Saga of Westmarch Wiki

Narrator: The delvers are facing down zombies in a ruined manor house in the mountains south of Polisberg.

Narrator: A swarm of undead are heading in from the north, and demons continue to fight them inside the manor.

GM: ROUND5: YOU ARE UP, Horde Zombie 1!

Zombies: Zombies north of the manor move south.

Zombies: Zombie 15 comes around the corner and slams Bedlam from the flank result: ?succeeded by 5 » DA-6/-3 all-out flying tackle

Bedlam: flank = no defense?

Zombies: More zombies shamble into the room, led by an icy zombie.

GM: Not usually. You're at -2 to defend for the flank, -3 for the DA.

Bedlam: -5 dodge then?

GM: Yep.

Bedlam: Dodge(4) result: ?CRITICALLY SUCCEEDED by 0

Ystävä: Nice!

Artegal: Tactics: result: ?succeeded by 5 »

Zombies: The zombie slams into the ground, which is was doing anyway.

Bedlam: "He is not so easily taken by surprise and sidesteps effortlessy."

Ystävä: The difference is this time it's not with Bedlam in his clutches

GM: Just a reminder, everyone: if you're more than 3 hexes for Beltarne (or 2 from the burnt demon), you're at -3 to attack and -1 to defend for lighting penalties. If you are SM+1 and bipedal, you're at -2 to attack in the room because you must be crouching.

Zombies: ROUND6: YOU ARE UP, Mouser!

Bedlam: ((Mouser is still hurt, and I forget what else is going on with him))

GM: He's stunned and must Do Nothing. Also, the dwarf zombie lord is about to pull his pick out of Mouser's hide.

Bedlam: ((Right then.))

Mouser: just whimpers.

GM: Roll HT -1 to avoid losing FP to the icy zombie, and then roll HT to recover from stun.

Mouser: Health check result: ?failed by 2

Bedlam: -1 FP?

GM: Yes.

Mouser: Health check result: ?CRITICALLY SUCCEEDED by 8

GM: Not stunned anymore.

GM: ROUND6: YOU ARE UP, Burnt Demon!

Burnt Demon: Snarls at Torvall and steps into his face, grabbing at the Holy Warrior's torso result: ?failed by 3 » DA-2/-1 all-out determined

Torvall: sneers in return. "Stupid demons."

Twisted Elemental: Zaps Artegal with lightning result: ?succeeded by 5 » RoF5 Rcl3 and steps back

Artegal: Shield DB doesn't count, correct?

GM: Right. Unblockable.

Artegal: Feverish Dodge: result: ?succeeded by 3 »

Narrator: Lightning flares across the back wall.

GM: ROUND6: YOU ARE UP, Artegal!

Artegal: How does the dwarf lord's neck armor look?

GM: Melted dwarven aventail over a high collar.

Artegal: (It's a 'swing to skull vs. swing to neck' question.)

Artegal: Skull it is!

Artegal: Committed (Extra Step) Extra Effort (Strong) telegraphed swing to the skull, from behind.

Artegal: Broadsword: result: ?succeeded by 9 »

GM: Don't forget to roll HT+0 to avoid losing FP from the icy zombie.

Artegal: HT: result: ?succeeded by 3 »

Artegal: Damage: 11 cutting

Artegal: I'll take that.

GM: Ice, multiple layers of melted dwarven steel, and sheer toughness prevent Artegal's blow from doing much to affect the dwarf.

Narrator: Ice, multiple layers of melted dwarven steel, and sheer toughness prevent Artegal's blow from doing much to affect the dwarf.


Bedlam: am i crouched or is that the zombie's icon?

GM: The ceiling is 7'. You're crouched.

Bedlam: ah of course

Bedlam: but that zombie IS on the ground, yes?

GM: Yes, he just jumped past you.

Bedlam: i will attack him - penalties -2 for crouch, any for him being prone?

Bedlam: or bonuses?

GM: No penalties for him being prone, but he is now in partial darkness: -3 penalties for lack of light.

Bedlam: night vision 3

Bedlam: can he defend or no?

GM: From behind, after an all-out attack? I don't think so.

Bedlam: excellent

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Belated stun check result: ?succeeded by 6 »

Bedlam: telegraph, attack at the neck

Bedlam: Attack with Greatsword result: ?succeeded by 7 »

Bedlam: Greatsword does 9 (cut)

GM: Bedlam decaptitate's a zombie.

GM: ROUND6: YOU ARE UP, Zombie Dwarf Lord!

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Pull his pick out of Mouser's side result: ?succeeded by 4 » and step back.

GM: Mouser takes 9 more injury when the pick is removed.

Mouser: roars with pain.

Zombie Dwarf Lady: Catch and reready her axe.


Ystävä: Damnit i had an action and it was in the cut/paste buffer

Ystävä: whirls and lunges, swinging his sharpened, capped horn barely past Artegal in a descending arc into the Zombie Lord's flank!

Ystävä: Step, turn, attack, cut to the torso, still contemplating telegraphic or not.

Artegal: That's not his flank anymore.

Artegal: But you're still good.

Ystävä: that was description.

Ystävä: Flank as in torso

Ystävä: sorry.

Ystävä: I'll not take the step then. No point lining up with the shield.

Ystävä: And no telegraphic!

Ystävä: -2 roof, -3 lighting.

Ystävä: Horn Thrust to SM 0: result: ?succeeded by 0 » (SM0)

Ystävä: YUS

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Parry result: ?succeeded by 4 »

Ystävä: Luck!

Ystävä: I'm desprate.

GM: You can't luck to force someone to fail a defense.

Ystävä: Aw.

Ystävä: OK.

GM: ROUND6: YOU ARE UP, Beltarne!

Beltarne: I think I'm going to try turning again, now that he has less helpers.

Beltarne: Will check result: ?succeeded by 10

Ystävä: He's up against the north way to stay close to the horde outside, I'll put like 10 copper on that.

