) * Pick [4d6+2 +1] => [2,2,4,6,2,1] = (17) imp Blessed
Ogre: "Get-um off me! No!"
GM: either of those hits were sufficient.
Ayake: And you get to tear the pick out for half the injury next round. Unless he simply explodes.
Mrugnak: Mrugnak drives a spike into the ogres head (right next to Connell's noggin!) and smashes the mace into his ribcage (right next to Connells noggin!)
Narrator: The ogres watch in horror as Connell, rent through by their axes, nevertheless drags one of their own down. Then Mrugnak crushes his ribcage and puts his axe spike through the face.
Narrator: The surviving ogres flee in terror!

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Richard
(on deck: [24] Cid)

Richard: put an arrow through annoying goblin mage [3d6.skill(18,4+6-9-5)] => [4,1,4] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5
Cid: "That's how it's done, comrade! Spectacular display of valor right there!"
Mrugnak: Can I followthrough against the orcs?
Goblin: "Dodge-um!" Dodges! [3d6.skill(9)] => [2,5,5] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3
Mrugnak: For INtimidate?
GM: Sure, you have the perks, right?
Mrugnak: Yep!
Mrugnak: Intimidation (13) [3d6.skill(13,0+1)] => [4,4,1] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5 Blessed Includes: +2 from 'Appearance'
Richard: damage [1d6+3] => [3,3] = (6) imp
Orcs: Resist intimidate! [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [6,4,4] = 14 vs (12) or less Failure! by 2
Goblin: "Owie!" Still in the fight, though.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Cid
(on deck: [24] Ogres)

Richard: meteoric in case of magical DR
Cid: "JUDGEMENT!!!" All-out Attack (Double) on closest enemy on my right-hand side
GM: Right.
Cid: [3d6] => [3,5,2] = (10)
Cid: Oh for fuck's!
GM: Second roll?
Cid: [3d6] => [5,6,3] = (14)
Orcs: Block and parry! [3d6.skill(13,2+2-4)] => [3,3,6] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
[3d6.skill(13,2+2-4)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (13) or less Success! by 7

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Foot Knights
(on deck: [24] Orc Cavalry)

Cid: I predicted it would fail spectacularly
Richard: man, too bad he didn't drop his paut
Orcs: "Die-um, lightbring-um-er!" The orcs cut your face up, slashing with swords. [3d6.skill(18,4-5)] => [3,6,3] = 12 vs (17) or less Success! by 5 telegraphed to the face.
** Richard bets on decent armor **
Orcs: You're hit twice, for [2d6+2] => [5,5,2] = (12) and [2d6+2] => [5,2,2] = (9) damage.
Ayake: Zero face armor.
Orcs: You have DR1 on the face.
Orcs: You take 16+8 damage.
Cid: ...
Ayake: 16+12?
Ayake: Cutting, right?
Orcs: Roll HT-5 twice for the major wounds to the face.
Orcs: Right, damage is 16+12.
Orcs: Thanks.
Cid: [3d6] => [3,4,5] = (12)
Cid: Fail again
GM: Well, roll one more time, please.
Cid: [3d6] => [5,6,5] = (16)
Cid: See?
Narrator: The orc knights take Cid's frustrated blow coolly on their shields, then surge forward to cut and slash at his face. The first blow to connect sends the foxman into a daze, and the follow-up blow drops him to the ground as blood sprays.
GM: Mrugnak - berserk?
GM: Oh, and roll HT or die.
Mrugnak: [3d6.skill(15,+1)] => [2,2,5] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7
Cid: Don't you dare roll high on me now you iimbecilic dice-roller...
Cid: [3d6] => [1,1,6] = (8)
Orcs: Knights 2 turn around and move toward Ayake, clearly planning to kill him.
Orcs: Knights 5 try to recover from stun. [3d6.skill(11,4-9)] => [5,2,3] = 10 vs (6) or less Failure! by 4

9) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Orc Cavalry
(on deck: [28] Ayake)

Orcs: Charge to Berkun or off to the side.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Ayake
(on deck: [28] Berkun)

