Saga of Westmarch Wiki

Narrator: The delvers have an uneventful night, sleeping in the mountain valley.
Narrator: The next day dawns clear but windy. Marik slips out just before dawn, nodding to Firefly (on watch), and backtracks the greenskins to where they dropped their packs. He comes back with a lot of dried venison.
GM: So now what.
Firefly: (( is mildly amazed we went a night without being ambushed by eagles. ))
Kevin: Pack up and parcel out the venison to people who can carry it, ideally without slowing us down.
Marik: Provide people with tents, crossbow bolts, and assorted other gear as they like, because GOBLINS had the good sense to come into the wilderness prepared to live out here.
Wolfgang: bury the heavy but valuable armor and weapons
** Thasos eyes the venison. He is, of course, not impressed. **
Firefly: I will be redoing my makeup, using my mirrored shield as an awkwardly curved mirror, breaking fast with a nice light breakfast of cake crumbs, dew drops, and perhaps a tiny shred of venison.
** Wolfgang eyes the venison, impressed it came from greenskins and looks somewhat edible **
Marik: Between Firefly, Marik, and our collected maps, can we figure out where we are relative to trail the goblin map shows? I'm pretty sure this was answered in email.
Beltarne: I'm very sorry
Firefly: And then packing up my placemat-come-tent, and otherwise getting ready to go while the giants stuff their bottomless stomachs with YET MORE FOOD.
GM: You think you're at the end of the NE trailhead, the one marked with "Descend through the forest as best you can"
GM: The forest being a hint and all.
Marik: "So, do we want to follow this map? It's a pity we didn't take prisoners to find out where it leads, but an opportunity to kill more goblins could be profitable. And these goblins are WELL equipped."
Beltarne: I'm curious as to what that red dot represents, myself
** Thasos raises a brow as he looks over Beltarne's head at the map. **
** Marik scratches it with a grimy fingernail and sniffs it. "Bloodstain?" **
Wolfgang: "Isn't that just their blood?"
** Beltarne licks his thumb and rubs the map **
GM: It smudges a little, but isn't fresh blood like the other 2 stains.
Firefly: "Looks like they've met trouble on the way here."
Beltarne: The one to the northeast of the intersection of those two trails to the north?
Wolfgang: "lets do put the ghost to rest, if I wanted to hunt gobbos I'd have reenlisted for another term"
Marik: "Yeah... us."
Wolfgang: *go
Firefly: "No, ON THE WAY here."
** Marik nods at Wolfgang. "You're right. We can investigate this later - we have to keep focused." **
Firefly: "They met US here."
GM: Right, I assumed that's what Beltarne meant.
Wolfgang: "Any chance one of those lakes could be the one we're looking for? If so we'll need to be alert for more greenskins on the move."
Firefly: "That... sounds like an alarming possibility." She squints at the map.
whispering to Firefly, The Obsidian Lake is supposed to south of the Shining Lake, which is south of (not in!) the Gray Mountains.
Beltarne: Anyone knowwhat ORcmeet is?
Wolfgang: "Trouble?"
Marik: "Not fit for eating?"
whispering to Firefly, You're not sure what those lakes are. There are some vague legends of magic crystals growing in water in these parts, but nothing definite.
Firefly: "I'm also worried about all the things labeled "DO NOT DRINK". That stinks of curses, or defenders."
Firefly: "Or cursed defenders."
Marik: "Or poison."
Firefly: "Or cursing defenders."
Firefly: "Or poisoned curses. True."
** Thasos nods at the poison comment. **
Beltarne: "Think either of those lakes are the one we're after?
Firefly: "Ghosts certainly are a great way to get cursed areas."
Marik: "No, Shining Lake is farther southwest. The day's wasting. Let's get back on track."
Beltarne: "Right"
Wolfgang: "Lets go then"
GM: Where?
Firefly: Eventually, Shining Lake. One hopes.
Marik: Backtrack to the switchbacks and then get back on course for the pass.
GM: Okay, that's a direction I can understand. =)
** Thasos waves his hands around like a madman before giving up in frustration. **
Marik: ('the pass' being 'Storm Pass', and hopefully White Pines)
Narrator: An hour after dawn, Marik confidently leads the delvers back the way they came the day before. They descend the hill and cross the valley, heading into the rising sun and the wall of gray rocky mountain in front of them.
** Firefly squints. **
** Beltarne Beltarne joins Firefly **
Narrator: The sun is soon beating down, making everyone wearing armor uncomfortably hot. The delvers walk slower and rest sooner.
GM: Marik has a message, btw.
** Marik returns from a scouting trip in the first hour. "Wolves crossed our trail last night. Big ones. Keep an eye out." **
** Beltarne hefts his axe. "Good thing I brought my wolf repellent!" **
** Firefly flaps along dizzily, doing lazy loops through sunbeams. **
Narrator: Hours pass as the delvers climb back up the mountains. The land around them is rugged and rocky. From the occasional crest, you can see the floor of the pass to the east and more mountains beyond that.
Firefly: (( afk briefly, food juggling. ))
GM: Around noon, every can make a Scent based Poison roll. (That's Poison, off of Perception, with bonuses for Acute Smell or Discriminatory smell).
GM: Or Perception -6 if you don't have any of that.
GM: Or Mountain Survival at -3.
Thasos: Per (11) [3d6.skill(11,-6)] => [6,6,4] = 16 vs (5) or less Critical Failure! by 11 [B556]
Beltarne: Taste/Smell (14) [3d6.skill(14,-6)] => [5,5,1] = 11 vs (8) or less Failure! by 3
Ghazeb: [3d6.skill(11,-5)] => [4,4,5] = 13 vs (6) or less Failure! by 7
Firefly: hm, one sec.
** Wolfgang doesn't get to roll since effective skill is a 4 **
Marik: Are we still Blessed?
Firefly: 4's enough to roll Wolfgang.
Firefly: 2 isn't :D
GM: You can roll on a 4. Just not a 2. And yes, still Blessed until about mid-afternoon.
Beltarne: (Think that expired))
Marik: Survival (Mountain): [3d6.skill(15,-3+1)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
Wolfgang: oh, well then
Firefly: Survival (Woodlands) (11) [3d6.skill(11,+1-2-3)] => [6,5,6] = 17 vs (7) or less Critical Failure! by 10 [B556]
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(10,-6+1)] => [1,5,5] = 11 vs (5) or less Failure! by 6
whispering to Kevin, You smell the faint smell of poisonous lichen.
whispering to Thasos, You smell some delicious berries ahead.
whispering to Firefly, You smell some delicious nectar ahead.
** Marik stops the group. "There's something nasty nearby." **
** Marik sniffs around. **
** Beltarne readies his axe "Define nasty.." **
whispering to Thasos, You need to roll Will-3 (for Overconfident and Stubborn and Jealous) to not continue on.
whispering to Firefly, You need to resist Curiosity to not investigate the Nectar.
** Wolfgang readies his shield and a hatchet **
Marik: "Poison. Lichen, I think."
Beltarne: "Like what?"
GM: Thasos and Firefly have whispers.
** Firefly sneezes violently. "Don't know what you're talking about." **
** Thasos puts his hand on his weapon... and then makes a confused face. **
Firefly: Curious (12 or less) [3d6.skill(12,+1)] => [3,4,1] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
** Marik rolls his eyes. "Lichen. Moss. You have it UNDER the mountains too, right?" **
Firefly: "On the other hand, something smells delicious... it's like... honeysuckle? Sort of?"
Beltarne: "Oh, that stuff. Why didn't you say so?"
** Firefly goes trailing ahead, peering Curiously. **
GM: Thasos, roll to resist investigating those tasty berries. You don't need to take advance from some scrawny elf.
Beltarne: "Firefly!"
Firefly: "It's not quite. That's really intriguing."
Marik: "You know those flowers that look really beautiful, but have really nasty thorns and cause wounds that infect really easily?"
** Beltarne follows pixie **
Wolfgang: so is it crazy mobile Lichen or can we just go around?
Thasos: okay, roll what?
GM: Will -3, Thasos, like I said in the whisper.
Marik: "Just don't bloody eat it."
Firefly: (( arg, brb, speaking of not eating things, my dinner's ready :D ))
Wolfgang: "What are you doing?"
Thasos: sorry, I'm not seeing a PM tab
Thasos: Will (10) [3d6.skill(10,-3)] => [1,2,2] = 5 vs (7) or less Success! by 2
whispering to Thasos, Test? test?
** Thasos is only lured for a moment. Something doesn't seem right. **
Wolfgang: "Marik, does the lichen make people nuts?"
Marik: "Only if they're particularly weak-willed or flighty."