Beltarne: And step.

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Resist turning with the help of a horde of zombies! result: ?succeeded by 9 »

Ystävä: Ahahah!

GM: Well, now Beltarne is safe... and anyone immediately adjacent to him.

Beltarne: ###

GM: ROUND6: YOU ARE UP, Torvall!

Torvall: Step back. Telegraphed rapid strike to the neck of the demon. Broadsword(19): result: ?succeeded by 3 »

Torvall: Step back. Telegraphed rapid strike to the neck of the demon. Broadsword(19): result: ?succeeded by 7 »

Torvall: Damage: 7 cutting!

Torvall: Damage: 13 cutting!

Torvall: Resist cold HT(13): result: ?succeeded by 7 » (dunno penalties...)

Narrator: The holy warrior's blows sever the burnt demon's headlike mass from the rest of its body, and it collapses into a mass of ash.

Torvall: And I just extinguished my light source....

Torvall: ###


GM: Also, roll HT+1 to avoid freezing in the icy zombie's aura of ice.

Osgar: Health check result: ?succeeded by 1

Osgar: woot!

Beltarne: Health check result: ?failed by 3

Ystävä: Health check result: ?succeeded by 4»

Osgar: extra effort, move and concentrate, glue, area 4, 12 FP from power object

GM: Wow.

Osgar: centered on the door, excluding friendlies and some other hexes

Osgar: loud, gestures

GM: Can you draw it on the screen? in some suitable color?

Osgar: Glue result: ?succeeded by 11 -2 FP

Osgar: ok

Osgar: hmm, can I have it not fill?

Ystävä: Yes.

Ystävä: Pick transparent as your fill colour.

Beltarne: Is the white stuff glue?

GM: Yeah, right select the red diangnol.

Ystävä: Also, CtrlZ to get rid of your scribbles

Ystävä: Less penis on the map, pls

Osgar: lol

Ystävä: I tease.

Osgar: "They're glued down now, say one away from the ice guy and the NE of the lord"

Bedlam: if you think that looks like a penis...

Bedlam: nah, i won't finish that joke

Osgar: clearly a football helmet

Osgar: done

Osgar: 1 FP from me, 10 from power item

GM: Glue margin is 9. (7 vs 16)

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Resist crufty spell result: ?succeeded by 11 »

GM: ROUND6: YOU ARE UP, Horde Zombie 1!

Artegal: That's a lot of ST. o.o

GM: Yeah, zombies are stronger than the living. It's not news.

Ystävä: I feel inadequate. He mus DIE obviously.

Osgar: no point in having a 30 point power item if you never use it

Zombies: Corrupt Zombies 3 and 4 all-out throw glop at Ystava result: ?failed by 4 »
result: ?succeeded by 0 » with Mouser providing cover

Zombies: Attack hits Mouser? result: ?succeeded by 1 »

Ystävä: Owch.

Bedlam: mouser dodges if he can

GM: Nope, rear attack.

Bedlam: ystava can take care of himself

Bedlam: bugger

Mouser: moans.

Zombies: Corrupt Zombies 5 and 6 all-out throw glop at Osgar result: ?CRITICALLY FAILED by 10 »
result: ?CRITICALLY FAILED by 11 »

Artegal: ...

Artegal: I'm impressed.

Artegal: Wait, 13-10? O.o

Zombies: One of them hits Beltarne instead? result: ?failed by 1 »

Osgar: they throw it at each other?

GM: Tiny blurred guy.

Osgar: -9 to hit me

Ystävä: I'm pretty sure on a critical failure stuff goes bad first

Zombies: Icy zombie resists result: ?succeeded by 5 »

Ystävä: I mean, if they drop it on themselves or something, can't hit Beltarne.

Zombies: All-out defends instead.

Zombies: Other zombies resist result: ?succeeded by 5 »
result: ?succeeded by 4 »
result: ?succeeded by 4 »
result: ?succeeded by 8 »
result: ?succeeded by 8 »

Zombies: Or not.

Ystävä: Two unarmed critical misses for those zombies?

Zombies: Other zombies advance!

GM: No, because the fact that they're aiming at a tiny, hard to hit target does mean that they're suddenly going to explode humorously.


Ystävä: I'm pretty sure "explode" is a spell crit, not a ranged crit.

Mouser: down to -10 hp - any rolls i gotta make?

GM: Consciousness, at +0. And HT-1 to resist losing 1FP to the iciness.

Mouser: Health check result: ?succeeded by 3

Mouser: is hurting, but alert.

Mouser: Health check result: ?succeeded by 0

Mouser: okay, turn and pounce the zombie lord

GM: Go for it.

Mouser: penalties/bonuses?

GM: None.

Mouser: and can i attack his flank?

Artegal: "The lightning creature - Will my shield or blade affect it?"

GM: Not without stepping in the glue. You need to roll ST for every hex you move in the glue or stop immediately. Your choice.

Osgar: "Yes, they should

Mouser: i can do that, actually

GM: Actually, you have to attack him from the N or the SE to flank him.

GM: WHen you roll ST, you need to make the roll by 9+.

Mouser: like there?

Ystävä: Osgar rolled well :/

Osgar: you shouldn't move through the glue, it's BAD

GM: Err, SW or N, sorry.

Mouser: i have the moves i think

Mouser: and no glue

Mouser: or is that cap at 9 if i do that

GM: No, you can Move and Slam at full skill. Looks like, go for it.

Mouser: Pounce result: ?CRITICALLY SUCCEEDED by 10 automatic deceptive attack for -2/-1 »

Ystävä: Very nice

Mouser: roars as he charges around in a circle and leaps at the zombie lord.

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Damage to Mouser is 12 knockback only versus 9 knockback only from Mouser

Narrator: The armored zombie staggers slightly and dumps the great into the magical glue.

