Saga of Westmarch Wiki

Narrator: The delvers left Polisberg 4 days ago, and have now invaded a mound of Antmen, possibly to rescue some pixies.
Narrator: Artegal and Ystava are lost, having fallen into a deep pit. Beltarne, Torvall, and Wolfgang were unable to rescue them due to Antmen guards on the far side of the pit, and are now fighting more antmen who entered the mound behind them.
Torvall: ((Fighting being a relative term))
** Torvall looks at sword on the ground. **
GM: Further notes: Beltarne just finished standing and drawing his axe; Torvall dropped his sword accidentally but it is fortunately on a lanyard; Wolfgang is being grappled by one of the antmen and has dropped his shield.
Torvall: Ooops no...attached to wrist!
GM: Well... something like that, anyway.
GM: Onward!

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Antmen: Big Warrior #3 hits Torvall with a swung glaive [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [5,6,5] = 16 vs (14) or less Failure! by 2 DA-2/-1
and steps forward and cuts at him with a broadsword [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [5,1,5] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3 DA-2/-1

Torvall: Retreaty feverish dodge!
Torvall: Dodge: [3d6.skill(8,+3+2)] => [4,5,5] = 14 vs (13) or less Failure! by 1
Torvall: Ack
Antmen: Antman Officer #3 tries to arm-lock Wolfgang [3d6.skill(15)] => [6,1,6] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
Antmen: Big Guy #3 does [2d6+1] => [4,5,1] = (10) cutting damage to Torvall
GM: Fortunately, Torvall's armor keeps it from penetrating, he only takes 5 injury.
Wolfgang: is that arm lock apply or arm lock do damage?
Beltarne: ((Apply, I think))
Torvall: "Get back ya chitinous freaks!
GM: Applying the Arm Lock. You can Dodge or Parry, though not with your axe.
Wolfgang: do I parry or ??
Wolfgang: ah
Wolfgang: Brawling * Punch parry [3d6.skill(11,-3+3)] => [1,6,2] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
GM: Okay, you're still at -2 for being grappled, but good enough.
Antmen: Releases a hand from Wolfgang's torso and fast-draws his broadsword, reversed grip [3d6.skill(14,-2)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (12) or less Success! by 6
Antmen: Tries to stab Wolfgang in the eyes, telegraphed [3d6.skill(18,4-9)] => [6,2,4] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
Wolfgang: so I get +2?
GM: Yes, he telegraphed it, but your Dodges are at -1 since he's grabbing you, your parries are at -2 for same.
Wolfgang: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,+2)] => [6,2,3] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Wolfgang: doh
Wolfgang: well, works
GM: Yes. Only how is your Dodge 10? Move 6, Encumbrance -1, +3 anyway, +1 CR should be 9, right? Or did ditching the shield bring you down to 0 encumbrance?
Wolfgang: no, macros are wrong :/
GM: Are you using luck, then?
Wolfgang: sure
Wolfgang: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [5,6,1] = 12 vs (10) or less Failure! by 2
Wolfgang: Dodge (10) [3d6.skill(10,0)] => [6,5,4] = 15 vs (10) or less Failure! by 5
Torvall: Ouch.
GM: Damage is [1d6+2] => [2,2] = (4) vs DR3 to the eye.
Wolfgang: where is his -4 for weapon in CC BTW?
GM: He's using a Reversed Grip, see MA111 already.
Beltarne: ((Reversed grip gives it reach C))
GM: Oops, and damage should be 1d6+3, for 5 damage vs DR3, 8 injury.
GM: Roll to resist knockdown for having your eye crippled.
Wolfgang: ((doesn't get rid of the skill penalty))
GM: How does having a C range weapon in close combat give a skill penalty?
Wolfgang: I think it's for long weapons, not just ones that are not reach C
GM: Uhm.
Wolfgang: HT (14) [3d6.skill(14,+1)] => [4,1,5] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
GM: Yeah, Basic P391 and MAp69 indicate there's no penalty.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Okay, move forward.
Beltarne: "Wolfgang!"
Beltarne: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Wolfgang: fast draw potion!
Wolfgang: Fast-Draw (Potion) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-4-4+1)] => [3,3,1] = 7 vs (8) or less Success! by 1 Includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
Wolfgang: throw at feet!
Wolfgang: ((do I need to roll for that?))
GM: ... not sure what the second -4 was for, but okay.
Wolfgang: "Rock doesn't sleep"
Wolfgang: off hand
GM: Ah! Good catch. Yeah, you can just drop it - see Basic 371.
Wolfgang: he gonna defend?
GM: Against what? He thinks you just fumbled drawing a healing potion.
Wolfgang: Um, deliberate throw?
Wolfgang: anyhow, grapple
Wolfgang: if he doesn't fall for it
GM: Wait, are you aiming at the ground, or at his feet? You definitely need to roll if you're aiming at his feet. If you're just dropping it, he'll ignore it.
GM: Also, what potion did you just grab?
Wolfgang: at the ground
Wolfgang: also, it's a grenade size potion, not drink size
Wolfgang: since the grenades are twice the size
GM: No, you can totally just drop the potion, it's a free action to drop it at your feet.
Wolfgang: this is a trick, it's really holy water, I want him to thing it's more sleep
Wolfgang: in hopes he lets go and dives out of the way
Antmen: Do I even notice what the hell is going on? [3d6.skill(10)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (10) or less Success! by 0
Antmen: Go me! Decides to tough it out, since a retreating diving dodge still leaves him in the cloud.
Beltarne: ((IQ Quick Contest?))
Wolfgang: Wrestling (14) [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [5,2,6] = 13 vs (14) or less Success! by 1 Includes: +1 from 'Master of Arms'
GM: If Wolfgang wants to spend an action, he can turn that into a Ruse. Otherwise, what he did didn't take any time.
GM: ... was that a Break Free attempt?
Wolfgang: no, grab him
GM: You're still at -4 for being Grappled.
Wolfgang: oh well
GM: So you're grabbing at his chitinous body but not getting anywhere.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

Torvall: Attempt to fast draw sword from 'hanging from a lanyard'.
Torvall: Fastdraw (Twohanded Sword) (14,-3): [3d6.skill(14)] => [6,5,1] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Torvall: What that doesnt make sense....
GM: Yeah, what?
GM: Make a DX-1 roll, please.
Torvall: It didnt apply the I just ready.
Torvall: DX: [3d6.skill(12,-1)] => [3,1,6] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
Torvall: ###
GM: You pull the sword back to yourself, but you'll still need to make a Fast-Draw roll or take a Ready maneuver to use it. (See DF1 p24 for lanyard rules).
Torvall: Oh...oops put ithe -3 in the description...der!