GM: Mountain Survival -2 to clear a path safely, or just walk 1/2 mile around. In the mountains. Without getting lost.
** Beltarne mutters "great" **
** Wolfgang puts away the hatchet and goes after Firefly **
Marik: Survival (Lichen Forests of Zha'Doom): [3d6.skill(15,-2)] => [1,4,3] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
Beltarne: (For all of us, Mark?)
Firefly: "Oh, I'm not going to eat it. I want to know what it IS though."
Wolfgang: "No, you're going to stay with the rest of us and not die horribly"
GM: No, as long as someone makes it, you're fine.
Firefly: So. I fly down the path.
Narrator: Marik carefully moves through the lichen with a big branch ahead of him, scraping up the fronds and pushing them away. Sickly green gas rises from them, which he carefully avoids. Eventually, he clears his way through the scrapings and gingerly tosses the branch well away from himself, then washes his hands thoroughly.
Firefly: "You are taking for EVAR."
Narrator: A little after lunch, the delvers find themselves atop the cliff with the switchbacks. They descend back down the floor of the pass.
Beltarne: "Some of us have the handicap of not being born with wings, wee one"
** Thasos nods. **
Beltarne: "Is it just me or were those bushes not there last time?"
Narrator: The pass runs more or less north-south here. It is a few hundred feet wide, with sloped sides that quickly rise to rocky cliffs.
GM: They sprouted after the rain, Beltarne.
Firefly: Creepy.
Beltarne: "Noxious eagles, noxious shrubs.... it's almost as if there's some sort of foul presence in these mountains..."
Marik: "I noticed."
Firefly: Oh damn. Now I REALLY gotta know.
Narrator: To the south, the land rises into low hills.
** Thasos points at... nothing. **
Narrator: But not for a few miles - they're almost over the horizon.
Beltarne: "What, Thasos?"
** Thasos shrugs. He has a goofy grin on his face. **
GM: What are you doing now?
** Marik peers at Thasos. "Did you catch a whiff of that gas?" **
** Thasos shakes his head. **
Marik: "Beltarne, see if you can figure out what's wrong with Thasos. I'm going to scout around."
Ghazeb: "This one thinks so. This one feels unwell. The air was bad, and those eagles stank."
** Firefly doesn't fly above about 15 feet, but does scootch up at least that high to look around. **
Beltarne: (So continue to the south...east down the pass?
Firefly: Especially keeping an eye out for awesome flowers.
** Thasos holds his nose and points at Ghazeb. **
Marik: ((South to the end of the pass, then east.))
** Beltarne attempts to keep a straight face **
GM: Okay.
GM: South you go.
Beltarne: "Thasos appears to be fine"
Wolfgang: "You sure? He is pointing at nothing a lot"
Beltarne: "pretty sure"
GM: An hour's walk gets you to the base of those hills, and you quickly ascend. At the top of a ridge, you find yourself looking over a shallow valley to the south. To the east and west, the hills roll gently into the mountains which rise up. To the east, the hills continue on for several miles. It looks like there may be another low area somewhere to the south, but there are more hills in the way.
GM: You continue on the infrequent remnants of a gravelled road, and the hills gradually slope back down after another hour's walk.
Beltarne: "Shall we check that valley for White Pine, Marik?"
whispering to Firefly, Curious - there's a pair of columns of smoke coming from the hillside west of you. They're breaking up quickly, but they look like chimney smoke.
Firefly: "Or creepy cursed poison water."
GM: Firefly, you have a whisper.
Firefly: "Oh hey!"
** Firefly points west. "Chimney smoke!" **
** Thasos looks. **
GM: Everyone can make Vision rolls at -2.
Ghazeb: [3d6.skill(11,-2)] => [1,1,3] = 5 vs (9) or less Success! by 4
Thasos: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-2)] => [1,4,1] = 6 vs (9) or less Success! by 3
Beltarne: Vision (14) [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [6,6,1] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
Marik: Is that a penalty for distance?
Ghazeb: "This one sees smoke."
Wolfgang: Vision (13) [3d6.skill(13,+1-2)] => [4,5,4] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
GM: Blessing has worn off, btw. Marik only rolls at -2.
** Thasos nods, seeing it. **
Marik: Vision: [3d6.skill(14,+2-2)] => [6,2,6] = 14 vs (14) or less Success! by 0
GM: Those who succeed can see some wispy smoke rising from the hills to the west in two columns. It looks like woodsmoke funnelled through a chimney.
Marik: "I didn't think anyone lived out here."
** Thasos shrugs. **
Firefly: "Obviously someone does. Goblins, for example. There's fae down south too, or so I hear."
Beltarne: "Do fae typically have cookfires? Big enough to see anyways?"
Marik: "Hm. Might be worth checking out?"
Beltarne: "Sure!"
Wolfgang: "How far is it?"
GM: Firefly and Marik estimate less than 200 yards.
Marik: Oh, that's just a short detour. Onward for sure!
Firefly: "There's bigger fae... leprechauns can make a terrible amount of smoke when they're up to something. Jerks."
Marik: (Er, onward to the smoke)
** Wolfgang prepares for trouble at the smoke **
Narrator: A few minutes walk along the hillside leads to a visible cave entrance. The remains of a wagon sit outside it, along with some banners of a red eye.
Firefly: After all, it COULD be goblins. Or a gaint talking wolf dressed in old ladies clothes.
Firefly: "Goblins."
** Beltarne goes into sneaky mode **
Narrator: The smoke rises from two holes in the hillside, about 30 yards southwest of the cave entrance.
Marik: I would like to sneak up to the cave entrance.
** Firefly takes advantage of being tiny, and becomes extremely sneaky. Well, normally sneaky plus passively hard to see. **
GM: Hey, new map! Look at that.
Firefly: Indeed!
GM: Roll Stealth, stealthy people!
Beltarne: Stealth (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [1,6,6] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
Ghazeb: [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [4,2,4] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Beltarne: Ha!
Firefly: Stealth (12) [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [4,6,2] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
Firefly: And bad guys have -6 to spot me :D
Thasos: Stealth (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [2,5,3] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Ghazeb: "This one feels unwell. He thinks he should stay behind. He can easily guard the entrance and make sure you are all safe."
Marik: Stealth: [3d6.skill(19,0)] => [1,1,3] = 5 vs (19) or less Critical Success! by 14 [B556]
** Beltarne trips over a discarded wagon wheel **
GM: Right, right right.
GM: Everyone make Vision-5 checks!
Firefly: ... creepy ass elf.
** Beltarne and leaves his pack with Ghazeb **
Ghazeb: [3d6.skill(11,-5)] => [3,1,2] = 6 vs (6) or less Success! by 0
Firefly: Any of that penalty for darkness?
Beltarne: Vision (14) [3d6.skill(14,-5)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2
GM: Neither darkness nor distance.
Wolfgang: Vision (13) [3d6.skill(13,-5)] => [1,2,3] = 6 vs (8) or less Success! by 2
Marik: Vision: [3d6.skill(14,+2-5)] => [2,5,6] = 13 vs (11) or less Failure! by 2
Firefly: Vision (12) [3d6.skill(12,-5)] => [4,3,5] = 12 vs (7) or less Failure! by 5
** Thasos leaves his pack with Ghazeb as well. **
Thasos: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-5)] => [6,3,2] = 11 vs (6) or less Failure! by 5
Firefly: I will carry my backpack, for I am not a feeble, overburdened giant.
** Marik also leaves his pack with Ghazeb, because the cool kids are doing it. **
GM: [1d6] => [1] = (1)
GM: [1d3] => [2] = (2)
** Wolfgang leaves his pack too **
Firefly: (( Life lesson kids: if you're going to be cowardly, you'll get left holding everyone elses coats. ))
Firefly: (( or luggage, as the case may be. ))
whispering to Wolfgang, You notice, near the goblin banner, that someone has carved something into the hillside. It is faded, but it looks like "VD" to you.
GM: Wolfgang has a whisper.
GM: You guys can move up your tokens.
Beltarne: ((That's why I jumped out of helicopters and assaulted beaches for four years. Fear of luggage.))
** Wolfgang plans on letting the stealthy people go up behind them a ways **
Beltarne: (I see no tokens)
Wolfgang: Whispering "I see a VD up by a goblin banner"
Narrator: The cave entrance is a half dozen yards wide and about 4 yards tall. It quickly narrows. The walls look like natural stone.
Wolfgang: How tall is the cave mouth?