GM: No real effect. Mouser must roll ST or be affected by the glue.

GM: And win the contest by 9.

Mouser: ST check result: ?CRITICALLY SUCCEEDED by 16

GM: ROUND7: YOU ARE UP, Burnt Demon!

Ystävä: Nice again

Twisted Elemental: Step and zap Osgar with lightning result: ?failed by 1 » RoF5 Rcl3

GM: ROUND7: YOU ARE UP, Artegal!

Artegal: Shield slam the Twisted Demon.

Artegal: Elemental. Thing.

Artegal: Shield:?b> result: ?succeeded by 4 »

Torvall: wishes it was a demon.

Twisted Elemental: Dodge and retreat result: ?succeeded by 4 »

Artegal: I believe I keep going.

GM: At least 2 hexes, up to your maximum move.

Artegal: Can I change directions during that? I had 3 MP left.

GM: Two hexes in a straight line, after that it's just a Move and Attack action.

Artegal: That's... an interesting retreat for my angle of attack.

Artegal: Not that it would have failed with a slip or whatever, but.

Artegal: ###


Bedlam: is zombie 15 dead or not?

GM: Dead!

Torvall: ((He was dead when the combat started))

Bedlam: okay that's better

Bedlam: step and attack lord

Bedlam: i can't select me

GM: You're at -2 for Mouser being in the same hex, and missed attacks go to Mouser.

Bedlam: so -4 total

Bedlam: i'm cool with that - i'm going to telegraph

GM: Ok.

Bedlam: so ignore the automatic DA

Bedlam: Attack with Greatsword result: ?succeeded by 6 automatic deceptive attack for -2/-1 »

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Dodge and retreat to the south East, stepping out of the glue and avoiding Mouser's potential blocking result: ?failed by 1 »

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Grrr.

Torvall: "Give him what for, friend Bedlam!"

Osgar: (( um, did I miss his ST roll? ))

GM: He resisted when you cast the spell. Ystava commented on his strength.

Osgar: :(

GM: Damages?

Ystävä: Yes, I have to go smash him because of that.

Ystävä: Fortunately, his back is turned

GM: Also, Bedlam needs to roll HT-2 to avoid losing 1FP to cold.

Bedlam: temp tolerance?

GM: Right, HT-1.

Bedlam: with temp tolerance 2?

GM: Yes, the same as it has been for the last 7 rounds of combat. Make the HT roll and roll damage, please.

Bedlam: Health check result: ?failed by 4

Bedlam: there goes my good rolls lol

Bedlam: shivers.

Bedlam: "Brrrr! I should have worn my winter loincloth."


Bedlam: wait... who is rolling damage and for what?

GM: You swung at the dwarf lord. You hit. He failed to dodge. Roll damage already.

Bedlam: oh sorry, i thought he did dodge

Bedlam: Greatsword does 10 (cut)

Artegal: Tactics.

Artegal: Hit him harder.

Bedlam: Greatsword does 11 (cut)

Artegal: Or not.

Bedlam: the dice don't love me anymore

Narrator: Bedlam's great blade carves into the dwarf lord's ruined and icy armor, revealing dead flesh beneath.

GM: ROUND7: YOU ARE UP, Zombie Dwarf Lord!

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Rapid strike at Ystava result: ?succeeded by 5 » and result: ?failed by 3 » DA-2/-1 on the second strike

Ystävä: Parry!

Ystävä: No DA, -1 to defense from crouching?

Ystävä: -1 from lighting too we keep forgetting that.

GM: No defense penatly for crouching.

Zombie Dwarf Lady: Step and throw her axe at Osgar result: ?failed by 8 »

Ystävä: Parry with Horn (15) result: ?succeeded by 4»

Zombie Dwarf Lady: Hits Beltarne instead result: ?failed by 3 »


Ystävä: Well. I think he needs a smashin.

Ystävä: Dual Weapon Attack Axe vs SM 0: result: ?failed by 1 » Dual Weapon Attack Horns vs SM 0: result: ?succeeded by 3 »

Ystävä: er, -3 each

Ystävä: so horns still hit axe still misses!

Ystävä: Torso.

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Parry the horns with his pick result: ?succeeded by 3 »

GM: ROUND7: YOU ARE UP, Beltarne!

Beltarne: I step, stop turning, and cast Major Heal on Ystava for 4 FP.

GM: Turning lasts for 2 more rounds

Beltarne: Major Healing (Holy) result: ?succeeded by 3

GM: Until round 9!

Beltarne: I am now at 5 FP, so slow.

Beltarne: ###

Ystävä: And I am now at... +8 for 13 HP?

Beltarne: +16

Ystävä: oo

Beltarne: High HP, member?

Ystävä: No, forgot Major heal is 2:1

Beltarne: Think Popeye

GM: He's slowed, he's faster. Funny.

GM: ROUND7: YOU ARE UP, Torvall!

Ystävä: "Yabadedoopdedo!"

Osgar: conservation of slowness?

Ystävä: flexes.

Torvall: Committed attack (extra step) Rapid Strike against the Zombie Dwarf Lady (-3 for bad lighting). Broadsword(19): result: ?failed by 3 », Broadsword(19): result: ?failed by 2 »


Osgar: what's the extra cold radius on the ice guy?

GM: 10 hexes.

GM: Everyone needs to roll HT-2 to avoid losing FP.

Osgar: sigh :(

Torvall: Oh yeah...Resist cold HT(13): result: ?succeeded by 3 » (dunno penalties...)

Osgar: -2?

Ystävä: Woops!

Osgar: I was at +1 last time

Ystävä: Health check result: ?failed by 2»

Beltarne: Health check result: ?succeeded by 3

Ystävä: Loose 1 FP

GM: You're at -1 Osgar. You move closer, it gets colder.