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Antmen: Attempt to apply an armlock again [3d6.skill(15)] => [1,2,1] = 4 vs (15) or less Critical Success! by 11 [B556]
GM: Is Wolfgang going to use luck on that?
Wolfgang: not up
Torvall: He can't.
Wolfgang: since I wasted it on my def
GM: Ah.
GM: Right.
Antmen: Throw Wolfgang using his locked arm as the axis. Quick contest of ST vs ST, DX, or best grappling skill [3d6.skill(15)] => [2,2,3] = 7 vs (15) or less Success! by 8
Wolfgang: ST (17) [3d6.skill(17,0)] => [4,2,1] = 7 vs (17) or less Success! by 10
Antmen: Well, shoot.
Torvall: ((GD ninja ants!))
Wolfgang: can I go with it and escape?
Artegal (enter): 17:40
Wolfgang: or was he intending to hold on?
GM: He wasn't planning on letting go, no.
Wolfgang: ok
Antmen: The Big Warrior dreams of simpler times and hits Torvall with his glaive again in a Commited Determined 2-step attack [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [5,4,5] = 14 vs (14) or less Success! by 0 DA-2/-1
and takes those 2 steps forward and hits Torvall with a sword, too [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [4,1,6] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3 DA-2/-1

Torvall: Parry: [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [1,4,6] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Torvall: And retreat feverish dodge again.
Torvall: Dodge: [3d6.skill(8,+3+2-1)] => [6,5,3] = 14 vs (12) or less Failure! by 2
Torvall: Grrr.
GM: Your sword isn't ready yes, so you need to make two Dodges. For what it's worth. First succeeds.
Antmen: Hits Torvall with a sword for [3d6] => [5,5,1] = (11) cutting damage.
Torvall: Oh I thought I readied it just didnt have it quick readied.
GM: Nope, you didn't quick ready it so you had to pull it toward you.
GM: also, take 9 injury and roll to resist knockdown.
Torvall: HT: [3d6.skill(13,+3+2)] => [3,6,3] = 12 vs (18) or less Success! by 6
Narrator: Meanwhile, Artegal and Ystava are examining the refuse filled pit.
Ystava: There are walls!
Beltarne: ((Heh))
GM: One of the walls has what looks to be a moss-curtained hole in it, about 18' up.
Torvall: ((I would expect flaming pitch to be dumped in at any moment))
GM: The hole looks to be about 4', maybe 5' wide.
whispering to Ystava, Also, there is a strong scent of feces, dirty water, and toad coming from it. The toad smell is familiar.
** Artegal examines Ystava, measures some height, ponders a moment. "Boost me up." **
Artegal: ((Also: Tactics: [3d6.skill(13,0)] => [1,2,3] = 6 vs (13) or less Success! by 7
Artegal: ((Man, if I get into the fight we're going to be the luckiest guys EVER.))
GM: (by the way, I'm playing fast and loose with time for dramatic purposes here. Bear with me.)
GM: Can Ystava lift Artegal with a two-handed lift?
Ystava: How much does Artie weigh?
Artegal: ((One moment, need to figure out average weight for an ST 14 human.))
Beltarne: ((170-270))
GM: So not more than 350 lbs.
Ystava: 2 handed lift is 462.4
Ystava: lbs
Artegal: (('Bout 250 lbs including all the gear he's carrying.))
Ystava: So "Yes".
Ystava: Takes 4 seconds.
GM: Time is fleeting.
GM: Time is slipping.
GM: Whichever.
Artegal: ((Madness... takes control.))
GM: Ystava lifts Artegal up to the hole. It leads to a sewer pipe that slants up as it goes into the wall, and turns to the left at the limit of Artegal's torch.
Artegal: "I can probably wriggle my way through this. You... aren't going to fit. I'll be back!"
** Artegal levers himself up and into the pipe. **
Ystava: "Smells like toadies."
GM: Actually, crawling, Ystava could just barely fit.
Ystava: "Not the sky toadies."
Artegal: ((Artegal *can't* lift Ystava into the hole.))
Ystava: Can Ystava actually go around corners with his horns?
GM: Sure.
GM: Sure, Ystava can.
GM: How he gets up there I don't know.
Ystava: Not sure, lifting Ystava :D
GM: Rope?
Artegal: We'd totally have rope if the antmen opened the pit and dropped one on us.
GM: Hmmm. Yeah, no.
Artegal: I mean, it's there. All they need to do is pull the lever.
Artegal: But as it is, I think the plan is 'Artegal goes off to find the lever'.
GM: ... Ystava *might* be able to reach, with a running jump, extra effort, a ST-4 roll, and a DX-2 roll to grab the edge, then a climbing roll to scramble up.
Ystava: DX-5 roll you mean.
Ystava: or -4.
Ystava: Either way :D
Artegal: Is Ystava + Gear < 390 lbs?>
Artegal: Er.
Artegal: Less than 390 lbs?
Ystava: It's way better than hanging around in a pit. All Alone.
Ystava: HA.
Ystava: HA.
Ystava: So yeah, lots of dice rolls at penalties because Ystava is sad and alone.
GM: Would you take the chance that is offered/
GM: 1 FP, ST-4 roll, DX-2 roll, go for it!
Ystava: Oh hey! Chummy is only on IQ rolls!
GM: Right.
Ystava: Totally going for it. Sitting alone, sad, is still sad.
Ystava: ST (17) [3d6.skill(17,-4)] => [5,2,2] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
Ystava: DX (13) [3d6.skill(13,-2)] => [5,6,1] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
** Ystava splats against the wall and slides down. **
GM: Luck?
Ystava: Sure!
Ystava: Actually.
Artegal: Is this combat time?
GM: No.
Artegal: And have I made plans to cover this eventuality?
Ystava: Imma save that for the next attempt because augh my climb rolls.
Artegal: Which is to say, 'Can I give Ystava one of the Tactics rerolls'?
GM: ... sure, succeed on a Tactics -3 roll to have prepared this eventuality. Which you can use Tactics rerolls on.
Artegal: Tactics: [3d6.skill(13,-3)] => [2,1,2] = 5 vs (10) or less Success! by 5
Artegal: "Use the dead mushroom man for a boost!"
Artegal: Reroll that.
GM: Nah, you prepped for this. Ystava can reroll.
Ystava: Yay!
Ystava: DX (13) [3d6.skill(13,-2)] => [4,1,4] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
Ystava: Woop! Climbing check!
Ystava: DX (13) [3d6.skill(13,-4)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (9) or less Success! by 2
Ystava: Woop!
Torvall: ((Go go ninja minotaur!!))
** Artegal helps haul Ystava into the pipe, then squeezes to turn around and heads up-pipe. **
Ystava: "Yay! Artie did not leave me!"
Ystava: "The tunnel smells like the toads." ((it does, right? or was that just the pit?))
GM: You crawl through the pipe. It turns down slightly after a while, gets very slippery, and dumps you into a muddy pool of water.
GM: The pipe definitely smells like toads.
Ystava: "The arms guys had the toads on the tracks."
** Artegal splashes down. **
** Ystava splashes down bigger. **
Artegal: "Well. That's... uh... an improvement. I think."
Ystava: "Hello the toads!"
Narrator: A half dozen toads turn toward you as land in their pool. Their handlers, a trio of antmen with staves, look at you in surprise.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

Artegal: "Oh bollocks."
Artegal: "Hello, gentlemen! We're just passing through. No need for things to get violent!" (AoD: Block, cheerful smile!)
Ystava: (( I was literally just typing "Hello the arm guys! I will kill you now!" ))
Artegal: (Do eet)
Ystava: (( Ystava is a cheerfull sort of pissed off. ))
Antmen: "Addack zen kill zee indluderz"
Ystava: "Hello the arm guys! I will kill you now!"
Antmen: "Kill zen now"