Wolfgang: doh!
whispering to Wolfgang, You also notice a narrow hole, low in the ground, about 4 yards north of the cave entrance. It looks like it descends steeply into the darkness.
whispering to Beltarne, You also notice a narrow hole, low in the ground, about 4 yards north of the cave entrance. It looks like it descends steeply into the darkness.
** Firefly says, sotto voice, "A... VD?" **
GM: Everyone (but Wolfgang) can make Vision -4 rolls.
Ghazeb: [3d6.skill(11,-4)] => [1,1,6] = 8 vs (7) or less Failure! by 1
Firefly: Vision (12) [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [4,5,4] = 13 vs (8) or less Failure! by 5
Marik: Vision: [3d6.skill(14,+2-4)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (12) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Marik: ((. . .))
Thasos: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-4)] => [6,1,5] = 12 vs (7) or less Failure! by 5
Beltarne: Vision (14) [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [3,6,4] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
** Wolfgang points at something a bit north of the cave entrance **
Ghazeb: "There is a hole here." He points at the same place as Wolfgang.
Marik: ((With three people pointing it out... I still don't see it.))
GM: You all stare at the hole.
Marik: ((KEVIN sees it.))
** Beltarne whispers, "lets try the main entrance" **
Marik: ((Marik... catches on eventually?))
Thasos: ((the hole feels self-conscious now))
Beltarne: "unless firefly wants to scout the hole"
Firefly: Oooo. small hole. Small pixie. This is almost irresistible. [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [5,2,2] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3
Firefly: Almost.
Firefly: But she still wants to scout the hole.
Firefly: "With caution, certainly."
Narrator: The hole is about 1' wide and leads deep into the depths below.
Beltarne: "just come right back if you run into trouble."
GM: Everyone can make Hearing-4 rolls.
Thasos: Hearing (13) [3d6.skill(13,-4)] => [3,6,1] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
Wolfgang: Hearing (10) [3d6.skill(10,-4)] => [4,5,1] = 10 vs (6) or less Failure! by 4
Marik: Hearing: [3d6.skill(14,-4)] => [2,5,4] = 11 vs (10) or less Failure! by 1
Beltarne: Hearing (14) [3d6.skill(14,-4)] => [2,4,3] = 9 vs (10) or less Success! by 1
Firefly: "The difficulty is darkness..."
Firefly: Hearing (12) [3d6.skill(12,-4)] => [1,4,2] = 7 vs (8) or less Success! by 1
whispering to Firefly, You can hear running water echoing up from the hole, but faintly.
Firefly: "Hm. there's water down there."
Marik: "Let's try the main entrance, I think. We can't help Firefly if she gets into trouble."
Ghazeb: "Be careful, wee one. These could not rescue you."
Beltarne: "Care to take point, Marik?"
Marik: "Of course."
** Firefly peers disappointed down the hole. "If we don't find water, I'm going to be peeved." **
** Wolfgang keeps an eye out of the sentries we missed **
GM: Okay.
GM: Now what are you guys doing?
Beltarne: Entering the cave mouth!
Marik: Down the main tunnel, Marik on point, stealthily. I hope someone will have light, and that I can stay in the shadows ahead of it.
** Thasos heads toward the main entrance quietly. **
GM: You immediately notice that it is pitch back dark in there.
Marik: Hence my hoping to have someone behind me with a light...?
** Firefly casts Continual Light - Torch strength, on something convenient yet trivial. Any volunteers? **
Beltarne: Can I make a torch out of the pieces of the wagon out front?
Beltarne: Nevermind
GM: Oh, hey! [3d6] => [5,1,3] = (9)
Beltarne: (heh)
GM: Normal mana, roll Firefly.
Beltarne: (My axe?)
Wolfgang: (( how about your shield ))
Firefly: Continual Light (18) [3d6.skill(18,4)] => [2,2,4] = 8 vs (22) or less Success! by 14 for [4] => 4 FP
Wolfgang: (( or mine ))
Firefly: screwed up.
Beltarne: (Or do we wanna do it on something we can easily hide?)
Firefly: Not +4, that was supposed to be 4 FP
Firefly: 8 works anyways :D
Firefly: How about your holy symbol?
Beltarne: Sure!
Beltarne: (Very appropos)
Firefly: Stylish, yet functional!
Marik: ((I've got great night vision, so I'm hoping to stay out of the bright light but in the handy shadow.))
Beltarne: (I've got decent night vision, but I'm willing to play bait)
Firefly: (( I've got... some. Trivial amounts of night vision :D ))
GM: Beltarne's light radii should become more distinct after he moves out the bright sunshine.
Beltarne: (I'm shiny!)
GM: You should be able to hit Ctrl-Shft-O to the the light to auto-update.
Narrator: The cave splits into two passages.
GM: Everyone roll Hearing -6.
Beltarne: Hearing (14) [3d6.skill(14,-6)] => [5,6,3] = 14 vs (8) or less Failure! by 6
Firefly: Hearing (12) [3d6.skill(12,-6)] => [3,5,6] = 14 vs (6) or less Failure! by 8
Marik: Hearing: [3d6.skill(14,-6)] => [2,1,4] = 7 vs (8) or less Success! by 1
Wolfgang: Hearing (10) [3d6.skill(10,-6)] => [4,2,5] = 11 vs (4) or less Failure! by 7
Thasos: Hearing (13) [3d6.skill(13,-6)] => [4,1,2] = 7 vs (7) or less Success! by 0
** Thasos holds up a hand. **
whispering to Thasos, You think you hear voices from the left, and running water. It's louder to the right/north passage.
Beltarne: (Which is less than helpful unless he's leading)
Firefly: I can see Thasos.
** Firefly whispers. "What?" **
** Thasos puts a finger over his lips. **
** Thasos makes a motion with his hand, miming someone talking. **
** Thasos hears voices. **
** Firefly whispers again "Thasos hears someone talking." **
whispering to Kevin, By the way, Marik can clearly see a cliff-like drop in front of him. Looks deep. The ceiling drops sharply to follow.
** Wolfgang points down the hall they have already gone down and then to the one on his left and then looks questioningly at Thasos **
** Thasos points to where Marik is and also points to the passage running south. **
** Marik slips past Beltarne, and whispers. "Voices to the south. Water south and north. Let's check out the voices." **
GM: We're not on combat time yet. People can just move.
** Marik stops at the junction to listen again. **
GM: Everyone roll Vision based Traps at -3. (Or Vision -8 if you don't have Traps).
Thasos: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-8)] => [2,4,4] = 10 vs (3) or less Failure! by 7
Firefly: Vision (12) [3d6.skill(12,-8)] => [3,1,1] = 5 vs (4) or less Failure! by 1
Beltarne: Vision (14) [3d6.skill(14,-8)] => [6,2,3] = 11 vs (6) or less Failure! by 5
Wolfgang: Vision (13) [3d6.skill(13,-8)] => [6,3,2] = 11 vs (5) or less Failure! by 6
Marik: Spot Traps: [3d6.skill(15,+2-3)] => [6,2,4] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
whispering to Kevin, Just before you hit it, you notice a trip wire.
** Marik holds up a hand, then points out a tripwire. He steps over it carefully. **
** Firefly flies over it. **
GM: Everyone roll that again.
Marik: Spot Traps: [3d6.skill(15,+2-3)] => [5,4,3] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Thasos: Vision (11) [3d6.skill(11,-8)] => [2,3,2] = 7 vs (3) or less Failure! by 4
Firefly: Vision (12) [3d6.skill(12,-8)] => [6,4,4] = 14 vs (4) or less Critical Failure! by 10 [B556]
Beltarne: Vision (14) [3d6.skill(14,-8)] => [2,3,6] = 11 vs (6) or less Failure! by 5
Marik: ((Also, that looks like firelight I see ahead.))
GM: Yes, yes it is Marik.
Thasos: ((picks up Firefly's eyeball and hands it back to her))
** Beltarne tucks holy symbol inside his armor to damp light **
GM: Just as Marik is pointing out ANOTHER tripwire, Firefly collides with a thin string stretched from wall to ceiling.
Wolfgang: Vision (13) [3d6.skill(13,-8)] => [5,6,5] = 16 vs (5) or less Critical Failure! by 11 [B556]
Narrator: The string breaks, and colorful glass vials drop down towards the floor.
Beltarne: Dodge and drop away!
** Thasos holds his breath. **
Firefly: "huh? Ack!" I'm guessing I don't get to dodge because of the oopsie.
GM: Everyone gets a dodge!
Firefly: Ooo!
Thasos: Dodge (11) [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [2,4,3] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
GM: If they're hit. Alchemist's fire on Marik [3d6.skill(9)] => 3d6.skill(9)[3d6.skill(9)] => 3d6.skill(9)[3d6.skill(9)] => 3d6.skill(9)
GM: If they're hit. Alchemist's fire on Marik [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [4,2,5] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
[3d6.skill(9,0)] => [4,1,5] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
[3d6.skill(9,0)] => [6,6,5] = 17 vs (9) or less Critical Failure! [B556]