Beltarne: Rawr

Osgar: Health check result: ?succeeded by 5

Osgar: step, rapid strike lightning 4d at the lord

Osgar: loud, for +3 and -6 for RS

Osgar: Casting Lightning result: ?succeeded by 1 -1 FP

Osgar: Lightning result: ?succeeded by 5 »

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Dodge result: ?failed by 2 »

Osgar: Lightning does 13

Zombie Dwarf Lord: "Gahhhh!" Resist stun result result: ?succeeded by 6 »

GM: ROUND7: YOU ARE UP, Horde Zombie 1!

Zombies: Corrupt zombies reload.

Zombies: Other zombies charge forward.

Zombies: Other zombies flail painfully but can't make ST rolls at -14.


GM: Mouser needs to roll HT to avoid unconscious and HT-3 to avoid losing FP.

Mouser: Health check result: ?succeeded by 3

Mouser: Health check result: ?failed by 2

GM: Mouser's action?

Mouser: moving to beltarne, mouser can't really do anything, and it is FREEZING here

GM: Okay.

Mouser: i can move that far right?

GM: Sure.

GM: ROUND8: YOU ARE UP, Twisted Elemental!

Twisted Elemental: Step and throw lighnting at Ystava result: ?succeeded by 5 » RoF5 Rcl3

Ystävä: Dodge(7): result: ?failed by 3»

Ystävä: Gzorch.

Beltarne: Tactics?

Artegal: On a 7?

Ystävä: Yeah, not much chance. Sorry to see your work undone.

Twisted Elemental: Does 3 and 8 lightning to Ystava
secondary attacks on the dwarf lord result: ?CRITICALLY FAILED by 2 »
Beltarne result: ?succeeded by 3 »
and Torvall result: ?succeeded by 2 »

Osgar: beltarne has reverse missiles on him

Ystävä: He does!

Narrator: Lightning crackles across the room, arching from the twisted elemental to Ystava to Beltarne and back to the Twisted Elemental.

Torvall: Dodge(8): result: ?failed by 5 »

Ystävä: Health check result: ?succeeded by 4»

Ystävä: Not stunned!

Ystävä: (+1 for Fit, -2 for 4 damage)

Twisted Elemental: Does 3 lightning to Torvall.

GM: ROUND8: YOU ARE UP, Artegal!

Torvall: HT(13): result: ?succeeded by 3 »

Artegal: Telegraphed beheading of Corrupt Zombie 5. Coz I think this is his back, and if not, flank's good.

Artegal: (Skull, not neck.)

GM: Oops for him.

Artegal: Broadsword: result: ?succeeded by 6 »

Artegal: Damage is 11 sw cut to the skull.


Bedlam: i think i've asked before, but i want to be sure - if i attack from the lord's rear, can he defend?

GM: If you start out behind him, he cannot defend. Of course, he could have Peripheral vision. Or some magic gizmo that gives him 360 degree vision for all you know.

Bedlam: fair enough

Bedlam: step, which puts me in glue... do i roll or get stuck, or can i attack then make the roll?

GM: You need to resist immediately, because it affects your attack roll.

Bedlam: yeah... i'm not liking my chances that way... how about step, FD to sheathe sword, and ready harpoon?

GM: You need to roll 2-hand sword-6 to reverse the sword before fast-sheathing, but yeah, otherwise you're good.

Bedlam: okay

Bedlam: Attack with Greatsword result: ?succeeded by 1 »

Bedlam: Fast-Draw (Two-Handed Sword) result: ?succeeded by 1

Bedlam: ready harpoon

GM: ROUND8: YOU ARE UP, Zombie Dwarf Lord!

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Commited determined step back twice and hit Bedlam twice result: ?succeeded by 6 » and result: ?succeeded by 6 »

Ystävä: Sacrificial parry!

Ystävä: I have that perk.

Ystävä: I just remembered.

Bedlam: Dodge(9) result: ?failed by 1

GM: Yeah, but he's out of your reach unless you slip.

Bedlam: Dodge(9) result: ?failed by 3

Ystävä: Reach 3?

Bedlam: double crap

Zombie Dwarf Lady: Step back and ready her axe.

Bedlam: what did i get hit with?

GM: Yes, but you need to reach the target, which is Bedlam.

Ystävä: I'm trying to fend it off. Ah, ok. slip it is.

Ystävä: Net zero bonus/penalty yis?

GM: You're at -1 for lighting, -1 for the slip.

Ystävä: Parry with Horn (15) result: ?failed by 1»

Ystävä: Parry with Horn (11) result: ?failed by 3»

Ystävä: Well

Artegal: Tactics the 15.

Artegal: And the 11.

Artegal: 11s are good.

Ystävä: result: ?succeeded by 4 »result: ?succeeded by 6 »

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Gets his pick caught up in Ystava's horns.

Artegal: Go team Warlord!


Ystävä: "Y hlo thar mr dorf"

Ystävä: Step up.

Ystävä: Thump. Thump. -3 lighting, -2 roof.

Ystävä: (DWA, two on one target, so -1 to defenses)

Ystävä: Dual Weapon Attack Axe vs SM 0: result: ?failed by 6 » Dual Weapon Attack Horns vs SM 0: result: ?failed by 1 »

Ystävä: Luck horns!

Ystävä: uses LUCK at 2011-01-24 20:19:00 EST.

Ystävä: result: ?succeeded by 6 »result: ?succeeded by 6 »

Ystävä: Der, -10 so miss miss

GM: ROUND8: YOU ARE UP, Beltarne!

Beltarne: Hrm.

Beltarne: Step and Ready Paut.

Beltarne: ###

GM: ROUND8: YOU ARE UP, Torvall!

Torvall: Beat on Zombie Dwarf Lady -3 for lighting. Broadsword(19): result: ?succeeded by 4 »

Zombie Dwarf Lady: Retreat and parry result: ?failed by 1 »

Torvall: Damage: 11 cutting!

Zombie Dwarf Lady: Collapses.