Ayake: Hm.
Ayake: Step forward, Feint, and put my fist through an Orc.
Ayake: Penetrating Strike (AD2), Power Blow.
Ayake: Blind-Fighting (Twice): [3d6.skill(12,+1)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4 [3d6.skill(12,+1)] => [5,2,1] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
Ayake: Karate Feint: [3d6.skill(24,+1)] => [1,2,4] = 7 vs (25) or less Success! by 18
Orcs: Resist? [3d6.skill(18)] => [5,4,6] = 15 vs (18) or less Success! by 3
Ayake: Power Blow: [3d6.skill(13,+1-5)] => [5,4,1] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
Ayake: Penetrating Weapon (AD2): [3d6.skill(17,+1-5)] => [6,5,3] = 14 vs (13) or less Failure! by 1
Ayake: Well.
Ayake: Are they plate head to toe?
Ayake: Or does he have a face I can claw for lower DR?
GM: Light plate, head to toe, orcish style, probably enchanted.
Richard: "Burkun, help with the mage!"
Ayake: Karate Claw Strike: for Torso Chinks [3d6.skill(24,-3+1-8)] => [1,2,6] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5
GM: Their barrel helms and gorgets have lower DR.
Ayake: Defend at -12 - I forgot the rapid strike penalty on the feint.
Ayake: If the DR of a helm or gorget is lower than the torso chinks, I hit that instead.
Ayake: But I doubt it is.
Orcs: Block or something? [3d6.skill(13,2+2-12)] => [3,4,5] = 12 vs (5) or less Failure! by 7
Ayake: Damage is [2d6+2] => [4,5,2] = (11) cut, AD2
Richard: gorgets are terrible DR
Mrugnak: But Greathelms help protect the neck.
Narrator: Ayake wades into the orcs, carving away at one of them. Several of his allies flee south as the Claws of the Tiger shred through his fortified steel armor.
GM: Too bad they only have barrel helms.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Berkun
(on deck: [28] Goblin Mage)

Berkun: "Mage? What crow-begotten mage?" Move and attack on one last shot as he runs for his life!
GM: Berkun has spent the last 16 rounds plinking the guys. Call it 3 hits after blocks are taken into account, for [1d6+4] => [4,4] = (8)[1d6+4] => [4,4] = (8)[1d6+4] => [3,4] = (7) (2)
Mrugnak: impaling.
GM: Right, I got that.
GM: He's forced a couple of guys from Cavalry Troop 2 to drop out, but there's still about 95 of them left in total.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Goblin Mage
(on deck: [26] Connell)

Goblin: Curse, mutter, drink paut.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [26] Connell
(on deck: [24] Mrugnak)

Mrugnak: I've got helaing potions.
Mrugnak: How are those nearby goblins with respect to my Intimidate success?
Connell: HT or death! [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [6,2,2] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
GM: They'd prefer not to attack you.
** Connell charges into the nearby orcs and slams! (( Goes for the neck, [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [1,1,1] = 3 vs (13) or less Critical Success! [B556] )) **
Ayake: ((Well.))
Connell: (( Aaand I forget the code to check the crit table. Mrugnak? ))
GM: [3d6.crit_head()] => 3d6.crit_head()
GM: [3d6.crit_headblow()] => [1,4,6] = 11 The blow inflicts normal damage. [B556]
GM: ...
Connell: [1d6+3] => [5,3] = (8) cutting
Ayake: I didn't even know there WAS a 'normal damage' result on the headblow table.
Connell: (( Wait, it's a slam. Slams don't damage. ))
Cid: ((Crushing))
GM: Yes, you're a born biter, you can bite on a slam.
GM: Go big cat!
Connell: Well then. TIGER POWER.
GM: You jump on a trailing guy and crumple his gorget around his neck. He is not pleased by this. Nor are the guys next to him.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Mrugnak
(on deck: [24] Richard)

** Connell raises his (wooden) hackles and growls. **
Mrugnak: Can healing potions be applied to the outside of people? >.>
GM: Like, to heal Connell for himself?
Mrugnak: Connell or Cid.
Mrugnak: Mrugnak is FINE.
GM: Sure!
Mrugnak: Just a little gouged around the edges :D
GM: There's something about pouring a potion in the barbarian's ear in DF2.
GM: Go for it.
Ayake: One of the examples in DF is 'pour a healing potion in the barbarian's ear' -- yaeh.
** Richard has visions of heal grenades **
Cid: ... Not doing that
Mrugnak: Drop the axe on it's chain lanyard, step towards the fight, attempt to fast draw one of the Bottomless potions of minor healing!
GM: Heh.
Mrugnak: Fast-Draw (Potion) (12) [3d6.skill(12,0+1)] => [6,4,3] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0 Blessed
Mrugnak: Woo!
GM: You uncork the potion then.
Richard: go delver's webbing?
Mrugnak: Ready for action!
Mrugnak: Delvers webbing love it.
Mrugnak: But I also have a ption belt.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Richard
(on deck: [24] Cid)

Mrugnak: Mrugnak got oversold by a merchant :D
Richard: how big is the carpet?
GM: Not real big. Why?
Richard: considering targeting it instead of him
Ayake: Explosive arrow would probably shred the carpet nicely. >.>
Ayake: Frag is cutting damage, carpets have low DR.
Richard: yah, need to know if it's easier to hit at all
GM: Likely less, it's at least SM+1.
Richard: eh? SM+1 is one easier to hit!
Richard: that's more likely
GM: Right.
GM: THat's what I meant.
GM: Please do something ASAP before Emily pumpkins.
Richard: ok, fast draw arrow, load [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [3,2,2] = 7 vs (16) or less Success! by 9
GM: Done?
Richard: yah

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Cid
(on deck: [24] Foot Knights)

GM: Unconscious