GM: No.
Wolfgang: dodge [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [1,3,6] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1
Firefly: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,+2)] => [6,6,5] = 17 vs (12) or less Critical Failure! by 5 [B556]
Beltarne: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,+3)] => [5,2,1] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
Firefly: Um, I was stuck in the dialog before you rolled hit stuff.
Wolfgang: we're not allowed to get retreat etc I assume
GM: If they're hit. Alchemist's fire on Firefly [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [2,6,6] = 14 vs (9) or less Failure! by 5 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [4,2,1] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [6,5,1] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3
on Beltarne [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [2,4,2] = 8 vs (9) or less Success! by 1 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [1,4,6] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [5,5,1] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
and Thasos [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [5,1,1] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [5,6,1] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [3,2,5] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1

GM: So far so good.
GM: If they're hit. Liquid Ice on Marik [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [3,6,5] = 14 vs (9) or less Failure! by 5 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [5,2,3] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [5,2,4] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2

on Firefly [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [1,3,1] = 5 vs (9) or less Success! by 4 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [3,1,6] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [6,1,5] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3 

on Beltarne [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [2,1,3] = 6 vs (9) or less Success! by 3 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [2,5,6] = 13 vs (9) or less Failure! by 4 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [3,6,6] = 15 vs (9) or less Failure! by 6
and Thasos [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (9) or less Success! by 0 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [4,4,5] = 13 vs (9) or less Failure! by 4 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [3,6,2] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2

Marik: Looks like Firefly caught one hit and failed to dodge?
GM: Looks like.
GM: Thasos caught one, too, and there's a -4 penalty to Dodge 'cause it's dropping from above.
GM: Beltarne is fine... Liquid Ie also lands on Beltarne, Marik, and Thasos, so they need to dodge those, too.
Beltarne: I would have succeeded by only 2 if we can't dodge and drop, and failed by 2 with the -4
Firefly: ooo, luck!
GM: You can definitely Dodge and Drop - these are projectiles!
Marik: I see three failures on Liquid Ice for me?
GM: Yeah, Marik is good so far.
Beltarne: But it doesn't count for both, yeah?
GM: Nope.
Firefly: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,-4+3+2)] => [3,3,3] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2 Includes +2 DB
Thasos: can i acrobatic dodge?
Beltarne: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,-4)] => [6,1,6] = 13 vs (6) or less Failure! by 7
Firefly: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,-4+3+2)] => [4,4,4] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1 Includes +2 DB
GM: If they're hit. Oozing Doom on Marik [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [2,4,1] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [1,5,3] = 9 vs (9) or less Success! by 0 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [6,6,6] = 18 vs (9) or less Critical Failure! [B556]

on Firefly [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [6,6,4] = 16 vs (9) or less Failure! by 7 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [1,2,4] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3 

on Beltarne [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [4,4,3] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [5,5,5] = 15 vs (9) or less Failure! by 6 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [6,5,4] = 15 vs (9) or less Failure! by 6
and Thasos [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [3,6,1] = 10 vs (9) or less Failure! by 1 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [2,6,6] = 14 vs (9) or less Failure! by 5 [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [4,6,5] = 15 vs (9) or less Failure! by 6