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Ystava: Kneeling, eh? Stand (using my Step)
Ystava: And, uh, burst Dire Toad 4 with a horn to the organs!
Ystava: SM +1?
GM: Yes, they're big ugly toads.
Ystava: No SM penalty!
Ystava: -3 for vitals, anything else?
GM: Uh, -2 on all DX rolls for being knee deep in water, that's pretty important.
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,-3)] => [3,2,3] = 8 vs (15) or less Success! by 7
Ystava: That's goot to know. Success by 5 then :D
Ystava: *good. My accent isn't that thick.
Ystava: Is it Surprised? :D
GM: It just got over it last turn =)
Dire Toads: Dodge! [3d6.skill(9)] => [2,6,1] = 9 vs (9) or less Success! by 0

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Swing my axe at the arm grappling wolfgang's torso. -2 for arm, anything else? If not, -2/-1 DA
GM: Yeah, -2 for not hitting Wolfgang who is in close combat.
Beltarne: Okies.
Beltarne: Axe * Primary [3d6.skill(18,-2-2)] => [5,4,3] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Antmen: Clumsy reversed grip sword parry [3d6.skill(13,-2)] => [3,5,5] = 13 vs (11) or less Failure! by 2
Beltarne: Axe * Primary [1d6+4] => [6,4] = (10) cut
Beltarne: That's what daddy wanted
Antmen: "zad urd zdob iddink ne lawbleaker" Doesn't let go, though.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Beltarne: ((Ah well))
GM: As a note, shock penalties apply to roll to resist people breaking free.
Beltarne: ((I also stepped, Mark))
Wolfgang: so, is his arm off?
GM: Right.
GM: No.
Ystava: (( but he's at a -4 to stop you from escaping :D ))
Wolfgang: meh, break free!
Wolfgang: can I extra effort this?
GM: Yes. Also, he has massive bonuses to keep the lock, but you can break free of the torso grapple with basically a ST contest.
Wolfgang: hmm
Wolfgang: what do I get for extra effort?
GM: You get +2 to ST.
Wolfgang: um, did he at least disable the arm?
GM: No.
Wolfgang: bummer
GM: Else we wouldn't be discussing breaking free of the torso grapple.
Wolfgang: so, would I have the DX-4 with just the arm lock?
GM: No, you would have no DX penalty, you just wouldn't be able to use your arm.
Wolfgang: ok, extra effort break free
Wolfgang: ST (17) [3d6.skill(17,+2)] => [5,4,1] = 10 vs (19) or less Success! by 9
GM: Torso, arm, or both?
Wolfgang: just torso
Antmen: Resist! [3d6.skill(15,-4)] => [4,6,4] = 14 vs (11) or less Failure! by 3
GM: Wolfgang breaks the grip on his torso, but his arm is still held.
Wolfgang: fast draw hatchet!
GM: Off-hand, but okay.
Wolfgang: Fast-Draw (Axe/Mace) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-4+1)] => [4,4,6] = 14 vs (12) or less Failure! by 2 Includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
Wolfgang: darn
GM: Next round you have to ready.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

GM: Torvall needs to make a Fast-draw roll at -3 to get his sword ready instantly.
Torvall: OK...attempt to fastdraw thye sword again.
Torvall: Fastdraw (Twohanded Sword) (14): [3d6.skill(14,-3)] => [4,4,1] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
Torvall: Step back and rapid strike if I may?
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,-6+0)] => [1,1,1] = 3 vs (14) or less Critical Success! by 11 [B556]
[4,2,6] = 12 The blow inflicts normal damage, AND victim drops anything they hold--even if no damage penetrates DR. [B556]

Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,-6+0)] => [5,1,5] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
Torvall: Bastardsword Damage: [3d6+1] => [2,5,5,1] = (13) cut
Antmen: "Ooovvv" Drops everything, resists knockdown [3d6.skill(12,3)] => [6,2,2] = 10 vs (15) or less Success! by 5
Antmen: Then dodges and retreats [3d6.skill(9,3)] => [2,6,4] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
Torvall: ###

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [22] Dire Toads)

Antmen: Officer stabs Wolfgang [3d6.skill(18,-4)] => [1,2,2] = 5 vs (14) or less Success! by 9
and attempts a takedown [3d6.skill(15,1-4)] => [4,5,6] = 15 vs (12) or less Failure! by 3

GM: Wolfgang can only Dodge the stab.
Wolfgang: no, I can totally parry with my tail
GM: Oh, right, that too.
Wolfgang: Brawling * Punch parry [3d6.skill(11,-3+3)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
Wolfgang: luck!
Wolfgang: Brawling * Punch parry [3d6.skill(11,-3+3)] => [1,1,1] = 3 vs (11) or less Critical Success! by 8 [B556]
Wolfgang: Brawling * Punch parry [3d6.skill(11,-3+3)] => [3,4,4] = 11 vs (11) or less Success! by 0
GM: ... okay.
Wolfgang: I'll take the dcrit!
GM: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [5,2,2] = 9 You drop your weapon (& a cheap weapon breaks). [B556]
Torvall: (( disarmage!!))
Antmen: "well now I an dluly vukked and vill ked killed"
Wolfgang: ((karma cones back at long last!))

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Dire Toads
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Dire Toads: Dire Toad 1 wanders over to defend the pool. The other toads all grapple Ystava with their tongues (Reach 4) [3d6.skill(14)] => [3,3,6] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
[3d6.skill(14)] => [1,6,4] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
[3d6.skill(14)] => [5,5,3] = 13 vs (14) or less Success! by 1
[3d6.skill(14)] => [5,1,6] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
[3d6.skill(14)] => [1,4,1] = 6 vs (14) or less Success! by 8

Artegal: No attacks incoming on me?
GM: Apparently they like you much more than they like Ystava. For now.
Artegal: Sacrificial Parry the attack from Toad 3 and Shield-Wall Block the attack from Toad 6.
GM: Doh!
Artegal: Parry (Broadsword): [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
Artegal: Block: [3d6.skill(16,0)] => [3,5,6] = 14 vs (16) or less Success! by 2
GM: [3d6.crit_unarmed()] => 3d6.crit_unarmed()
GM: [3d6.crit_unarm()] => 3d6.crit_unarm()
Artegal: Also parry the attack from Toad 2. Parry: [3d6.skill(16,-4)] => [5,1,6] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
GM: Please roll what awful thing happens to the toad.
Artegal: He's on his own for the rest.
Artegal: [3d6.crit_unarmed()] => 3d6.crit_unarmed()
Artegal: Second Block, vs. Toad 5: [3d6.skill(16,-5+2)] => [3,3,3] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
GM: Ystava uses his horns to parry [3d6.skill(13)] => [4,4,5] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
GM: Weee!