Torvall: ###


Osgar: Health check result: ?failed by 6

Osgar: -2, correct?

GM: Actually, you're at -3 while you're that close to the zombie. What's your FP at now?

Osgar: 6

Osgar: after taking the 1 FP for failing

Osgar: step and rapid strike blast ice guy

Osgar: 4d, +3 loud gestures, -6 RS, he is lit from outside, right?

GM: Right there, yes.

Osgar: Casting Lightning result: ?failed by 2 -1 FP

Osgar: luck!

Osgar: Casting Lightning result: ?succeeded by 2 -1 FP

Osgar: Casting Lightning result: ?failed by 4 -1 FP

Osgar: Lightning result: ?succeeded by 0 »

Zombies: Icy Zombie 3 dodges result: ?failed by 7 »

Osgar: Lightning does 12

Zombies: Resist stun result: ?succeeded by 3 »

GM: ROUND8: YOU ARE UP, Horde Zombie 1!

Zombies: All-out dodge and stuff.

Zombies: Corrupt zombie 6 steps and throws goop at Torvall result: ?succeeded by 4 »

Torvall: Block(11): result: ?succeeded by 2 »

Zombies: Corrupt zombie 4 all-out throws at Ystava result: ?succeeded by 0 » with the doorway providing cover

Ystävä: I can't even see that guy.

Zombies: Corrupt Zombie 3 aims at Osgar.

GM: Ystava can defend at -4.

Ystävä: Technically.

Ystävä: Dodge(7): result: ?failed by 8»


Bedlam: moving

Bedlam: ###

GM: ROUND9: YOU ARE UP, Twisted Elemental!

Twisted Elemental: Zap Torvall again result: ?succeeded by 3 »

Twisted Elemental: Rcl 3, 2 hits. Torvall gets no shield DB on the defense. Step back.

Torvall: Feverish Dodge(8): result: ?succeeded by 2 »

GM: ROUND9: YOU ARE UP, Artegal!

Artegal: I have just enough move to shield slam the dwarf.

Artegal: So I will.

Artegal: Shield: result: ?succeeded by 2 »

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Retreats and dodges result: ?CRITICALLY FAILED by 7 »

Artegal: Ooh.

Ystävä: Bwhaha.

Artegal: Not his day.

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Falls down instead.

Ystävä: Shouldn't he be knocked into the glue?

Ystävä: Not diagnoally?

Beltarne: calls out "Hack him to bits!" in dwarven

Artegal: I came in from the south.

GM: He retreated.

Ystävä: Oh.

Ystävä: Nm!

Artegal: He gets one of three retreat options.

Ystävä: Sorry, thought artie came from SW

Ystävä: Ignore me.


Artegal: Is there damage in there, or are we going to assume that there's no way I can actually inflict knockback on ST 19 even with my considerable bonuses?

GM: Yeah, that's a safe assumption: Mouser sure didn't.

Artegal: I'm better at this than Mouser. >.>

Artegal: But yeah.

Bedlam: and mouser is a one trick pony

Bedlam: shhh... don't let him know i said that

Osgar: you had a long runup too!

GM: You're looking at 2d+6 or so? Moving on.

Bedlam: lord is on ground, can't defend?

GM: No, he can still block and parry, just at a penalty.

Bedlam: hmmm

Artegal: He can even dodge.

Artegal: It's just laughable.

Bedlam: well, i have the harpoon ready but things have gotten kinda cramped over here

Bedlam: artegal counts as cover for the elemental?

Ystävä: Yis

GM: Not if you're adjacent.

Ystävä: Oh well, yes.

Bedlam: okay, i'll throw my harpoon at the elemental then

Bedlam: penalties besides the -2 crouch?

GM: -2 more for range.

Bedlam: yeah, figured that

Bedlam: okay, -4 total

Bedlam: Backstab with Harpoon, telegraphed (darkness penalty negated) result: ?succeeded by 7 automatic deceptive attack for -2/-1 »

Bedlam: oh crap wrong button

Bedlam: would be success by 2 i believe

GM: Yeah, I'm good.

Twisted Elemental: Dodge! result: ?failed by 5 »

Bedlam: i need to denote that as being different better

Bedlam: Harpoon does 14 (imp)

Twisted Elemental: Mostly ignores the harpoon as it mostly passes through him. Also, take 5 lightning damage as electricity surges down the rope and back to you.

GM: ROUND9: YOU ARE UP, Zombie Dwarf Lord!

Zombie Dwarf Lord: All-out determine rapid strike on Bedlam result: ?succeeded by 3 » DA-2/-1
result: ?succeeded by 4 » DA-2/-1

Bedlam: Dodge(8) result: ?failed by 5

Bedlam: Dodge(8) result: ?succeeded by 0

Zombie Dwarf Lord: Damage is 14 impaling.

GM: Bedlam takes 18 injury, needs to roll HT+3 to avoid stunning and knockdown.

Bedlam: Health check result: ?succeeded by 9


Ystävä: Telegraphed horn stab to the generics!

Ystävä: Shooting under Artie's shoulder.

GM: Sure. you've trained for that.

Ystävä: Horn Thrust to SM 0: result: ?succeeded by 9 » (SM0)

GM: Also, roll HT -2 to avoid losing FP.

Ystävä: Health check result: ?succeeded by 3»

GM: Roll damage, he AoAed.

Ystävä: Horn does 15 (imp)

GM: Ystava's horn rips through the dwarf lord, destroying the animation of the corpse.

GM: ROUND9: YOU ARE UP, Beltarne!

Beltarne: Uncork Paut!

Beltarne: And step.

Beltarne: ###

GM: ROUND9: YOU ARE UP, Torvall!

Torvall: Eviscerate corrupt zombie #3, -3 for lighting. Broadsword(19): result: ?succeeded by 6 »

Torvall: oops #6

Zombies: Dodge and retreat result: ?succeeded by 4 »


Torvall: Step after him

GM: Roll HT-3 to avoid freezing.