Firefly: Well, not crit failed, Just failled.
Firefly: And down on the ground.
GM: Thasos - yes.
Firefly: Oh and ooze, one hit.
Thasos: Acrobatics (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [2,6,4] = 12 vs (15) or less Success! by 3
Beltarne: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,-4)] => [3,4,6] = 13 vs (6) or less Failure! by 7
Thasos: Dodge (11) [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [6,2,6] = 14 vs (11) or less Failure! by 3
GM: Marik catches 2 oozing dooms and Thasos catches 1.
Beltarne: Oops, didn't need to dodge the doom
Firefly: Looks like I catch one?
Marik: Acrobatics: [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [2,5,4] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
Firefly: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,-4-3+2)] => [6,5,1] = 12 vs (5) or less Failure! by 7 Includes +2 DB
Marik: Feverish Dodge and Drop: [3d6.skill(10,+2+2+3-4)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
GM: Sorry, Firefly catches the 3rd Oozing Doom, THasos does not.
Marik: (Normally for a rapid-fire attack, success removes 1 and each MoS removes more - is that the case here?)
Marik: (Or am I rolling a second dodge?)
GM: Nope, 2 separate dodges, but dodge and drop counts for all of them (or acrobatics) because it's all one source.
Marik: Feverish Dodge and Drop: [3d6.skill(10,+2+2+3-4)] => [5,3,3] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
Firefly: Ah, I had +3 on that dodge then, but doesn't help :D
GM: And some Demon's Brew drops. [1d6] => [3] = (3) on a 5-
GM: it breaks. Where does it land? [1d4] => [1] = (1) hexes away from Beltarne in direction [1d6] => [2] = (2) from north
GM: Between Beltarne's feet, basically.
Beltarne: Yay!
GM: Thasos, Beltarne, and Firefly also get to make HT rolls to resist poison.
Beltarne: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [3,5,5] = 13 vs (10) or less Failure! by 3
GM: Dude, it's a cloud of smoke, you can't dodge it.
Firefly: HT (11) [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [2,4,6] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
Firefly: Wee, I'm going down!
Beltarne: Sorry, thought we were dodging the demon thingee too
GM: See DF28 - it's a poison cloud respiratory agent.
GM: Thasos, Beltarne, resist poison rolls (HT)
Beltarne: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,+3)] => [5,1,2] = 8 vs (16) or less Success! by 8
Thasos: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [5,2,1] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
GM: Okay, who got hit and didn't dodge and with what?
Beltarne: I caught a icy thingee
Firefly: I got hit by everything!
Marik: I caught nothing.
GM: Thasos?
Thasos: i erm... I'm confused :P
Thasos: the first thing i missed the dodge, then something hit me, and i failed to dodge :P
Marik: Thasos was hit by one Alchemist's Fire and one Liquid Ice. He failed to dodge anything, as far as I can tell.
Narrator: Wolfgang, bringing up the rear, turns the corner just in time to see Firefly break the tension line. A riot of glass vials drops from a concealed compartment in the ceiling. Firefly bravely intercepts most of them. The rest drop onto his companions, and one fumes up in a cloud of yellow smoke.
Thasos: oh, and i succeeded against poison
** Wolfgang knows this is not a good sign **
GM: Okay then. Glass vials on Firefly [1d6] => [5] = (5)[1d6] => [2] = (2)[1d6] => [1] = (1) breaks on a 1.
** Marik hits the ground around the corner, getting free of everything. **
GM: Okay then. Glass vials on Thasos [1d6] => [1] = (1)[1d6] => [5] = (5)[1d6] => [4] = (4) breaks on a 4-.
GM: Firefly needs to make another HT roll.
Firefly: HT (11) [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [5,3,4] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
GM: Uhm. Oops?
Firefly: (( you can't see me but I'm laughing lots ))
Narrator: Firefly screams briefly as acid slime engulfs her. Screaming, she breaths deeply of the fumes.
GM: Oozing damage! [2d6] => [5,4] = (9) Poison damage! [2d6] => [2,3] = (5)
Firefly: -6 x HP :D
GM: If Beltarne can IMMEDIATELY make a Major Healing spell on Firefly, I'll let her just be mortally wounded.
Marik: Ex. Pixie.
GM: Of course, Beltarne took [1d6] => [4] = (4) damage from the poison, which generates a shock penalty.
GM: Thasos takes [1d6] => [2] = (2) poison damage also.
GM: You suspect that your stealth is loss.
GM: err, lost.
Beltarne: So, scrambling to do major healing?
GM: It's just a pixie. =)
** Thasos grits his teeth to avoid making a noise at the pain. **
Firefly: Good luck. I'm pretty easy to fix if it works.
Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-4)] => [3,2,5] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
Beltarne: Ha!
Beltarne: Max FP to stabilize her?
Beltarne: 4?
Narrator: Beltarne screams out a prayer. Firefly crumples in a disgusting, acid burned mess on the ground.
Narrator: From the west passage, voices shout out in alarm.
Beltarne: (you may not be so pretty anymore)
GM: Yes, max FP just to make her mortally wounded.
Wolfgang: gas cloud gone?
** Thasos readies his meteor hammer. **
GM: Well, it won't HURT any more, anyway.
Firefly: Out of curiosity, how many HP do I have?
Firefly: was I healed for 8?
GM: No... you have -9 HP.
Firefly: kk.
** Thasos positions himself so that anything coming up the passage is getting a face full of iron. **
GM: What are you doing now?
Firefly: Oozing.
Marik: Given sufficient time, getting to my feet and peering around the corner.
Beltarne: Picking up firefly
GM: Nothing seems to be happening right at this moment. You can hear hushed whispers and movement around the corner.
Thasos: ((you need a broom and dustpan for that))
Beltarne: Wrap her is the sack I'm carrying, to protect her from getting knocked around.
** Wolfgang readies a hatchet to throw **
** Marik makes some gestures indicating that we should rush them now, before they're ready **
** Wolfgang points up to the trap **
** Beltarne slips Firefly into his belt pouch once she's padded and readies his axe **
** Wolfgang looks up along the roof of the cave **
GM: As you finish getting up, tending to Firefly, and preparing, the noise around the corner dies down.
GM: ...
GM: What are you doing now?
Wolfgang: do I see more traps?
Marik: Waiting for the meat shields to do something other than stand there. :P
** Thasos holds his ground. **
Beltarne: We're hearing these noises from where the firelight is coming from?
GM: Beltarne: yes. Wolfgang: no, but you haven't seen any traps except the ones Marik pointed out, either.
Beltarne: Lets roll then.
GM: Okay.
** Wolfgang moves up **
Beltarne: Advance towards the light
GM: A pair of crossbow bolts shoot out of the firelight as Wolfgang steps around the corner.
GM: [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (15) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
[3d6.skill(15,0)] => [2,5,4] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4

GM: Well, at least one does. Wolfgang defends at -4 from surprise.
Wolfgang: block the one that hit me
Wolfgang: ...
Wolfgang: why would this surprise me?
GM: The goblin was hidden?
GM: If you like, I can give him his free unblockable shot.
Wolfgang: ok, I see him right there but w/e
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,-4)] => [5,4,2] = 11 vs (11) or less Success! by 0
GM: well, the shot came from goblin #4 who was hidden.