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Antmen Civilians
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Antmen: The trainers pick up their medium bucklers.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

Artegal: Rapid Strike: Defensive Feint on Toad 2, step, and slash Toad 3 across the face with a Counterattack.
Artegal: The slash might come before the step, actually.
Artegal: But either way.
GM: I expect so.
Artegal: Feint: [3d6.skill(24,-6)] => [6,5,1] = 12 vs (18) or less Success! by 6
GM: Don't forget you're at -2 on all DX rolls for the water.
GM: Even though I did. Oops.
Artegal: Oof. Never mind face, stab to the vitals.
Artegal: Not even. Just hit it.
Dire Toads: Toad #2 resists the feint! [3d6.skill(14)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Artegal: Broadsword: [3d6.skill(18,-2-6+1)] => [4,3,3] = 10 vs (11) or less Success! by 1
Artegal: Defend at -2 along with whatever positional penalty he has.
Artegal: (Counterattack)
Dire Toads: Toad #3 dodges! [3d6.skill(9,-2-3-1)] => [1,5,4] = 10 vs (3) or less Failure! by 7
Ystava: (( sort of here ))
Artegal: Damage is [2d6+2] => [5,1,2] = (8) cutting to the torso
Dire Toads: Resist knockdown [3d6.skill(11)] => [2,2,1] = 5 vs (11) or less Success! by 6
Artegal: Toad 2 only has -2 to hit me, I forgot the -2 DX for the feint.
Dire Toads: Reconsiders the wisdom of continuing this fight.
Artegal: ###

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Ystava: Sorry troubleshooting. I stab a toad!
Ystava: #4? #4! in the vitals again!
GM: Okay.
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,-3-2)] => [4,6,1] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
Dire Toads: Dodge! [3d6.skill(9)] => [6,2,1] = 9 vs (9) or less Success! by 0
Ystava: boo

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: "By the power of Tyr, 'Faint!'"
Beltarne: Command (Holy) (16) [3d6.skill(16,+1)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (17) or less Success! by 10 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
Beltarne: +1 for volume.
Artegal: Nonono.
Antmen: Resist! [3d6.skill(10)] => [6,6,3] = 15 vs (10) or less Failure! by 5
Artegal: +1 for VOLUME.
Antmen: Falls backwards, releasing Wolfgang. Wakes up immediately on contact with the ground? [3d6.skill(12)] => [4,4,6] = 14 vs (12) or less Failure! by 2
Antmen: "uhhh...."
GM: He's out of the fight.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Beltarne: and step
Beltarne: ###
Wolfgang: hmm, finish the jackass or kill the one still standing?
GM: Finish readying your axe, actually.
Wolfgang: [3d6.skill(15,0)] => [6,5,3] = 14 vs (15) or less Success! by 1
Wolfgang: oh, ok
GM: Great.
Wolfgang: turn as a step

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

Wolfgang: hatchet but same difference
Torvall: Step and RS the antman again!
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,-6+0)] => [3,6,2] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,-6+0)] => [3,6,6] = 15 vs (14) or less Failure! by 1
Antmen: Dodge and retreat! [3d6.skill(4,3)] => [1,3,3] = 7 vs (7) or less Success! by 0

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [22] Dire Toads)

Torvall: "You will go down!!"
Antmen: Crouch and grab his ally's glaive.
Antmen: Ooops, needs a DX roll [3d6.skill(12)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (12) or less Critical Failure! by 5 [B556]
Antmen: Grabs it by the blade for [1d6+5] => [3,5] = (8) damage to his own hand.
Antmen: "owww"

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Dire Toads
(on deck: [22] Antmen Civilians)

Dire Toads: Dire Toad #3 crawls away.
Dire Toads: Dire Toad #4 steps to Ystava's flank and hits him with tongue [3d6.skill(14)] => [1,1,5] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7
Ystava: Left flank?
Ystava: Left flank!
Dire Toads: Toad #2 hops to Artegal's off-shield flank and attacks him [3d6.skill(14,-2-1)] => [2,5,2] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2
Ystava: Shield block!
Dire Toads: Ystava, yes.
Ystava: Block - Shield (Shield) (11) [3d6.skill(11,-1 +2 )] => [4,2,5] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Artegal: Feverish Parry: [3d6.skill(13,-2-1+2)] => [6,5,6] = 17 vs (12) or less Critical Failure! [B556]
Artegal: Luck.
Artegal: Feverish Parry: [3d6.skill(13,-2-1+2)] => [4,6,1] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Artegal: Feverish Parry: [3d6.skill(13,-2-1+2)] => [3,6,4] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
Dire Toads: Other 3 toads all attack Ystava [3d6.skill(14)] => [1,1,2] = 4 vs (14) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
[3d6.skill(14)] => [3,3,1] = 7 vs (14) or less Success! by 7
[3d6.skill(14)] => [3,3,6] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2

Artegal: Success by 1 is still success!
** Artegal brings his shield in to block Toad 5 and parries Toad 1. **
Artegal: Block: [3d6.skill(16,-1)] => [4,5,2] = 11 vs (15) or less Success! by 4
Artegal: Parry: [3d6.skill(13,+3-4-1)] => [6,5,3] = 14 vs (11) or less Failure! by 3
Ystava: Horn pary and axe parry!
Artegal: Ystava suffers one crit and needs to do his own defending against Toad 1. :P
Ystava: Horn parry then!
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore parry [3d6.skill(13,-1+2)] => [1,2,6] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5
Ystava: (I'm assuming the -2 to attack is a -1 to parry)
Artegal: (That's what I've been doing.)
Dire Toads: Critical success is [3d6.crit_hit()] => [1,3,2] = 6 The blow inflicts maximum normal damage. [B556] for [1d6+2] => [5,2] = (7) AP (1/2)
Dire Toads: Ooops, 8 damage, DR doubled, and you're grappled.
Ystava: Bouncess off of DR

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Antmen Civilians
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Artegal: But grappled!
Ystava: I think, unless he was grabbing me on the face, and I don't think he was.
Antmen: Draw axes.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

Ystava: (( no, even on the face ))
GM: There's a contact poison involved.
Artegal: Rapid Striking is getting to be hard. Step back, and sword Dire Toad 2 in the face.
Artegal: -2 water, +1 size, -5 face?
GM: Right.
Artegal: Broadsword Thrust: [3d6.skill(18,-2+1-5)] => [3,6,4] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1
Artegal: Alas.
Dire Toads: Dodge and retreat [3d6.skill(9,3)] => [5,2,1] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4
Artegal: Back to a wall, la la la.
Artegal: ###
Dire Toads: (miss to the face by 1 is a hit to the torso)
Artegal: Dodge is at -2, but that's still good.
Dire Toads: Terrain adaptation!

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Artegal: Counterattack.
Artegal: Sorry, I'll specify it.
Artegal: But any time Arty rolls a defense against you, his next attack's a Counterattack.
Ystava: Ystava doesn't do fancy Counterattacks.
Ystava: Which toad has him grappled?
GM: sure, still made the defense by 4.
GM: Dire Toad #1.
Artegal: 6 I think.
Ystava: 4 yards away?
Artegal: Lots of tongue.
GM: Yes... toads have 4 yards long tongues.
Ystava: Confirming the distance.
Ystava: Not questioning.
Ystava: Circle is 3 yards, icon is 4
Ystava: ergo, is it 4 yards away? :D
Ystava: But. Tongue is NOT 4 yards away.
Ystava: -2 for "limb" I presume?
GM: Icon is true, circle is just an indicator. And body is 4 yards away.
GM: Uhm... it's 4 yards long. No penalty.
Ystava: Tip slash the tongue off.
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Tip Slash [3d6.attack(18,-2)] => [1,4,4] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7
Dire Toads: Dodge and slip [3d6.skill(9,1)] => [3,4,4] = 11 vs (10) or less Failure! by 1
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Tip Slash [2d6+4] => [3,3,4] = (10) cut
Dire Toads: Loses its tongue, collapses, decides not to continue the fight.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