GM: THat's for Osgar, not Torvall. Torvall rolls HT.

Torvall: HT(13): result: ?succeeded by 3 »

Osgar: doesn't it reset when you fail?

GM: Yes.

Ystävä: Range is also a factor

Osgar: and I was at -2 last time

Osgar: in the same place

GM: And it starts at HT-3 and you get a bonus for distance.

GM: Did you fail last turn, I thought you succeeded? Then HT-2 if you failed last turn.

Osgar: Health check result: ?failed by 4

Osgar: 5 FP, slowed at 4

GM: I have you at 4, sorry.

Osgar: move, fast draw gadget paut!

Osgar: Fast-Draw (Potion) result: ?succeeded by 7

GM: ROUND9: YOU ARE UP, Horde Zombie 1!

Zombies: Corrupt Zombie 6 turns and heads toward Osgar. Corrupt Zombie 3 shifts aim to Torvall. COrrupt ZOmbie 4 reloads.

GM: ROUND10: YOU ARE UP, Mouser!

Mouser: just going to stick close to beltarne where it seems to be safe

Mouser: all out defense

GM: ROUND10: YOU ARE UP, Twisted Elemental!

Twisted Elemental: Teach Artegal a painful lesson. Zap with lightning! result: ?succeeded by 4 » RoF5 Rcl3 and then step south

Artegal: Yeah, ow.

Twisted Elemental: Artegal takes 3 and 5 lightning damage.
Secondary attacks on Ystava result: ?succeeded by 4 » RoF2 Rcl 3
and Bedlam result: ?succeeded by 0 »

Artegal: Worth it.

GM: Artegal rolls HT-3 to avoid stunning.

Bedlam: Dodge(5) result: ?failed by 4

Twisted Elemental: Bedlam takes 3 damage

Bedlam: okay, why is my dodge going lower and lower?

GM: which he ignores.

Artegal: HT: result: ?failed by 2 »

GM: Bedlam's dodge is low because he is slow because he is at less than 1/3 HP.

Artegal: Wow.

Bedlam: is that with my hp dropping, or is something buggered

Artegal: Tactics my HT.

Artegal: HT: result: ?failed by 2 »

Osgar: are you adding in the negative yourself too?

Ystävä: HP dropping

GM: Ystava? Dodge 2.

Artegal: I'm stunned!

Ystävä: If you're below 1/3 FP or HP, it halves

Ystävä: Oh hey.

Bedlam: half? okay

Bedlam: normal dodge is only 10

Ystävä: Dodge(9): result: ?failed by 4»

Ystävä: Dodge(9): result: ?succeeded by 0»

Twisted Elemental: Does 8 lightning to Ystava
and hits Torvall on the miss? result: ?failed by 8 »

GM: ROUND10: YOU ARE UP, Artegal!

Ystävä: Another 4!

Ystävä: Health check result: ?succeeded by 2»

Ystävä: Not stunned!

Artegal: Recover from stun? result: ?failed by 2 »

Artegal: ...

Artegal: That's three in a row.

Artegal: Luck.

Artegal: Recover from stun? result: ?succeeded by 5 »

Artegal: Recover from stun? result: ?succeeded by 5 »

Artegal: There we go.

Artegal: ###

GM: ROUND10: YOU ARE UP, Bedlam!

Bedlam: FD major healing potion and (hopefully) open it

GM: Bedlam rolls HT to avoid losing FP. And HT to avoid unconscious.

Bedlam: Health check result: ?failed by 1

Bedlam: Health check result: ?succeeded by 4

Bedlam: better than the other way around

Bedlam: down to 5 fp, but standing

Bedlam: result: ?succeeded by 8

Bedlam: that's the FD

Bedlam: i open the potion - i drink next round?

GM: Right.

GM: ROUND10: YOU ARE UP, Ystävä!

Ystävä: Yep, unless you like eatin gglass

Bedlam: no, i like my tongue where it is

Ystävä: turns and rumbles towards the corruptor

Ystävä: HT check I presume.

GM: Right.

Ystävä: Health check result: ?succeeded by 0»

Ystävä: Can I do a horn slam from here?

Ystävä: actually?

GM: Yes.

Ystävä: Move and Slam then, none of this cautious approach crap.

Ystävä: Horn Thrust to SM 0: result: ?succeeded by 7 automatic deceptive attack for -2/-1 » (SM0)

Zombies: Corrupt Zombie 6 dodges and sidesteps result: ?succeeded by 0 »

Ystävä: Counting DA -1?

Ystävä: he's got a +1 in there 'sall

Zombies: Yep, base is 7, +2 for sidestep, -1 for DA, made an 8.

Ystävä: k.

Ystävä: damn.

GM: ROUND10: YOU ARE UP, Beltarne!

Beltarne: I turn, unopposed *crossing fingers*

Beltarne: Will check result: ?succeeded by 7

Beltarne: Luck

Zombies: We have weight of numbers on our side! result: ?CRITICALLY SUCCEEDED by 9 »

Beltarne: uses LUCK at 2011-01-24 19:22:47 EST

Beltarne: Will check result: ?succeeded by 9

Beltarne: Will check result: ?succeeded by 8

Beltarne: Well poo.

Artegal: Not our day for Turn Undead.

Beltarne: Nope.

Beltarne: Luckily we still have glue

Beltarne: Step and ###

Twisted Elemental: Resist turning result: ?succeeded by 1 »

Beltarne: Oh, and ice HT roll?

Ystävä: Oh hey.

Ystävä: Turned the demon!

GM: Roll HT+0 Beltarne.

Beltarne: Health check result: ?succeeded by 2

GM: ROUND10: YOU ARE UP, Torvall!