1) Your Turn Now [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

** Thasos waves at Marik to move up, and takes a defensive position. **
Goblins: Archer shoots Thasos [3d6.skill(19,-3)] => [1,4,3] = 8 vs (16) or less Success! by 8 in the vitals
Goblins: Minion shoots Thasos [3d6.skill(15)] => 3d6.skill(15)
Goblins: Minion shoots Thasos [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [6,6,4] = 16 vs (15) or less Failure! by 1
Thasos: Parry Missile Weapons (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [1,1,5] = 7 vs (17) or less Success! by 10 Includes: +2 from 'Chi Talent'
GM: Thasos can defend at -4, as he hadn't spotted the archer before he fired.
GM: By the way, your Parry Missile Weapon parry is actually 11.
GM: But you're good.
Marik: ((12 if he has Combat Reflexes.))
Narrator: Thasos spins his meteor hammer, deflecting a bolt as it comes in. Another whizzes by his horn.
Thasos: ((erk... it should be 12 then, but what about the chi bonus?))
Marik: ((That's included.))
Marik: ((It adds to the skill, which is halved, +3, +1 for CR.))
Beltarne: ((Adds to the skill, which the parry is derived from))
GM: Chi bonus goes to skill. Parry is 1/2 skill + 3 + bonuses.
GM: Great.

2) Your Turn Now [28] Marik
(on deck: [28] Goblin Archer)

Thasos: ((fair enough))
Marik: AoD (Dodge) and move in to get a grasp on the situation.
Marik: Since I don't like 'move and attack' when I can't see a target when starting the move.
Narrator: The tunnel opens up into a wide room. Goblins huddle behind defensive positions. A wide chasm splits the room.
Marik: ###
Narrator: Across the chasm, the cave enters to a narrow archway. More goblins and shock lizards are visible beyond it.
Narrator: At least two fires illuminate the area.
GM: No light penalty if you're in the red area, -3 outside of it.

3) Your Turn Now [28] Goblin Archer
(on deck: [26] Goblin Hero)

Goblins: Archer: drop his crossbow, grab another one.

4) Your Turn Now [26] Goblin Hero
(on deck: [26] Goblin Warrior)

5) Your Turn Now [26] Goblin Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Goblins: All-out block.

6) Your Turn Now [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Concentrate, getting ready to cast dispel magic on earth elemental
Beltarne: ###
Beltarne: *Dispel

7) Your Turn Now [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Goblin Brute)

Marik: Is it deliberately unclear which goblins are 'warrior' 'hero' etc?
GM: Yes.
Marik: I don't want to shoot at the guy who all-out blocked when I can shoot an archer, frex.
GM: Though the one behind the elemental is bigger than the others.
Wolfgang: step and throw hatchet at gob 4
Marik: (And I should be able to tell that much)
GM: And the ones with crossbows have crossbows. The ones with shields have shields.
GM: The one on the far side of the chasm is much larger than the others.
GM: (err, #2 is very big, #1 is big)
Wolfgang: Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace) (16) [3d6.skill(16,-1)] => [4,3,4] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4 Includes: +1 from 'Master of Arms'
GM: Go for it, Wolfgang. He's got cover, but not enough to matter.
GM: ... range looks like -2 to me?
Wolfgang: oh, still by enough
GM: No, he's got -4 cover.
GM: SO it is enough to matter. You shatter rock, but not enough to wound him.
Wolfgang: oh, well then

8) Your Turn Now [24] Goblin Brute
(on deck: [24] Menace)

Wolfgang: didn't think he did
Wolfgang: fast draw another hatchet
Wolfgang: Fast-Draw (Axe/Mace) (15) [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,6,3] = 14 vs (15) or less Success! by 1 Includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
Goblins: #2 throws a hatchet at Wolfgang [3d6.skill(15, -4)] => [3,6,2] = 11 vs (11) or less Success! by 0
Wolfgang: parry thrown is -4?
GM: I think -2?
Wolfgang: ah, parry then
Wolfgang: wait, no, block
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [3,4,4] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Beltarne: -2 for small thrown, -1 for larger stuff

9) Your Turn Now [24] Menace
(on deck: [23] Goblin Minion)

Wolfgang: remembered hatchets are not dwarven :)
Beltarne: ((with small meaning a pound or less))
Marik: ((Hatchets aren't U weapons.))
Marik: ((Axes are))
Wolfgang: (( DOH! ))
Narrator: A massive, manlike formation of rocks steps forward. It dissolves into the floor as it advances.
** Thasos looks around for that rock thing. **
Narrator: The delvers see greenish symbols on its chest, vaguely familiar.

10) Your Turn Now [23] Goblin Minion
(on deck: [22] Shock Lizards)

Goblins: Goblins 4, 7, and 3 drop crossbows, grab crossbows.

11) Your Turn Now [22] Shock Lizards
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Shock Lizard: Both lizards shoot lightning at Wolfgang! [3d6.skill(18,6-5-4)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (15) or less Success! by 3 Predictive -4/-2
[3d6.skill(18,6-5-4)] => [5,3,4] = 12 vs (15) or less Success! by 3 Predictive -4/-2

Wolfgang: dodge both
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(9,+3-2)] => [4,6,5] = 15 vs (10) or less Failure! by 5
GM: okay, you're at -2 for their prediction.
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(9,+3-2)] => [3,3,4] = 10 vs (10) or less Success! by 0
GM: You take [2d6-2] => [6,6,-2] = (10) damage, metal armor is DR1.
GM: Roll HT to resist stun at -1.
GM: Hits Beltarne? [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [1,6,4] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
GM: Or Marik? [3d6.skill(9,0)] => [6,4,2] = 12 vs (9) or less Failure! by 3
Wolfgang: HT (14) [3d6.skill(14,+1-1)] => [4,1,6] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3

1) Your Turn Now [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

** Thasos steps forward and swings his weapon so it goes around the corner. **
Thasos: Meteor Hammer [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [2,3,4] = 9 vs (18) or less Success! by 9
Thasos: Meteor Hammer [2d6+3+0] => [3,2,3,0] = (8) cr
Goblins: Dodge! [3d6.skill(8,2)] => [6,6,3] = 15 vs (10) or less Failure! by 5
Narrator: Goblin #4 drops as the meteor hammer hammers him.