** Ystava shakes the tongue bits off. **
Artegal: (There was another -4 to the attack roll in there for being grappled, but.))
GM: Yeah, I'm good.
Ystava: Oh, oops! But yeah, success by 3 still good.
** Beltarne steps towards big ant and swings for his throat. **
Beltarne: Axe/Mace (18) [3d6.skill(18,-5+1)] => [1,6,6] = 13 vs (14) or less Success! by 1 Includes: +1 from 'Pickaxe Penchant', +3 from 'Extra Pickaxe Penchant'
Antmen: I'm just big-shelled, I'm not actually SM+1. Dodge and retreat! [3d6.skill(4,3)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (7) or less Failure! by 8
GM: Damage?
Beltarne: Axe * Primary [1d6+4] => [3,4] = (7) cut
Beltarne: ((Sorry))
Antmen: Bleeds some more, but the shells are thick.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Wolfgang: committed attack! long!
Wolfgang: SA!
Wolfgang: Signature Attack feint [3d6.skill(22,-2+1-3+1)] => [5,4,3] = 12 vs (19) or less Success! by 7 attack [3d6.attack(22,-2+1-3+1)] => [3,6,5] = 14 vs (17) or less Success! by 3 (Auto DA for -2/-1)
Artegal: ((Not a Committed Attack option, actually. You can do 'extra step', but for '+1 reach' you need an AoA.))
Wolfgang: only by 6 on the feint
Antmen: Resist feint! [3d6.skill(16)] => [1,4,1] = 6 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
Antmen: Bah!
Wolfgang: well did extra step
Wolfgang: just called it wrong
Antmen: Dodge! [3d6.skill(4)] => [5,3,6] = 14 vs (4) or less Critical Failure! by 10 [B556]
Wolfgang: Axe (Kopfen) [3d6+2] => [1,3,5,2] = (11) cut
** Ystava sniggers **
Beltarne: ((Snrk))
Antmen: collapses unconscious.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

Torvall: Step over and finish off the one that fainted.
Torvall: Bloodlust :)
GM: Okay, it's very dead. There are 4 other unconscious ones on the floor, clearly breathing.
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,0+0)] => [6,5,1] = 12 vs (16) or less Success! by 4 (Auto DA for -4/-2)

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [22] Dire Toads)

Torvall: Well, that one was more likely to get up....
GM: Ah.
GM: Not any longer then.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Dire Toads
(on deck: [22] Antmen Civilians)

Torvall: "What now friends?"
Artegal: ((Seriously? That's going to insane lengths just to get a flank attack.))
Dire Toads: Toad 2 hops to Artegal's off-shield flank and tries to grapple him with a tongue [3d6.skill(14,-1)] => [1,1,1] = 3 vs (13) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
Artegal: I'm grappled!
Dire Toads: [3d6.crit_hit()] => [1,5,4] = 10 The blow inflicts normal damage. [B556]
Dire Toads: Damage is [1d6+2] => [4,2] = (6) (AP1/2) crushing.
Artegal: To the torso.
Artegal: Front or back?
Dire Toads: Front.
Artegal: (Sorry, I wear a breastplate. No back coverage.)
Artegal: No damage!
Dire Toads: Other 3 toads attack Ystava [3d6.skill(14)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
[3d6.skill(14)] => [2,1,1] = 4 vs (14) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
[3d6.skill(14)] => [3,1,4] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6

Ystava: What is with the crits?
Artegal: I have -2 to parry from being grappled and -1 for water?
Ystava: This is clearly punishment for Saturday :D
GM: Artegal, yes.
Ystava: I'm not sure which the other 3 are and which was a crit.
Artegal: Parry for Ystava: [3d6.skill(16,-2-1)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1 and Block: [3d6.skill(16,-2-1)] => [5,3,1] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
Dire Toads: [3d6.crit_hit()] => [4,1,2] = 7 If any damage penetrates DR, treat as major wound. See [B420] for major wounds. [B556] against Ystava.
Ystava: Is one of the not-crits on a valid shield arc?
GM: Yes, Toad #4's.
Artegal: Oh wait, I probably can't parry or block Toad 4.
Ystava: I can block #4
Artegal: So Toad 4, you're on your own, but I totally parried the other non-crit.
Ystava: You worry about the other one
Ystava: Block - Shield (Shield) (11) [3d6.skill(11,-1 +2 )] => [4,3,1] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4
Dire Toads: Toad #5 does [1d6+2] => [5,2] = (7) damage to Ystava.
Ystava: splunk.
Dire Toads: crushing, AP(.5)]
Ystava: DR 5 not flexible
Ystava: DR 3 flexible.
Ystava: DR 5 not flexible, doubled? Eats it.
GM: Any Tough Skin there?
Ystava: DR 5 armor x2 = DR 10
Ystava: Doesn't even hit the skin.
GM: Okay.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Antmen Civilians
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Ystava: They can't hit the skin on most of my locations.
Ystava: Neck, feet, eyes...
Antmen: Trainers advance, axes, shields, and staffs ready.
Antmen: Sloshing through the water.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

Artegal: Slice off the annoying tongue! -4 for being grappled, probably a penalty for 'broadsword while grappled', and -2 for water?
Ystava: (( Am I grappled again? Or did it bother? ))
GM: ... no other penatly, you're not in close combat. Ystava is grappled again.
Artegal: Broadsword: [3d6.skill(18,-4-2)] => [4,4,5] = 13 vs (12) or less Failure! by 1 (not a counterattack, he critted so I didn't get to defend).
Artegal: +1 for SM!
Artegal: I hit by 0.
Dire Toads: Dodge and Sidestep [3d6.skill(9,2)] => [5,1,6] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
Artegal: ((Wrong toad sidestepped))
Artegal: Damage is [2d6+2] => [4,3,2] = (9) cutting
Dire Toads: REsist knockdown for having a tongue crippled [3d6.skill(11)] => [4,1,6] = 11 vs (11) or less Success! by 0
Artegal: "Really, I'm certain we can work this all out peacefully despite my friend's urges!"
Artegal: ###

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Ystava: "The toad goes pop when you spike it!"
** Ystava attempts to spike a toad. **
Ystava: #5 needs a sporking.
Ystava: Wait, -4 for being grappled. that sucks.
Ystava: Arg. Impaling horn to the vitals anyways!
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Tip Slash [3d6.attack(18,-1-3-4)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (10) or less Failure! by 2
Ystava: Erg impaling butl LUkc anyways
Ystava: Except in english.
Artegal: Tactics, not Luck.
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,-1-3-4)] => [6,5,1] = 12 vs (10) or less Failure! by 2
Ystava: Oh, well sure. I miss anyways.
Artegal: Okay, now maybe luck.
Ystava: Luck!
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,-1-3-4)] => [6,6,1] = 13 vs (10) or less Failure! by 3
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,-1-3-4)] => [1,4,6] = 11 vs (10) or less Failure! by 1
Artegal: There's no helping some people.
Ystava: Ahwell.
GM: Well.