Torvall: Move and attack Corrupt Zombie #6 (from behind). Attacking the neck. Broadsword(19): result: ?succeeded by 0 »

Torvall: At least it looks like from behind to me.

Ystävä: Yay I used up his retreat!

GM: Yeah, I'm good.

Torvall: Damage: 12 cutting.

Narrator: The zombie dodges under Ystava's horns as Torvall cuts off its head.

Torvall: ###


Osgar: open the paut!

Torvall: And I think I broke LoS with the one aiming at me.

Osgar: HT or an I out of range?

GM: HT at +0.

Torvall: Was I in range on my turn as well?

Osgar: I failed last time

Osgar: Health check result: ?failed by 1

GM: Then HT+1 for Osgar (so he succeeds!) and HT+0 for Torvall.

Osgar: so shouldn't I be at +1?

Torvall: HT(13): [s(13,1)

Osgar: hazzah!

Torvall: HT(13): result: ?succeeded by 6 »

GM: ROUND10: YOU ARE UP, Horde Zombie 1!

Zombies: Corrupt Zombie 3 throws all-out at Torvall with Ystava in the way result: ?succeeded by 0 »
Zombie 4 throws at Ystava all-out result: ?failed by 7 »

Ystävä: I'm great cover.

Ystävä: Not great enough apparently.

Ystävä: But still.

Zombies: Zombie 4 hits Torvall instead? result: ?failed by 9 »

Beltarne: A for effort

Torvall: Block?(11): result: ?succeeded by 8 »

GM: ROUND11: YOU ARE UP, Mouser!

Bedlam: step to move with beltarne, AOD

GM: ROUND11: YOU ARE UP, Twisted Elemental!

Twisted Elemental: Keep zapping Artegal from behind result: ?succeeded by 5 » Rcl3 RoF5

Twisted Elemental: Does 6 and 6 lightning
Chains to Bedlam result: ?succeeded by 5 » RoF2 Rcl3 and one goes back to the twisted elemental

Artegal: Continue being in pain. How many times does he get to do that before I catch on and can dodge and drop?

Ystävä: ...

GM: You need to have your muscles stop contracting involuntarily long enough that you can fall over.

Ystävä: Why aren't you dodge and dropping? STunned is -4 to dodge, not no dodge.

Artegal: I'm not stunned, I'm unaware.

Beltarne: Heh

Ystävä: oh.

Artegal: "Unaware"

Bedlam: please tell me i'm not dropping this potion

GM: Bedlam can dodge.

Artegal: Anyway, Major Wound: result: ?succeeded by 9 »

Bedlam: i can try anyway

GM: And no, it's not knockdown, just stun.

Bedlam: Dodge(5) result: ?failed by 8

Twisted Elemental: Does 6 and 5 lighting to Bedlam

Artegal: And there's some penalty for the lightning, I'm sure. result: ?succeeded by 6 »

Artegal: If the penalty's bigger than 6, I'm still stunned.

GM: You're still stunned Artegal. Bedlam takes 1 injury and needs to roll HT to avoid getting stunned.

GM: ROUND11: YOU ARE UP, Artegal!

Bedlam: Health check result: ?succeeded by 3

GM: Artegal rolls HT to avoid unconscious. Rolls HT-1 to avoid freezing. Rolls HT to recover from Stun.

Artegal: HT: result: ?succeeded by 8 »

Artegal: HT: result: ?succeeded by 9 »

Artegal: HT: result: ?succeeded by 5 »

GM: ROUND11: YOU ARE UP, Bedlam!

Bedlam: drink!

Bedlam: what i roll for major healing potion?

Ystävä: 1d+5 or 6 was it?

GM: Major healing is 1d+6

Bedlam: not to mention... what do i type for the rolls?

GM: Heals 10x2

Ystävä: square brackets

GM: ROUND11: YOU ARE UP, Ystävä!

Bedlam: i like that

Bedlam: thanks

Ystävä: turns and steps, and swipes his horns at the elemental. He's wincing in advance.

Ystävä: Horn Thrust to SM 0: result: ?succeeded by 3 automatic deceptive attack for -2/-1 » (SM0)

Torvall: ((Ahh...he's not smart enough to know what will happen in advance! Even after seeing Bedlam get shocked!)

Twisted Elemental: Dodges and sidesteps result: ?failed by 2 »

Ystävä: Horn tip slash does 9 (cut)

Twisted Elemental: Does 2 lightning damage to Ystava and staggers a bit, the horns cutting through the weird solidified lightning.

GM: ROUND11: YOU ARE UP, Beltarne!

Beltarne: Drink paut.

Beltarne: and step.

Beltarne: HT roll for ice at +0?

GM: Yes.

Beltarne: Health check result: ?succeeded by 0

GM: ROUND11: YOU ARE UP, Torvall!

Ystävä: Oh, I forgot ice

Ystävä: result: ?succeeded by 8 »

Ystävä: I'm cool.

Torvall: HT(13) against ice: result: ?succeeded by 0 ». Then move and swing at the elemental. Broadsowrd(19), capped at 9: result: ?failed by 4 ».

Osgar: but not ice cold


Ystävä: So cool the cold can't supercool me.

Torvall: Did I have any penalties on the ice?

Osgar: HT at even? then drink paut

GM: Yes.

Osgar: Health check result: ?failed by 2

GM: Torvall: no.

Torvall: Okies.

Osgar: step

GM: ROUND11: YOU ARE UP, Horde Zombie 1!

Osgar: net +3 FP

Narrator: With the force of Tyr pinning the demonic twisted elemental against the side of the house, it collapses. Whimpering with pain, it pleads for pity in the face of divine wrath. Torvall, Artegal, and Ystava combine to righteously strike it down.

Beltarne: Hooray!

Narrator: As the final blow destroys the last of the demonic presence in the valley, the zombies lose their connection to the necromantic energies and collapse, returned to mere corpses once again.

Osgar: Hazzah!

Ystävä: Hurray!