2) Your Turn Now [28] Marik
(on deck: [28] Goblin Archer)

Marik: Step and put an arrow into Goblin 4. I have range 17 (-6), Acc +3, no other bonuses or penalties?
GM: Which goblin? All the visible ones are crouched, for -2 to hit.
Thasos: ((you mean the one that's just a bloody mess now))
Marik: Er, Goblin 3. Sorry.
GM: Yep, -6 for range, -2 for crouching.
Marik: Bow: [3d6.skill(20,+3-6-2)] => [3,6,1] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Goblins: Goblin #3 dodges! [3d6.skill(8,0)] => [6,1,3] = 10 vs (8) or less Failure! by 2
Marik: Damage is [1d6+4] => [4,4] = (8) impaling
Beltarne: (or not)
Narrator: The goblin catches an arrow and drops.

3) Your Turn Now [28] Goblin Archer
(on deck: [26] Goblin Hero)

Goblins: Goblin #8 smoothly whips up his crossbow and launches a bolt at Marik [3d6.skill(19,4-4-6)] => [6,4,1] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
Marik: Acrobatics: [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [4,2,5] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
GM: And he took the penalty for shooting between Thasos and Wolfgang.
Marik: Dodge: [3d6.skill(10,+2)] => [5,6,1] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
GM: Curses!

4) Your Turn Now [26] Goblin Hero
(on deck: [26] Goblin Warrior)

** Marik bends backwards and lets it go past his chest. **

5) Your Turn Now [26] Goblin Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Goblins: #1 takes an all-out defense (block), crouching behind his shield.

6) Your Turn Now [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Concentraate again, step out of the way of all the projectiles
Beltarne: ###

7) Your Turn Now [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Goblin Brute)

Wolfgang: step and throw a hatchet at gob7 (-2 range, nothing else)
GM: -1 for partial cover.
GM: and -2 for crouching.
Wolfgang: gah, crouch is in the wall
Wolfgang: in that case, move and throw
Wolfgang: -2 for crouch and -2 for bulk?
GM: Yep.
Wolfgang: Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace) (16) [3d6.skill(16,-4)] => [1,6,1] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4 Includes: +1 from 'Master of Arms'
Wolfgang: fast draw axe
Goblins: Goblin #7 dodges! [3d6.skill(8,0)] => [6,6,6] = 18 vs (8) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Wolfgang: Fast-Draw (Axe/Mace) (15) [3d6.skill(15,+1+1)] => [2,6,1] = 9 vs (17) or less Success! by 8 Includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
Beltarne: (Hah!)
Wolfgang: [2d6+6] => [1,3,6] = (10) cutting
Narrator: Wolfgang lunges forward, chucking his hatchet and catching a goblin in the next. Blood sprays on the wall.

8) Your Turn Now [24] Goblin Brute
(on deck: [24] Menace)

Goblins: Goblin #2 draws a hatchet.

9) Your Turn Now [24] Menace
(on deck: [23] Goblin Minion)

10) Your Turn Now [23] Goblin Minion
(on deck: [22] Shock Lizards)

11) Your Turn Now [22] Shock Lizards
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Shock Lizard: Shock lizards step forward and keep zapping Wolfgang [3d6.skill(18,6-4-6)] => [3,1,2] = 6 vs (14) or less Success! by 8 Predictive -6/-3
[3d6.skill(18,6-4-6)] => [2,5,4] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3 Predictive -6/-3

Wolfgang: man, that's a lot of predictive
Wolfgang: block!
GM: You can only block 1.
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,-3)] => [6,4,5] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3
Wolfgang: even as WM?
GM: Predictive doesn't apply to blocks, so you're fine.
GM: Oh, right.
GM: Yeah, roll at -3 for the second one.
Marik: Second block at -...3 for WM?
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,-3)] => [3,6,4] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
Wolfgang: grr
Wolfgang: luck
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,-3)] => [1,6,6] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,-3)] => [6,2,5] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
Wolfgang: ...
Marik: @.@
GM: Damage is [2d6-2] => [6,4,-2] = (8), metal armor is DR1.
GM: Another HT check at -1 to avoid stun.
Wolfgang: HT (14) [3d6.skill(14,+1-1)] => [1,3,5] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5

1) Your Turn Now [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

** Thasos still looks around for that rock thing, and moves to the right, to attack the goblin to the north. **
Thasos: Meteor Hammer [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [4,1,4] = 9 vs (18) or less Success! by 9
GM: How far did you just move?
Thasos: ((apply what penalties may... apply))
Thasos: 4 hexes i thought
GM: okay, that's a move and attack, you can't parry.
GM: but you do hit.
Thasos: yeah, couldn't have been more than 4
Thasos: Meteor Hammer [2d6+3+0] => [1,3,3,0] = (7) cr
Goblins: Warrior blocks! [3d6.skill(13,2+2-2)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (15) or less Success! by 9

2) Your Turn Now [28] Marik
(on deck: [28] Goblin Archer)

Marik: Fast-draw an arrow (no nuisance roll) and AoD (Dodge), moving 4.
Marik: ###

3) Your Turn Now [28] Goblin Archer
(on deck: [26] Goblin Hero)

Goblins: Goblin #8 drops his crossbow and steps out into the open, grabbing up his ally's [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (13) or less Failure! by 2
Goblins: well, not as cool as he'd plan.

4) Your Turn Now [26] Goblin Hero
(on deck: [26] Goblin Warrior)

5) Your Turn Now [26] Goblin Warrior
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Goblins: Goblin #1 straightens and springs forward with a committed attack on Wolfgang! [3d6.skill(18,-4)] => [1,4,2] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7 DA-4/-2
Wolfgang: parry! only -2 yah?
GM: Yep.
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(14,+3-2)] => [5,4,4] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2

6) Your Turn Now [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Concentrate and step to keep everyone in view
Beltarne: ###

7) Your Turn Now [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Goblin Brute)

Wolfgang: step and signature attack
GM: Go for it.
Wolfgang: rapid strike feint and attack [3d6.skill(20,-3+1)] => [4,1,2] = 7 vs (18) or less Success! by 11 atk DA -2/-1 [3d6.skill(20,-3-2+1)] => [3,5,5] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
Goblins: Resist feint! [3d6.skill(18,-2)] => [5,4,5] = 14 vs (16) or less Success! by 2
Goblins: Block! [3d6.skill(13,2-2-9-1)] => [4,2,2] = 8 vs (3) or less Failure! by 5
Wolfgang: [2d6+8] => [5,4,8] = (17) cutting
Narrator: Wolfgang parriesthe goblin's strike with his axe, and pulls the blade out of line as he steps to the side. His return blow caves in the goblin's chest and the warrior drops.

8) Your Turn Now [24] Goblin Brute
(on deck: [24] Menace)

Goblins: Goblin #2 throws an axe at Wolfgang [3d6.skill(15,-3)] => [3,2,4] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3
Wolfgang: parry at -2?
Wolfgang: or -1 since it's a large thrown
GM: -1 for large thrown, I guess.
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(14,+3-1)] => [6,3,5] = 14 vs (16) or less Success! by 2

9) Your Turn Now [24] Menace
(on deck: [23] Goblin Minion)

Generic Monster: Steps out of the earth. Causes the earth to Engulf Beltarne, too [3d6.skill(14,-1)] => [2,3,6] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
GM: Dodge from the flank at an additional -2.
Beltarne: Feverish dodge?
GM: Knock yourself out!
Beltarne: okay
Beltarne: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,-2+2)] => [5,6,5] = 16 vs (10) or less Failure! by 6
Beltarne: Huzzah!
Narrator: The rock ripples around Beltarne's feet. He tries to jump clear as hands grasp at his ankles, but the rock wraps around him and rises higher.
Beltarne: Will-3 to maintain concentration?
GM: Yes, you're pinned.
Beltarne: Will (14) [3d6.skill(14,-3)] => [1,1,4] = 6 vs (11) or less Success! by 5
GM: You can talk, though, so you can spells at -6. You can also break free with a Contest of ST.