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Ystava: Does fail by 1 hit the torso with Vitals?
** Beltarne turns and heads back into the hive, preparing to meet the other group. **
Beltarne: ###
GM: Yes, yes it does.
Ystava: Nope,
Torvall: ((Yes...afaik))
Ystava: Oh hey!
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [2d6+6] => [4,4,6] = (14) imp
Ystava: Eat it.
Dire Toads: Dodge and sidestep [3d6.skill(9,2)] => [6,3,6] = 15 vs (11) or less Failure! by 4
Dire Toads: Dies.
Artegal: There's a defense-- never mind.
Ystava: Sorry Beltarne
Narrator: Beltarne can see shapes moving in the dark.
Beltarne: No worries

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Beltarne: "Company coming!"
Wolfgang: step and pick up shield
Wolfgang: ###
GM: Okay, 3 rounds to ready it.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

Wolfgang: hmm, I will take his med buckler!
GM: Good plan.
Wolfgang: wait, no, diff skill
Torvall: Turn and move sloooowly after Beltarne.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [22] Dire Toads)

Wolfgang: curses
GM: Still gives DB+2.
Ystava: Bettern' no block at all
Ystava: defaults at -4, so -2 to blocking
Antmen: Guards charge forward.
Antmen: Repeating Crossbowmen step around the corner and aim at Beltarne (they have Cover)

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Dire Toads
(on deck: [22] Antmen Civilians)

Dire Toads: Dire Toad #2 quits the field of combat.
Artegal: "Now, it's pretty clear that you gents aren't warriors of our caliber. How about we calm everything down and you surrender? We don't want to have to kill you all."
Dire Toads: Dire Toad #6 acts Artegal from the off-shield flank [3d6.skill(14,-1)] => [4,2,6] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
Dire Toads: Dire Toad #4 acts Ystava from the shield flank [3d6.skill(14,-1)] => [2,2,4] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
Artegal: Feverish Parry: [3d6.skill(13,-2-1)] => [5,3,1] = 9 vs (10) or less Success! by 1
Artegal: Er.
Artegal: Didn't need Feverish, apparently!
Ystava: Shield block Toad #4, again!
Ystava: Block - Shield (Shield) (11) [3d6.skill(11,-1 +2 )] => [1,1,2] = 4 vs (12) or less Critical Success! by 8 [B556]
Ystava: Oh HAI.
Dire Toads: "ooff!"
Ystava: Does that count as a critfail on his attack?
Dire Toads: Yes, so he falls over.
Artegal: (Yup, that's why he fell over.)
Ystava: Oh hey so he did.

8) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Antmen Civilians
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Antmen: "You av killed our kardz ve vill kill you"
Antmen: Advance slowly and uncertainly.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

Artegal: Smack the toad...
Artegal: Broadsword Counterattack: Deceptive -4/2 [3d6.skill(18,-2+1-4)] => [4,3,1] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
Artegal: Defend at -4!
Dire Toads: Dodge and sidestep [3d6.skill(9,2-4)] => [5,6,4] = 15 vs (7) or less Failure! by 8
Artegal: "Think about that for a moment. We killed your guards, without all that much effort! Do you REALLY want to fight us? Just put your weapons down!"
Artegal: Damage is [2d6+2] => [1,5,2] = (8) cutting
Dire Toads: Resist stun [3d6.skill(11)] => [4,6,6] = 16 vs (11) or less Failure! by 5
Dire Toads: Falls unconscious.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

Artegal: ((I'm not spending actions to convince them, so I don't expect the diplomacy to be terribly effective.))
GM: Yeah, Diplomacy at -15, then (-5 for combat, -10 as instant action)
Artegal: Net is less than 3, can't roll.
Artegal: But thanks!
** Ystava jabs #4 with a deceptive attack while Artegal tries this. **
Artegal: Also, the minotaur is really making it hard.
Ystava: It keeps trying to eat my shield!
Ystava: I've got frog slobber all over it. And it's all nicely painted!
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,-1-2)] => [6,3,3] = 12 vs (15) or less Success! by 3
Ystava: DA -2/-1
Dire Toads: Dodge! [3d6.skill(9,-1-3)] => [5,5,2] = 12 vs (5) or less Failure! by 7
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [2d6+6] => [6,5,6] = (17) imp
Ystava: Pop!
Dire Toads: Explodes! Resists dying [3d6.skill(11)] => [2,4,3] = 9 vs (11) or less Success! by 2

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

** Beltarne intones "Be healed by the power of Tyr, Torvall!" **
Beltarne: +1 for volume, pulling from my power item.
GM: Okay.
Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) (15) [3d6.skill(15,+1)] => [4,3,6] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3 Includes: +4 from 'Power Investiture (Holy)'
GM: How much is Torvall healed?
Beltarne: Healed for 8, Torvall.
Torvall: "Thank you friend dwarf."
Beltarne: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Wolfgang: ((totally forgot about the hatchet last time, fast sheath or drop))
Wolfgang: Fast-Draw (Axe/Mace) (15) [3d6.skill(15,-4+1)] => [4,2,5] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1 Includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
GM: Drop it.
Wolfgang: step and ready shield
Wolfgang: ??
GM: Fast-Sheath takes all kind of crazy stuff.
GM: Errr.. the hatchet.
GM: Sorry.
Wolfgang: I have the perk
GM: Oh!
GM: Well, never mind then.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

Wolfgang: "Back up guys"
Wolfgang: ((-4 was for offhand))
Torvall: Take cover behind the corner.
Torvall: Well atleast partial cover....
Torvall: Wait for an enemy to come close enough yto smite!
Torvall: ###

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [22] Dire Toads)

Antmen: Crossbowers all-out attack Beltarne [3d6.skill(14,3+1-5)] => [5,5,3] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0 and [3d6.skill(14,3+1-5)] => [1,5,3] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
Antmen: by shooting him, by the way.
Beltarne: Dodge x 2!
Beltarne: Feverish on both.
Beltarne: Dodge (11) [3d6.skill(11,+2)] => [4,2,3] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
Beltarne: Dodge (11) [3d6.skill(11,+2)] => [4,4,1] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4
Torvall: Warrior #1 came within range.
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,0+0)] => [4,4,2] = 10 vs (16) or less Success! by 6 (Auto DA for -4/-2)
Antmen: Warriors move and attack Beltarne with glaive swings [3d6.skill(9)] => [1,3,4] = 8 vs (9) or less Success! by 1
[3d6.skill(9)] => [5,4,2] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
[3d6.skill(9)] => [1,5,5] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2

Beltarne: Parries....
Beltarne: Axe * Primary parry [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [6,3,2] = 11 vs (14) or less Success! by 3
Antmen: Warrior 1 parries with his sword [3d6.skill(11,2-2)] => [1,3,1] = 5 vs (11) or less Success! by 6
Torvall: Actujally just realized I moved more than 1....cant ready
Antmen: Well, we dodged anyway.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Antmen Civilians
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Antmen: Antman Trainer #1 steps and attacks Ystava from the off-shield flank with a staff [3d6.skill(14,1-2)] => [3,3,2] = 8 vs (13) or less Success! by 5
other two hit him with staffs too [3d6.skill(14,1-2)] => [5,4,1] = 10 vs (13) or less Success! by 3
[3d6.skill(14,1-2)] => [5,1,6] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1

Artegal: Feverish Parry Trainer 1: Riposte -4 [3d6.skill(16,-4-1+2)] => [6,2,5] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Artegal: Block Trainer 3: [3d6.skill(16,-1)] => [6,1,6] = 13 vs (15) or less Success! by 2
** Ystava blocks casually! **
Ystava: Block - Shield (Shield) (11) [3d6.skill(11,-1 +2 )] => [6,3,2] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Ystava: Block - Shield (Shield) (11) [3d6.skill(11,-1 +2 )] => [1,5,2] = 8 vs (12) or less Success! by 4
Ystava: Er
Ystava: Second was a misclick
Antmen: Use axes to make defensive feints [3d6.skill(14)] => [6,3,1] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
[3d6.skill(14)] => [1,1,3] = 5 vs (14) or less Success! by 9
[3d6.skill(14)] => [2,6,6] = 14 vs (14) or less Success! by 0 versus Ystava