Torvall: "Well fought friends!"

Beltarne: First Aid all around, followed by Searching for teh loots!

Osgar: "Aye, tho we could wait a bit before kicking the door in next time, I CAN see through walls with a bit of work you know."

Bedlam: bedlam is at 6hp

Ystävä: bellows loudly, and bangs his knuckles on the ceiling, before settling down to a more subdued "Hurray!"

Bedlam: mouser is at -10hp

Ystävä: 12/20, 7/13 F

GM: Artegal is hamburger!

Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (Human) result: ?CRITICALLY SUCCEEDED by 11

Beltarne: That's Bedlam

Ystävä: Art is -4

GM: Well, cooked meat anyway.

Bedlam is fully healed!

Beltarne: Can I touch him without him exploding into fire?

Osgar: I can if you can't

Ystävä: (( Rub some dirt on it! ))

Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (Human) result: ?CRITICALLY SUCCEEDED by 10

GM: What, Artegal? Sure. He's just disowned by the gods, you're not a bad person for tending him.

Beltarne: Artegal

Torvall: moves over to Artegal and lays on hands for 9 fatigue.

Ystävä: Dood, beltarne is on a ROLL.

Torvall: Will(14): result: ?succeeded by 6 »

Beltarne: Now I get the rolls

Osgar: indeed!

Torvall: That will heal 18 HP.

Artegal: You're at -3 to heal me, but that should do it.

GM: Torvall only needs to use 6 FP, because the first aid covers some of it.

Torvall: OK

Osgar: should I do the cat while you're first aiding?

Beltarne: Ystava

Torvall: Leaves me at 4 or so

Beltarne: Yes

Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (Human) result: ?succeeded by 3

Beltarne: 5

Osgar: ok, full 4FP on the kitty

GM: Where are you guys searching?

Beltarne: Torval, you injured?

Torvall: I am also down by 7HP

Osgar: Major Healing result: ?succeeded by 3

Ystävä: Start with this building, including the basement

Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (Human) result: ?succeeded by 3

GM: Alright then.

Beltarne: Torval

Beltarne: 4

Beltarne: Penalty for the Cat?

Osgar: ?

Torvall: Down by 3 works.

Beltarne: For first aid,

Beltarne: Since it's not a humanoid

Osgar: I just went for the magic, not a vet

GM: Uhm, -6 or so, Beltarne.

Beltarne: First Aid/TL3 (Human) result: ?failed by 4

Beltarne: Meh, still heals 1

Osgar: I'll rest 2 mins and then search

Beltarne: Drop a Minor Heal on Mouser for 4 FP, then rest.

Beltarne: Minor Healing (Holy) result: ?succeeded by 7

GM: The dwarf lord wore double proof light steel dwarven harness, though it's been heavily damaged and corroded and is now only DR4 and worth 25% of normal. It could be repaired. He also has a fine dwarven pick and a fine great dwarven shield (it was polished once, no longer).

Beltarne: Great dwarven shield?

Beltarne: What's great mean?

GM: The dwarf lady has a fine dwarven medium shield and a fine hatchet with some kind of magic.

Bedlam: bathroom break

GM: Great is large, oops, confused notes.

Beltarne: K

Ystävä: Upsidedowncat suggests someone learn the Repair spell.

Beltarne: Don't know if I can

Osgar: I can, but pre-reqs are costly

Ystävä: Sadly not a Cleric spell :/

Beltarne: Dwarven Artifacer cleric would be cool

GM: In the basement, there is a dwarven book made of silver plates, "Das Tagebunch von Frau Loreley Elenore Starkegarm". It weighs 6 lbs and would have value just for the silver weight.

Bedlam: back

Beltarne: Translated that means?

Beltarne: Fighting manual?

GM: There's also a scenic painting of some high plains with the scene in the distance background.

Bedlam: is mouser healthy again?

Beltarne: He's up.... 9

Beltarne: so at -1, and resting.

GM: uhm... Beltarne can puzzle it out as the "the diary of Miss Lorely Elenore Strongarm."

Beltarne: We'll stay here the night, I'll do a healing slumber on him.

Beltarne: Should be close to full by the next morning.

GM: There's also a metal dwarven dollhouse, and the dwarven lord had a ring of office on him - made from electrum and well carved.

Osgar: isn't mouser >20 HP?

Osgar: I did 8 (doubled) to him

Ystävä: Dollhouse = happy pixies.

GM: Anyone have a Connoisseur (Fine Art) or Area Knowledge (Silk Road)?

Torvall: I can easily heal him for like 48 points if I'm given 5 minutes to rest....will need to rest again after that tho.

GM: And searchers can make Search rolls.

Artegal: I might have the former.

Torvall: 45 minute to rest i mean

Bedlam: yeah, >20

Beltarne: This searcher is taking extra time.

Beltarne: For +2

Osgar: he should be up 32 then, since I think we both healed him

Beltarne: Search result: ?succeeded by 5

Osgar: I can heal more after searching/resting if needed

Ystävä: Perception check result: ?failed by 6»

Osgar: Search result: ?succeeded by 4

Torvall: I can heal for huge amounts if Im at full fatigue.

Ystävä: Srsly, Lay on Hands is boss.

Artegal: Connoiseur (Visual Arts) at 9, does that count?

GM: Beltarne also finds a dwarven whetstone in all the rubble. ($500, 1 lb); the painting is worth $150 and weighs 3 lbs.

Osgar: I have Connoisseur (all) at a default of 11 if all else fails

GM whispers to Beltarne: The painting looks familiar to you - you've seen references to it in the Polisberg library. It's several centuries old and actually worth $1800. Also, the panaroma is odd - it shows the Silk Road, but the Abbey of Last Resort and the mound that it sits on are both missing from the picture.

Beltarne: I have to go guys.

Beltarne: Sorry.

GM: Alright, we'll pick up next week with looting and stuff.