10) Your Turn Now [23] Goblin Minion
(on deck: [22] Shock Lizards)

11) Your Turn Now [22] Shock Lizards
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Shock Lizard: Step forward and zap Wolfgang some more [3d6.skill(18,6-4-6)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4 Predictive -6/-3
[3d6.skill(18,6-4-6)] => [1,1,5] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7 Predictive -6/-3

Wolfgang: block more!
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [5,4,4] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,-3)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3
Shock Lizard: Damage is [2d6-2] => [3,1,-2] = (2)
GM: Weak!
Wolfgang: fails to get through!
Narrator: Lightning illuminates the room as blood sprays from the victims of Wolfgang's axe.

1) Your Turn Now [28] Thasos
(on deck: [28] Marik)

** Thasos hears the noise behind him, and turns around. Seeing the struggle, he steps forward to free up room, and summons his chi. **
Thasos: Power Blow (11) [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [6,1,1] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3 Includes: +2 from 'Chi Talent'
GM: Okay...
GM: Don't miss.
Thasos: ((penalty is...?))
GM: You hit Beltarne on a miss. No penalty to hit, mind you.
Thasos: Meteor Hammer [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [6,6,1] = 13 vs (18) or less Success! by 5
Thasos: ((oh, could have sworn there was a penalty))
GM: Damage?
Thasos: Meteor Hammer [5d6+2+5+0] => [5,1,2,5,6,2,5,0] = (26) cr (Power Blow + Mighty Blow, 2FP)
GM: Beltarne, make a defense roll.
Beltarne: Which can I do while pinned?
Beltarne: Dodge only, since it's from behind?
GM: You're not pinned after the meteor hammer destroys the rock. But you want it to not also destroy you.
Beltarne: and -4?
Beltarne: Ah
GM: No penalties.
Beltarne: Axe * Primary parry [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [4,2,4] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
Narrator: As rock shatters, Beltarne frantically redirects the meteor hammer from his body.

2) Your Turn Now [28] Marik
(on deck: [28] Goblin Archer)

** Thasos gives Beltarne a smile and a nod. **
** Marik fast-loads the bow and moves. **
Marik: ###

3) Your Turn Now [28] Goblin Archer
(on deck: [26] Goblin Hero)

Goblins: Finish snatching up the crossbow, consider for a second...
Goblins: Thasos 3-, Wolfgang 4+ [1d6] => [3] = (3)
Marik: Snatching up the crossbow is his action.
Goblins: He did that last round.
Marik: Get an object from the ground with a ready is his DX roll, which he failed.
Goblins: And Heroic Archer Weapon Masters can ready and fire on a step.
Marik: It's like catching a weapon on a lanyard, not like fast-drawing a weapon.
Goblins: As you are well aware.
Goblins: [3d6.skill(13)] => 3d6.skill(13)
Goblins: [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [1,5,4] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
Goblins: Shoots Thasos [3d6.skill(19,4-1-5-2)] => [6,1,2] = 9 vs (15) or less Success! by 6 Predictive -2/-1
GM: Thasos dodges at -1 or parries at -2 because of the lack of space.
Thasos: Parry Missile Weapons parry [3d6.skill(12,-2)] => [1,5,3] = 9 vs (10) or less Success! by 1

4) Your Turn Now [26] Goblin Hero
(on deck: [26] Goblin Warrior)

5) Your Turn Now [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

** Beltarne bellows, "In the name of Tyr the Just, begone!" **
Beltarne: Step and turn, concentrate, and cast.
Beltarne: -4 for range, +1 for shouting and firm gestures?
GM: Yep.
Beltarne: Dispel Magic (Holy) (16) [3d6.skill(16,-3)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
GM: ... okay, difficult question time.
GM: What happens when you dispel a familiar/divine servant?
Beltarne: Shoot
Beltarne: Hm
Beltarne: I assumed it was called via a control, create, or summon spell
Marik: I'd say Will roll of the summoner.
Marik: To resist Dispel, like normal.
Marik: And the summoner needs to summon it back, if he can - usually the FoA is 12-.
Marik: I'd have to look up how Summonable works to see how long it takes.
GM: Well, okay, but then people can do that to you. If you guys get familiars/divine servants and run into mages.
Marik: Ally is summonable once per day.
Beltarne: Seems fair
Generic Monster: RESIST DISPEL! [3d6.skill(12,0)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3
Beltarne: part of the drawback of them not just being a guy with a sword
Marik: I mean, Dispel Magic takes 3 seconds to cast for each hex of area, so I don't have a problem with it being effective in these situations. >.>
Narrator: Beltarne spins and shouts a holy word. The green symbol on the rock man flares brightly with a sickly light, then then rockman blows apart. The rock fragments instantly dissolve into air.

6) Your Turn Now [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Goblin Brute)

Wolfgang: will that give me cover vs. annoying lizards?
GM: Roll DX to not hit anything as you fly across the chasm. It'll break LoS with one of them.
Wolfgang: DX (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [6,6,3] = 15 vs (14) or less Failure! by 1
Wolfgang: FFS
Wolfgang: BTW, what could I hit
Wolfgang: since it looks clear
Marik: Stalacthingies is all I can guess.
GM: You have a 12' wingspan. There's a wall immediately next to you?
GM: You can make another DX check to land on the cliff edge.
Wolfgang: DX (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [2,2,3] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7
Wolfgang: done
GM: Okay.

7) Your Turn Now [24] Goblin Brute
(on deck: [24] Menace)

Goblins: Turn and draw an axe.

8) Your Turn Now [24] Menace
(on deck: [23] Goblin Minion)

8) Your Turn Now [23] Goblin Minion
(on deck: [22] Shock Lizards)

9) Your Turn Now [22] Shock Lizards
(on deck: [28] Thasos)

Shock Lizard: Lizard 1 steps forward, recovers his LoS to Wolfgang, and zaps Beltarne in the back [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [6,2,5] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Shock Lizard: Damage is [2d6-2] => [5,1,-2] = (4), metal armor provides DR1
Beltarne: No defense?
GM: You have your back to him?
Beltarne: Just checking
GM: So take 2 hits, resist stun with HT-1
Beltarne: HT (13) [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [4,2,2] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4
Beltarne: 2 or 3?
GM: 2 hits, you have Tough Skin.
Beltarne: Ah, gotcha, thanks
Shock Lizard: Shock Lizard steps forward and zaps Wolfgang [3d6.skill(18,6-5-4-2)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (13) or less Success! by 6 Predictive -2/-1
Wolfgang: block!
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (15) or less Success! by 8