Antmen: oops, those should be at -2.
Artegal: All against Ystava?
Antmen: Yep.
Antmen: Sadly.
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,0)] => [2,1,1] = 4 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 12 [B556] (Auto DA for -2/-1)
[2,4,5] = 11 The blow inflicts normal damage. [B556]

Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,0)] => [4,6,1] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5 (Auto DA for -2/-1)
Ystava: Striker (Longhorn; Impaling) * Gore [3d6.attack(18,0)] => [4,3,2] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7 (Auto DA for -2/-1)
Ystava: Oh crap.
Artegal: Probably for the best, feint-14 vs. Artegal is kind of futile.
Ystava: Um, well you get the idea.
Artegal: The second feint succeeded by 4, after everyone's penalties are accounted for.
Ystava: So all those MOSs are +2
Artegal: Everything else failed.
Ystava: What?
Ystava: Success by 2.
Antmen: We're good.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

Artegal: Oh, your Auto DA.
Artegal: Right.
Artegal: Important question: Was the Fine Broadsword we found Thrusting or Not?
GM: Thrusting.
Artegal: I've decided to go for the neck anyway, but good to know. Broadsword: [3d6.skill(18,-5)] => [5,2,4] = 11 vs (13) or less Success! by 2
Artegal: Defend at -6 on a parry (4 riposte, 3 counterattack) with the staff, or -4 to any other defense.
Artegal: Er, 4 riposte, 2 counterattack.
Antmen: Block! [3d6.skill(10,1-1-4)] => [3,4,6] = 13 vs (6) or less Failure! by 7
Artegal: And -2 riposte, -2 counterattack for other defenses.
Artegal: Damage is [2d6+2] => [6,2,2] = (10) cutting to the neck (x2 wounding mod instead of x1.5)
Antmen: Collapses. Technically not unconscious, but not playing these reindeer games anymore.
Artegal: Heh.
Artegal: ###

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

** Ystava rips his horns from the toads deflating body and toses his head, casually splattering gore everywhere. (Flourish!) **
Ystava: Intimidation (12) [3d6.skill(12,+4)] => [3,4,2] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7
Antmen: Resist fear [3d6.skill(9)] => [6,2,3] = 11 vs (9) or less Failure! by 2
Antmen: "ve vill be leavink now zee eloez vill deal viz you"

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: AoD(Parry) and step back.
Beltarne: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Wolfgang: step and ready shield some more
Wolfgang: ###

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

Torvall: Rapid strike antman warrior #1
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,-6+0)] => [1,6,1] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,-6+0)] => [6,2,4] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Antmen: Block and parry [3d6.skill(11,2)] => [3,2,4] = 9 vs (13) or less Success! by 4 and [3d6.skill(11,2)] => [4,4,4] = 12 vs (13) or less Success! by 1
Antmen: (parry with sword)

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [22] Antmen Civilians)

Torvall: "I hate these multi-limbed bastards."
Antmen: Warrior 1 shifts to a Reach 2 grip with Grip Mastery, clobbers Torvall with his glaive [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [4,2,3] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5 DA-2/-1
and step forward and stab him [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [6,5,1] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2 DA-2/-1

Antmen: Warrior 2 and the big warrior feint at Beltarne with their swords [3d6.skill(16)] => [6,2,1] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7
and [3d6.skill(16)] => [5,6,5] = 16 vs (16) or less Success! by 0

Torvall: Parry: [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [2,5,5] = 12 vs (12) or less Success! by 0
Torvall: And retreating feverish dodge.
Beltarne: Axe * Primary [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [1,3,5] = 9 vs (18) or less Success! by 9
Beltarne: Axe * Primary [3d6.skill(18,0)] => [1,6,3] = 10 vs (18) or less Success! by 8
Torvall: Dodge: [3d6.skill(8,+3+2-1)] => [3,2,1] = 6 vs (12) or less Success! by 6
Antmen: then they hit him with glaives [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [6,1,1] = 8 vs (14) or less Success! by 6
[3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [5,2,5] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2

Beltarne: Axe * Primary parry [3d6.skill(14,2)] => [6,3,4] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
Antmen: Step forward after all that.
Beltarne: Feverish Blocks [3d6.skill(11,2)] => [4,6,3] = 13 vs (13) or less Success! by 0
Antmen: Shouldn't that be at another +2.
Antmen: Anyway.

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Antmen Civilians
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Antmen: Turn and flee!
Antmen: Dropping weapons!

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

Artegal: "Right, then. Running away will do."
Artegal: Walk forward, slogging through water.
GM: Wading through the water is 2 MP per hex.
Artegal: I have 6 MP and moved 3 hexes!
Artegal: Convenient.
Artegal: ###
GM: Okay.

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

** Ystava harumfs to himsef. "The little guys. Stupid frogs." and stomps after Artie, deliberately splashing. **

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Slash at antman warrior 2, -2/-1 DA
Beltarne: Axe * Primary [3d6.skill(18,-2)] => [3,6,2] = 11 vs (16) or less Success! by 5
Antmen: Block [3d6.skill(11,2-1)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (12) or less Success! by 6
Beltarne: STep back
Beltarne: ###
GM: Did you suddenly get Reach 2? You need to step up to reach them.
Beltarne: Oh. In that case I just move back
GM: You were 2 hexes away. You have a Reach 1 weapon. You need to step up to reach them. You can only step back if you make a Committed Attack.
Beltarne: Sorry. Didn't realize they were using their broadswords at reach 2
Beltarne: No, I wanted to get away from them
GM: They feinted with them, because they were within Move and Attack range.
Beltarne: Was only gonna engage if I they were already in melee (for me) range.
Beltarne: I thought they were a hex away. Didn't look closely enough at the map. My fault.
GM: Okay.
GM: Thanks.

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Wolfgang: step and shield is ready
Torvall: OK...let's try DA at -6/-3 on warrior #1
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,-6+0)] => [6,3,1] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
Ystava: Little fast there Torvall :D
Antmen: Warrior 1 blocks! [3d6.skill(11,2-3)] => [2,1,6] = 9 vs (10) or less Success! by 1
Torvall: Ooops ...thouhg I saw it go to my turn.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [22] Antmen Civilians)

Torvall: "Anger rising...." :)
Antmen: Warrior 2 shifts to Reach 2 with the halberd, hits Beltarne with his sword [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [5,6,2] = 13 vs (14) or less Success! by 1
then steps to Reach 2 and hits Beltarne [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [2,5,3] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4

Antmen: Warrior 1 shifts to Reach 1 with the halberd and hits Beltarne with his glaive [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [4,4,2] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
and then steps forward and hits Torvall with his sword (stabbing) [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [2,6,1] = 9 vs (14) or less Success! by 5 DA-2/-1

Torvall: Parry: [3d6.skill(13,-1)] => [4,5,2] = 11 vs (12) or less Success! by 1
Beltarne: Axe * Primary parry [3d6.skill(14,0)] => [1,5,6] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2
Beltarne: Block the second
Wolfgang: ((is confused))
Beltarne: [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [1,6,5] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
Beltarne: retreating dodge the third
Beltarne: Dodge (11) [3d6.skill(11,3)] => [4,1,5] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
Wolfgang: ((no db on the block?))
Beltarne: Oh, and luck on that block.
Beltarne: [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [1,2,5] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3
Beltarne: [3d6.skill(11,0)] => [2,1,5] = 8 vs (11) or less Success! by 3
Beltarne: ((According to GCA my block is 11))
Wolfgang: ((yah, it doesn't add db, I have to fix it every time))
Antmen: Antmen Brute #1 wallops Torvall with his glaive [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [4,2,4] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4 DA-2/-1
Antmen: crossbowmen aim at Beltarne
Beltarne: ((Can I take back that luck, then, Mark?))
Ystava: Have you guys equipped your shields and told it what hand you're using it in? On the defense window
Beltarne: ((Since the first would have succeeded?))
Wolfgang: ((yes))
GM: Beltarne, yes.
Torvall: Feverish retreating dodge...again.
Torvall: Dodge: [3d6.skill(8,+3+2-1)] => [4,2,3] = 9 vs (12) or less Success! by 3

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Antmen Civilians
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Beltarne: (( I have, Emily))
Antmen: Run away.

1) YOUR TURN NOW:: [28] Artegal
(on deck: [25] Ystava)

Artegal: "See, we've broken their spirits entirely." He shakes his head sadly. "Civilians."
** Artegal continues slogging towards dry land. **

2) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Ystava
(on deck: [25] Beltarne)

** Ystava slogs after Artie, kicking a dead frog as he goes by and grumbling something about shorties. **

3) YOUR TURN NOW:: [25] Beltarne
(on deck: [24] Wolfgang)

Beltarne: Move away.
Beltarne: "A little help, Wolfgang?"
Beltarne: ###

4) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Wolfgang
(on deck: [24] Torvall)

Wolfgang: step, SA on warrior 1
Antmen: Resist feint [3d6.skill(16)] => [1,3,2] = 6 vs (16) or less Critical Success! by 10 [B556]
Wolfgang: Signature Attack feint [3d6.skill(22,0-3+1)] => [5,2,3] = 10 vs (20) or less Success! by 10 attack [3d6.attack(22,0-3+1)] => [5,6,6] = 17 vs (16) or less Failure! by 1 (Auto DA for -4/-2)
Wolfgang: luck on the resist
Wolfgang: leadership on the attack
Antmen: Resist feint [3d6.skill(16)] => [5,4,4] = 13 vs (16) or less Success! by 3
Antmen: Resist feint [3d6.skill(16)] => [5,6,3] = 14 vs (16) or less Success! by 2
Wolfgang: er tactics
Wolfgang: Axe (Kopfen) [3d6.attack(22,-2)] => [2,1,6] = 9 vs (16) or less Success! by 7 (Auto DA for -4/-2)
Antmen: Block and retreat [3d6.skill(11,2+1-8)] => [3,2,5] = 10 vs (6) or less Failure! by 4
Antmen: Damage?
Wolfgang: Axe (Kopfen) [3d6+2] => [6,2,6,2] = (16) cut
Antmen: Resist major wound [3d6.skill(12,3)] => [1,5,1] = 7 vs (15) or less Success! by 8
Antmen: Resist fear [3d6.skill(11)] => [2,5,5] = 12 vs (11) or less Failure! by 1
Antmen: Bleeds heavily, staggers back, turns to run.
Antmen: ish.

5) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Torvall
(on deck: [24] Antmen)

Torvall: Second verse same as the first...or whatever...-6/-3.
Torvall: Bastardsword Attack: [3d6.attack(20,-6+0)] => [6,1,3] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
Torvall: Warrior #1
Antmen: Block and retreating [3d6.skill(11,2+1-3)] => [6,3,6] = 15 vs (11) or less Failure! by 4
Torvall: Bastardsword Damage: [3d6+1] => [4,6,1,1] = (12) cut
Antmen: Bleeds heavily, staggers back, turns to run.

6) YOUR TURN NOW:: [24] Antmen
(on deck: [22] Antmen Civilians)

Antmen: Warrior #2 hits Wolfgang with a glaive [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [5,6,1] = 12 vs (14) or less Success! by 2 DA-2/-1 and then steps close and stabs him [3d6.skill(16,-2)] => [1,6,6] = 13 vs (14) or less Success! by 1 DA-2/-1
Wolfgang: Axe (Kopfen) parry [3d6.skill(15,-1+3)] => [2,1,1] = 4 vs (17) or less Critical Success! by 13 [B556]
Wolfgang: well then
Antmen: [3d6.crit_miss()] => [4,4,1] = 9 You drop your weapon (& a cheap weapon breaks). [B556]
Antmen: Sword breaks!
Wolfgang: ((waits for crit result))
Antmen: Errr... no, wait, glaive breaks. Doesn't attack, steps back instead.
Wolfgang: wow, step of 2?
Artegal: ((AFK briefly, sorry. Artegal ~keeps moving forward~))
Wolfgang: oh, wrong guy, NM

7) YOUR TURN NOW:: [22] Antmen Civilians
(on deck: [28] Artegal)

Artegal: ((Wait, we're nearly done for the night, aren't we.))
GM: Actually, these guys surrender and the combat is over at this point.
Wolfgang: hazzah!
Beltarne: Huzzah!
Wolfgang: "Victory is ours!"
Beltarne: "In your face!"
Artegal: Wolfgang et al got to fight highly disciplined and well-prepared troops.
Torvall: We still technically have no idea where the others are though.
Artegal: Artegal got to fight a walking mushroom, some toads, and a few easily-broken civilian conscripts.
Artegal: Artegal feels cheated.
GM: Artegal and Ystava make it around the corner to see that the pit trap is closed, and two large boards are stuck in the slots in the floor, slanted toward Artegal and Ystava.
Wolfgang: "owch, my eye hurts for some reason"
Torvall: "Let me help you friend gargoyle." Faith Healing!
GM: People with Armory skills note that the weapons are all cheap, and orc-made.
Torvall: Will: [3d6.skill(14)] => [4,4,2] = 10 vs (14) or less Success! by 4
Wolfgang: boo!
Ystava: Slanted toward? Like a ramp over sort of thing?
GM: 2 FP to heal Wolfgang. Wolfgang needs to roll HT to see if his eye recovers.
Torvall: 4 FP for 8 HP
Artegal: 'Cheap swords' are still pretty valuable.
GM: Wolfgang double heals =)
GM: Yes, broadswords and glaives.
Wolfgang: HT (14) [3d6.skill(14,+1)] => [3,6,6] = 15 vs (15) or less Success! by 0
Wolfgang: "Thanks friend, I feel much better now!"
Artegal: In fact, 'cheap swords of Orcish make' are 'the work of orcish tribesmen rarely seen on this side of the mountains. The craftsmanship may be shoddy, but you'll never see its like again!'
Beltarne: I love nymphs
GM: No, the boards are nearly vertical, just slanted towards you - about 60 degrees angle.
Torvall: ((Did anyone remember Wolfgang's penalties for having only one eye...I don't recall...))
Ystava: I'm still trying to figure out what "towards" me means.
Artegal: "Designed to hide behind as cover."
Wolfgang: sloped armor!
Wolfgang: ((we should totally break the pit trap))
Ystava: See, this is why I hate relative terms. And probably why I suck ass without an actual map.
GM: Ystava - board is stuck in the floor, in a metal slot, slanted towards you.
